· TRANSITION OF A BELOVED PETWelcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to where there is a box on the home page to enter your email address.SPECIAL NOTES: Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers in the United States! Request MBOs for all your travels and reunions with families.
I’m making progress. We are almost finished switching web hosting companies, and next is the newsletter. I plan to send all of those you’ve missed.
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers–Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura, (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
FERGUSON DECISION NOT TO INDICTLee writes: Well, Tom, they have just announced the verdict of the grand jury findings in the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, MO. I am curious as to what your guides think of this and the impact of the verdict in the area. Thank you.
Gaia, what type of positive outcome can we expect from the decline of the grand jury to indict the police officer in Ferguson, Missouri?
Yes, Tom, there will be some positive changes. More police departments will adopt body cameras so that there will be no doubts as to actions by police officers. When there is full disclosure then the police officers – and there are those who are bad apples shall we call them – will be rooted out and dismissed or even arrested for their actions. More police departments will institute programs to teach officers about cultural differences and how to handle different ethnic groups. These are some of the most positive changes. Police departments will also study what happened in Ferguson to learn how to do better crowd control for the future.
Will the police officer face anymore charges from the Federal government?
Not necessarily, Tom. They know the grand jury deliberated extensively and, under present laws, the police officer reacted according to the current guidelines. These guidelines will be reviewed and changes made.
Let’s say the following Benevolent Prayer (BP): “I ask any and all beings to bring peace to the citizens of Ferguson, Missouri and to keep them and their property safe, thank you!”
Lindsay writes: I’ve checked all of your previous posts on autism, and I don’t think that this has been addressed yet. If you have time, would you be able to ask Theo about this? My son was just diagnosed with autism this week, and I’m curious about the following:
Why do some kids make a full recovery from autism? I know that Theo said we would discover the gene in the future and cure it. However, I cannot help but wonder why some kids are “cured.” Were they misdiagnosed? Did their parents do something vital in the early stages? I guess I am trying to figure out the best treatments for my son. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Gaia, why do some children appear to be cured of autism and others not. Is it a misdiagnosis, or what treatment is best that is available at the present time?
Yes, a complicated disease or condition, Tom, as there can be a number of factors that contribute to a child experiencing autism. Of course, this is a condition that is on a person’s soul contract to experience, which most don’t understand. A child may experience autism to give his or her parents the opportunity to be caregivers. There are children who have it on their soul contracts to experience this for only a short period of time. Again, this is very complex as it can go back over several lifetimes.
And there is no set treatment that will work in each child’s case. Art and music certainly can help alleviate the symptoms, although not technically a cure. Simple movement games can also assist. As we have mentioned many times to you, Tom, this is another part of the DNA strand that will be manipulated in the future to completely cure this condition. Using different color schemes can also help an autistic child.
There are also times when holding certain crystals can have a healing effect. Read up on the properties of crystals such as amethysts. Those are suggestions, Tom, but not complete cures. Each child is different and what works for one child might very well not for another. Be open to your guides to try different methods. Request BPs to find the best treatments for the particular child. That’s all, Tom.
Let’s all say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) for Lindsay and her son out loud: “I ask any and all beings to assist and comfort Lindsay and her son, and to find the best treatments for his autism, thank you!”
Theo, when will the U.S. Congress pass an Immigration Bill?
Yes, Tom, they will eventually pass one, but not before trying everything in their power to negate what President Obama has signed as Executive Orders. The Republican conservatives would rather sit on their hands and try and demonstrate what a terrible president Mr. Obama is so that they can have a chance of putting a Republican in the White House in 2016. Their efforts to undermine his actions will be only marginally successful forcing them to take up the reform. That, at the present time, is the highest probability.
MORE QUESTIONS ON ATLANTIS & MUGaia, what was the population of the largest island for the Sons of Belial—Aryan, I understand?
Yes, it was several million as you guessed, Tom. But certainly less than Poseidon.
Was it more than five million?
Yes, they were more densely populated so their numbers rose to between eight and ten million—yes, nine million was very close. What was the size of this island, Gaia? Was it two-thirds Poseidon?
Slightly less, Tom, but not by much.
Would it have been the size of say Hispaniola?
Yes, somewhat that size. Look up its size and compare it to two thirds of the size of Poseidon.
What about the populations of the other smaller island?
They totaled another five million between them, Tom.
Was the population of Poseidon [the size of Cuba] under 15 million or over?
Slightly over, Tom, at its peak.
Why were there not any other islands under the control of the Law of One?
Because they were driven from their homes to find refuge on Poseidon over a number of years, Tom. At one time they coexisted, but just as you see in the Middle East today, one religion pushes the other out. This is a problem you will solve one day. It is a carryover from the Atlantean days that was not solved then, so you must now solve it, and you will.
And your thinking is correct. It is similar to soul contracts where if you do not solve a challenge in one life, it keeps coming back until you do.
Did either of these Atlantean people have settlements on the North American continent?
Quite so. Each did have settlements, but kept completely separate. Naturally as you were told before, Tom, when these islands destroyed themselves most of these settlements were wiped out by tsunamis. Those that were living farther inland then rebounded for a time until the continent of MU sank, and again were wiped out when the waters rose over 100 feet all over the world. The coasts were eventually repopulated by indigenous people migrating from Asia over several thousands of years.
Theo, did the Lemurians have all the entertainment choices that the Atlanteans had?
Quite so, Tom. But as was explained before, their dances, music, and all other forms of entertainment were quite different, as their cultures were quite different, and even varied widely on the MU continent due to the difference in religions. Again, there is nothing new under the sun, Tom, as humans have explored every type of religion and belief system over thousands and thousands of years.
Theo, did both the Atlanteans and Lemurians have all the forms of art we have today?
Quite so, Tom. Whether the art was in the form of paintings, statues, metal work, or any other form of artwork you can imagine, there were humans who wished to express themselves through creating art. Naturally, over thousands of years, this art took many forms and they went through periods where in one century one type of art would be popular and then in a few years something else would rise in popularity.
Gaia, was the Atlantean island Aryan more or less than 30,000 square miles?
More, Tom, but not too much more. Let’s say for your purposes a little under 32,000 square miles.
Is there any island today it would compare to?
Yes, check the Caribbean islands.
Hispaniola in the Caribbean is 29,530 square miles (76,480 square kilometers).
When the second destruction happened, I was previously told there were over 30 million Atlanteans who lost their lives. How many more world wide lost their lives from the ensuing tsunamis and rapid rise in the ocean levels?
You can easily double that number, Tom, as there were many coastal towns and villages during that time period. There is no other time in the history of the Explorer Race when so many transitioned at one time.
Wouldn’t the time, several thousand years later, when the continent of MU was destroyed result in similar numbers of deaths?
No, more people were able to escape compared to the first time. Add to that the continent of MU was not as heavily populated as had been Atlantis. There had also been a number of people who migrated away from MU who did not wish to join in the fighting.
I would think that it would take a long time for those who survived the sinking and tsunamis and rise in ocean levels to get over this.
Yes, people were terribly frightened and it took several generations to rebuild not only the cities and towns, but also their lives. These were great catastrophes, although certainly these were on the soul contracts of all those affected. Even today there are a number of people who are afraid of drowning as this was burned into their psyches.
So back to the number of people worldwide that were killed when the 2nd destruction happened. Was it more than 70 million people?
Yes, but less than 100 million people, Tom. The world was still not that heavily populated, but was greatly reduced for some time. As I stated before, it took generations to recover.
How many people perished when MU destroyed itself?
All that were left in the five countries, Tom, plus an additional 20 million. This is why your archeologists think the population was much smaller, Tom, as the waters rose over 100 feet and obliterated any evidence of life on the coasts of the world.
Gaia, why is it on my soul contract to write the book on the history of these two continents?
Because you were intimately involved, Tom, and had more lives on both continents than anyone alive today. And it is time for people to learn more abut your history.
Theo, did Atlantis and Lemuria have any type of stock exchanges?
No, not like today, Tom. Companies were much, much smaller than today. None were even a tenth the size of even smaller conglomerates. Therefore, there was not the constant transfer of stocks that occurs in today’s world. Things were slower then, not nearly as fast paced as today.
Theo, I wish to verify that there were humans on earth 10.5 million years ago?
Humans yes, but as we discussed before not with the same brain capacity as today. Adam man and woman had not been decided upon at that time. Still, they were ensouled by those who wished to get their feet wet, including you, Tom. You were one of the first, and as was typical at that time, you did not last too long. Yet, you still gained valuable experience in that short life.
This story and the next one were in last Saturday’s Blog that has nothing but MBO and BP stories. You can read the blogs at and sign up for the blog by clicking on this link:
Lori writes: I have an MBO! I’ve been saying them for about two years and teaching my kids also. My 10 year old is into acting and modeling. In July, we went with her local agent to a huge acting event with lots of big agents and casting directors. On the last day, if any were interested you would get a callback to meet with them. The weeks leading up to the event, my daughter and I said an MBO for five callbacks. Not sure why we picked that number–it just seemed right. Well, on the last day, she got five callbacks! I totally forgot that we said the MBO for five, but my daughter didn’t! She was in awe that out of any number she could have received we got the five she asked for.
I suggested next time try and request more callbacks than you can hope for or expect—she might even have more than five!
Sara writes from Pittsburgh: I have three younger brothers–one in Kansas, Missouri, and the youngest in Colorado–while I’m in Pennsylvania. I was on the phone with my mom one night while my youngest brother was talking to Dad. Mom happened to tell me my brother had put in his notice at a place where he had worked for four or five years and was going to get something through a temp agency to get him by. I told Mom to ask him to call me when he got off the phone with Dad. (We only usually call each other on our birthdays.)
 When he called me back, I told him about MBOs and exactly how to word them, told him about your books, and said I’d text him some more ideas on wording for him to find something perfect for him through the temp agency. I also told him to use them for anything small or large. Gave him other examples of how I use them for getting to work and home, having my shift go smoothly with everyone happy to work together. This was a little less than two weeks from him being done with his previous job.
A couple weeks later, I checked in with him to see how it was working out. He said he wasn’t really sure how he could tell me; I prodded a little, and he said they helped his last two weeks go nicely, and had been helping him with just his whole life being smoother. It also seems he found a much better job that pays a few dollars more than the previous one just starting out! I had mentioned maybe requesting a place where the people liked working together and would appreciate him and it could turn into long term for him. The hours are much more conducive for him too! I think it has definitely worked out better than he could hope for! He really appreciates the MBOs, as do I! Keep up the excellent work! I also hope your health continues to improve!
It was nice that her brother was open to giving MBOs a try.
DEATH ON THE BATTLEFIELDTheo, in battles I’m sure there are many times when two combatants kill each other at virtually the same time. When that happens, do they still tend to try and carry on the battle, or are they whisked away by their death angels?
All of the above, Tom. Yes, they do in many instances continue to try and fight each other, but they see no results. Then their “death angels,” as you call them, are able to explain to each that they are no longer alive. Then they might visit their families, or they continue on to their resting place. Each death is handled individually as the souls who act as death angels are well aware of the soul contracts.
Theo, when a beloved cat or dog dies they seem to stay around the family for a time. How long is this allowed before the soul fragment heads for the staging area for its next life?
Yes, the cats and dogs are allowed to remain close by if there was a loving relationship with the family. There is no set time limit, but as the humans begin to lose their attachment, the soul fragments then are assisted to begin their journey to the staging areas. As we have discussed before, Tom, if there is a strong connection, and especially if there is an MBO request, that same soul fragment will return to the family in the future. It might have another life in between, or it might be born into a litter immediately or even a year or more earlier so that when the time is perfect, they reappear in the lives of their family.
Is the assistance to move on from their group soul, or does it come from human guides who volunteered for this duty?
Both, and in combination, Tom.
For my new readers I have an article on my website titled UNDERSTANDING ORBS, which gives more information on this subject. Link is:
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
GUARDIAN ANGEL 101—MARCH 7, 2009, MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-JUNE 6, 2009, SEPTEMBER 12, 2009, SEPTEMBER 27, 2009, JANUARY 8, 2011, JANUARY 30, 2010, JUNE 5, 2010, JULY 3, 2010, JULY 17 2010, OCTOBER 15, 2010, FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26, 2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011, MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011, AUGUST 6, 2011, AUGUST 27, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012, SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014–MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, AUGUST, 9, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER, 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014,
ATLANTIS—MAY 17, 2008—JULY 12, 2008, SEPTEMBER 13, 2008, DECEMBER 5, 2009, JANUARY 2, 2010, FEBRUARY 7, 2010, OCTOBER 2, 2010, NOVEMBER 20, 2010, APRIL 23, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, OCTOBER 22, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, AUGUST 25, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, FEBRUARY 16, 2013, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 16, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, MARCH 30, 2013, APRIL 6, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 1, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014,CONVERSATIONS WITH ANTURA, THE ET—DECEMBER 13, 2008—MARCH 21, 2009 (ALL); APRIL 18–MAY 16, 2009; JULY 25, 2009; AUGUST 22, 2009; NOVEMBER 7, 2009; DECEMBER 5, 2009; DECEMBER 12, 2009; DECEMBER 19, 2009; FEBRUARY 6, 2010; FEBRUARY 10, 2010, APRIL 24, 2010; OCTOBER 31, 2010, JUNE 4, 2011, JUNE 18, 2011, JUNE 25, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, JULY 9, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 30, 2011, AUGUST 13, 2011, OCTOBER 29, 2011, NOVEMBER 5, 2011, NOVEMBER 11, 2011, NOVEMBER 19, 2011, NOVEMBER 26, 2011, DECEMBER 3, 2011, DECEMBER 10, 2011, DECEMBER 17, 2011, DECEMBER 31, 2011, JANUARY 14, 2012, JANUARY 21, 2012, JANUARY 28, 2012, FEBRUARY 4, 2012, FEBRUARY 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 18, 2012, FEBRUARY 25 2012, MARCH 3, 2012, MARCH 17, 2012, MARCH 24, 2012, APRIL 7, 2012, APRIL 28, 2012, MAY 5, 2012, MAY 12, 2012, MAY 19, 2012, MAY 26, 2012, JUNE 2, 2012, JUNE 16, 2012, JUNE 23, 2012, JUNE 30, 2012, JULY 7, 2012, JULY 14, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 24, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, DECEMBER 22, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012–JUNE 7, 2014 (ALL), JUNE 14, 2014, JUINE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014,JESUS–SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JULY 12, 2014,
GAIA, SOUL OF THE EARTH— AUGUST 23, 2008, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, MARCH 30, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, FEBRUARY 15, 2014, FEBRUARY 22, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014,
TIME LINES—JANUARY 29, 2011, FEBRUARY 5, 2011, JULY 16, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, NOVEMBER 30, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2014, JANUARY 4, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014,
THE LOST CONTINENT OF MU—MAY 30-JUNE 13, 2009; JULY 11; JULY 21, 2012; JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 18, 2014, FEBRUARY 1, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 8, 2014, MARCH 15, 2014, MARCH 22, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, APRIL, 12, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is .
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at . Let’s be friends!BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books. Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore
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