The Gentle Way Books
For those of you that are new readers of this Blog, about 13 years or so ago I started requesting Benevolent Outcomes for first the small mundane things like a parking space in front of a busy restaurant or busy shopping center, and then expanded it as I experienced successes to include all my business life as an international film and TV distributor and my personal life. Requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s as I call them) has been spreading around the world, and I receive success stories from Europe, Australia, and Asia, to name a few. Now here are some great emails I’ve received in the past month!
Diane writes: “I wrote to you in the fall about MBO’s regarding breast cancer. I had had a follow-up mammogram at a specialized Breast Care Center and further results from an MRI, which indicated that a biopsy was needed. I kept requesting an MBO and with one thing and another, I couldn’t get an appointment to see the MD until March. I wanted to discuss the MRI results before deciding upon the biopsy.
”When I arrived, the nurse asked me to change into a gown. I said I wasn’t there for a procedure, but to talk to the MD. She went to check, and when she returned she offered me three options: 1) it was time for a 6 month follow-up mammogram. I could do that and then see the MD; 2) I could return in 3 months and take a second MRI; 3) I could talk to the MD. I chose option one. The breast care specialist shared with me the radiologist’s report that I had no changes from the last mammogram. I had no cancer. She sent a report to my internist saying that they used a computer to verify the mammogram results and that I had no cancer. It was not necessary to have a biopsy. So, I was very, very grateful. Thank you very much for the MBO you gave to me.”
Diana in Hong Kong writes in two emails: “Just want to update you that the time you wrote me the email, I immediately get that “whisper in my ear.” It is beyond words how that whisper comes to my ear.
“My sister wants to ask, whether it is possible to do too many MBO requests? (I don’t think so). I think you and your GA also said it in the book, yes? Thank you for the blessing of your teaching.
“I hope you could one day find time to make a second book to The Gentle Way.
Because I am sure many MBOs situations didn’t make it to book 1, even though it makes it to your newsletter and Sedona Journal column. Even though I enjoyed reading your newsletter and column, I like the idea of having a dictionary of “situations” to refer to.
“I just came back from a trip to Shenzhen with our 2 young kids, and the MBOs helped a lot during our vacation. On our way back, I didn’t forget to request MBOs for passing the China customs quickly, safely and the car passed very quickly without a hitch. We got a friendly officer, which liked children. And we seem to get taxis everywhere safely and get the best-looking taxis (where in China the taxis tend to be pretty old).”
You can’t request too many MBO’s. That’s just a “3rd dimensional” idea. These Guardian Angels are so powerful that as I’ve said before my GA could handle 10 million requests for a parking space at the same time and never break a sweat (again using 3d terminology). Remember that they are taking care of each of us in all of our lives on earth ALL AT THE SAME TIME (600 to 800 on average) and in ALL 12 TIME LINES for each life, and for all the soul groups (6 to 12 on average per soul) for 6,000 to 19,000 souls on average. Do the math and that comes out to one billion or so decisions and counseling each minute! It’s just beyond our third dimensional understanding.
I asked my Guardian Angel Theo in meditation– Are my figures correct about the 1 billion or more decisions you must make for all the soul fragments in all their lives being lived at the same time?
Yes, Tom. More or less. Perhaps I don’t normally think of it in those 3d terms, but on your level of understanding, yes, I have millions of decisions and acts of assistance I provide the soul fragments in any given minute of all their lives being lived at the same time. You just had no concept until recently exactly what I meant by multi-tasking, as it was beyond your concept at that time. You will have even more of an understanding in the future to look forward to. So yes, those figures could be accurate, although naturally there are fluctuations.
Judy in Sydney writes: “After reading an article by you in an Australian magazine, I rushed to order The Gentle Way. I eagerly awaited its arrival in the post (I live in Sydney, Australia). I have now just finished it and want to tell you how much it has benefited my life. Although I have always worked with angels, the MBO method is much more concise and effective. I have been doing MBO’s for two weeks now – it has worked particularly well with little things e.g. conversations, events, driving, etc. I am waiting for the most important thing in my life right now, which is to get the best job for me that will cover my expenses. My current job has been cut back to two days per week and I am not able to pay my mortgage and expenses. My MBO is “I request a most benevolent outcome for the perfect job for me that will use my talents and abilities and provide more than enough income to cover my expenses”. Do you have any better suggestions?
”Also, can you tell me how often I can say the same MBO? I’ve been saying it several times a day -whenever start worrying about my situation. I figured it was better to say an MBO than worry. However, I wanted to ask you if it is a good idea to say the same MBO several times a day.”
For Judy and all of my new subscribers, you can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the PERFECT job for me, thank you!” You only have to say that once, as it frees your Guardian Angel to start working to make that happen. It might be weeks or months, and you might land an interim job, as someone else might have that job and will have to leave first (benevolently). You need to change up the MBO’s each day. Request one when you look online for jobs, or request one for finding something in the paper, or request one each time you go for an interview, and request one each time you go out to network with friends.
And don’t forget to go to my website and click on SIGNS and print out the EXPECT GREAT THINGS TODAY mantra. Theo says you will see some amazing things begin to happen when you say that each day.
Lyn writes: “I loved hearing about your trip to the UK! It’s one of my most favorite places. So many great MBOs here…couldn’t wait to tell you that our first class based on your book is Saturday, May 2nd. Everything just dropped into place!
“I also have such fun news about my living situation-all the outcome of requesting MBOs. I’ve been a professional dog nanny and house sitter for the past 2 years, and sharing the rent at my daughter’s apartment, though spending very little time there.
“She is off to do some traveling and I thought…..hmmmm, wouldn’t it be nice to not have rent and utilities. So, of course, out went the request for an MBO, and I came up with a lovely apartment (for free) in exchange for some dog sitting (which I love).
“Then I was thinking about the country on weekends, and the brother of a friend (who happens to have a stone house on 80 acres) wants someone to live in the house once in a while, so it looks cared for (he only uses it 3-4 times a year, otherwise it’s empty). Oh, yeah…for free!! Cool, huh? So, I now have free housing for my times in between dog nanny jobs. No rent, no utilities!!
“I think maybe the most fun about requesting MBOs is not worrying about how something is going to come about…it just does. Thanks to our guardian angels! Thank you again, Tom, for writing the book! Expecting great things.”
Lynn from Oregon writes: “My husband and I are going to Mexico in May to celebrate our 30th…. We don’t do much traveling so this is big for us…. We are going to Riviera Maya outside of Cancun. Asked for MBO when planning this trip and sure got incredible prices and trust it will be the perfect place for us to be staying!
“We will be going on a day trip to Chichen Itza, a place we both wanted to experience. So I am wondering if any of your guides know anything about this and if there is a chance of having a spiritual experience there? Thank you Tom….. We will of course ask for MBO’s the whole trip!”
Theo, why do people feel strange, when climbing the Chichen Itza pyramid in Mexico?
Yes, as you may have guessed, the stones have many energies imprinted on them from the past—both good and bad Tom. The pyramid itself has energies from its geographic location and its situation in connection to the astrological alignments. So between them all you have a lot of energy that sensitive people can feel quite easily and others to a certain extent.
And do request a MBO for an experience there at the pyramid.
Last month Daphnee in Vienna, Austria was asking how to request an MBO for amicably dissolving a marriage. Daphnee writes: “Thank you so much for your MBO. It worked marvelously, at least the first step. In mid-February as he moved out, he informed me that he would not get a divorce. After I said the MBO and talked to God, this Saturday he asked me for a divorce.
“I will continue saying the MBO so that there is no quarrel between us and that it goes through smoothly in divine timing and divine ways. I will keep you informed. Bless you.”
Charlene writes: “When I write out my MBO’s I put them on flashcards and post where I can see and read easily all day long. The first time I write it out I do say it out loud, but then simply read the words after that. I don’t change the words, I simply wait. Once the MBO has become a reality I take the card down.
“You say the request only has to be made once AND changed out every day. Sorry but that confuses me. Am I going about this all wrong? I’ve been granted everything I’ve asked for very quickly using the flashcards. Longest wait was three months so I find it hard to believe I’m doing this “wrong”. HELP!!!
“The other “strange” thing thats going on is even though I’ve told my partner and my sister about MBOs and they say they’ve “tried” with no results, when I create an MBO for them for their requests things start happening for them very quickly. Why is that?”
I think it’s fine to post the cards, as it is a mental reminder that you requested the MBO. I think it helps create the event–junior creator in training. You’re EXPECTING it to happen!
I find that when people say they have requested MBO’s and “they don’t work” is either because they requested something so far off it doesn’t seem to have been successful, or they really are rejecting it but want to tell you they tried. They might be lazy–after all, this takes a little concentration to make it a habit–or they can’t believe, because of previous religious training, that people can actually make these requests and they’re answered. Many people have been taught that they’re “not worthy,” and only some religious leader can make requests for them.
When you request a MBO in front of them and it happens, then it will remind them that this actually works–especially if it is something simple like a parking spot or any of the mundane things we do everyday. Remember, as I wrote about in the book, there is a RADIANT EFFECT so when you request a MBO for yourself, it can include them too. If it’s just for them, you’re supposed to say, “I ask…..” in the form of a Benevolent Prayer, as a whole different set of angels handle those requests INSTANTLY.
Have a Most Benevolent Week and Merry Christmas for all of you who celebrate!
Tom T. Moore