The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

December 4, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 12-4-10


The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

My publisher, Light Technology is having a super special on my books.  They are 35% off, more than on at 28% and 32% respectively.  Only problem is, you have to phone them to order.  On orders of $50 or more they offer free shipping.  They are not open today, so best to phone on Monday.  The toll free number is 800-450-0985 and the regular number is 928-526-1345. I am told over and over again that these books CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVES, so give a gift that keeps on giving for the rest of your friends’ or family’s lives.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Rita writes:  I always read your newsletter with great interest.  I do MBOs all the time and the other day I was out walking without an umbrella when it started to rain quite heavily. I immediately did a MBO and the rain stopped immediately. Amazing.


Loanne writes:  I’ve been reading about your MBO’s since you first mentioned them several years back.  My sister has been after me to send my MBO results to you for some time, but I never seemed to get around to it.  Anyway, here’s my latest!

Yesterday I said an MBO for our copier at my office–which has been having some voltage problems lately.  Our Electrical Shop quoted us several thousand dollars to put in a dedicated line.  I stated in my MBO that this be the best outcome for everyone involved (because many people use this copier and several departments are sharing the cost).  I mentioned in the MBO that I would like to have an unexpected result…something better than we could imagine. We all KNEW we’d end up paying a lot for this dedicated line.  Anyway, the electrical person just informed me that he’s figured a way for their work to come within the quoted price of only $400….we are all thrilled!!  In this day of economic stress, it’s so good to hear that something isn’t going to cost an arm and a leg!  I’m still thanking my angels for their help!!

And Tom, this is just one of many incidences of good things that have happened since I started using MBOs.  Everything just seems to “work out.”  I hope you’ll publish this – if for no other reason than to give hope to others who are skeptical about this wonderful process.


Eleanor writes:  Some time ago, I moved into a new complex and experienced a great deal of stress as a result of not transitioning well and being impacted by the negativity in my new surroundings.  When I shared this with you, you kindly suggested an MBO that I used. And now to share the results!!  Here is what you suggested:

“I ask that any and all beings help everyone in this complex to come to love and respect all people of different races and beliefs and that those who don’t move away and are replaced by others who vibrate at a higher level.  Thank you.”

Over a rather short time, I began to notice fewer cars in the parking lot and the apparent (but unexpressed stress) of the Manager.  Upon checking, I found there were an inordinate number of vacancies.  At least a dozen, I think.  As of yesterday, when I checked again, I was informed by the office personnel (with great glee) of the fact they had six people today alone coming in to sign new leases.

I simply had to share this with you because it is just one more proof of the authenticity of what you teach – MBO’s DO work.  Thank you, Tom.

I gave my book one away, and just received my replacement today.  Book one, by the way, ended up in New Hampshire and has “expanded” interest and usage there. Several people there will be getting your book as Christmas gifts.  I’m in the process of re-reading it.  I rarely do that but I’m finding this as much fun as the first time I read it and it also is refreshing my memory on things I probably have forgotten.  Additionally, it is giving me an inventory of where I was and where I am now.

I don’t believe you have used this in your blog before.  It’s pretty fantastic, don’t you agree?

It is!


She asked me to change her name so Carole writes:  Just read the great blog. You can use this long story if you have space next time.  First, I should say that my college-age daughter has always complained I don’t carry enough junk food in the house, specifically Oreos, and that I didn’t put them in her lunches when she was little either! I have been doing general MBO’s and Expect Great Things affirmations daily. I have also been doing MBO’s for a better relationship with her. I also have been doing angel exercises in Doreen Virtue’s book, “Angel Visions.” One chapter in that book mentions stories of people who have visitors from “Earth Angels’-strangers who appear out of nowhere to help with a specific task, then don’t hang around. Most of these angels are said to be very tall. She also has a chapter in another of her books about Archangel Michael about the vacuuming technique. You can visualize this angel attaching a tube at the top of your head to your energy field, turning on the vacuum and taking out any negative energy you may have acquired during the day from others. I had a run-in with a very negative person in the school where I was working as a sub. That night I tried the exercise and was not sure if it did anything or not, but I did an MBO anyway.

The next day, an event happened, and I wish I had been more alert-after 15 minutes I realized the synchronicity and the effects of the MBO! I was busy with a project, and pressed for time. This experience taught me to expect the unexpected, and it could be a great thing!

The doorbell rang and I answered it. There was a young, nice-looking very tall man, smiling, there holding a huge box of Oreos-like the type you would get at Costco-the equivalent of 5 regular boxes. He said “This is for you. I am doing home product demonstrations. I  like to give something in return for this since my boss requires I do this for a certain number of people each day.”

I laughed when I saw the box and thanked him. I mentioned to him that my daughter loves them. But since I was alone I didn’t feel comfortable having him come in. I said “Go get your appliance and I will meet you in the hallway. Do you have  a business card? I don’t know who you are.”

I got my coat and locked the door while he went to his car. When I got out to the hallway there were 2 huge boxes of a vacuum and a rug shampooer. I looked at his card and it said ‘Chittenden County Kirby”-a name I had never heard of. He also showed me his Vt. driving license. He said his name was Patrick (the name of my neighbor upstairs who looks nothing like him), and that I probably would not have heard of the company since they do not advertise. I said, “You know, I get our rugs shampooed by a friend of mine-he doesn’t charge much, and I already have a vacuum. Good luck, there are 200 people in the development, so you should find somebody. Here, you should take back your Oreos, but thank you so much anyway.” I tried to be as nice as I could, but I didn’t realize then that he was probably an Earth Angel, and if I had, I would have looked back to see where he went afterwards!

P.S. I think it is pretty clear who his “boss” is, don’t you think?


Gemma writes on Facebook: Thanks Tom. I ordered the book yesterday from Amazon. And I’ve been browsing your website for the past two days. Now practicing the MBOs. It’s funny, I requested a MBO for getting a good night’s sleep and I saw (spontaneously) in my mind’s eye someone jumping up and throwing their arms up in the air for joy. I had to laugh. I did get a good sleep – 12 hours in fact, and I feel fine.

I know for a fact angels exist (perhaps not with wings and a halo) because I’ve seen them in my dreams twice. So it’s easy for me to have faith that MBOs work. But since I have never communicated with angels in waking life, I’m guessing it’s going to take a while to establish the best way for my GA to communicate with me. I will be requesting assistance with losing weight and getting fit (I need a gym buddy too!), but that will be after Christmas. In the meantime, I have started requesting daily assistance with other things that I need help with in life, as well as doing the daily prayer for helping those I’ve harmed, etc. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. It’s made a huge difference!


I don’t normally put the same story in both my newsletter and this blog, but I felt it gives you some interesting information about one of the first uses of requesting Benevolent Outcomes for driving.

Billy in Japan on Facebook writes:  I’ve noticed an interesting trend in the Most Benevolent Outcomes I request for smooth driving. I drive on the same very congested routes during rush hour every week. When I first started requesting MBOs, the traffic lightened miraculously and I got to my destinations smoothly. As the weeks went on, each week it seemed to get lighter and lighter. For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been getting through intersections where the rush-hour traffic is normally backed up to almost a standstill for close to 2km with no waiting at all.

My question is, “Do the folks taking care of these MBOs get better and faster when they are asked for the same thing repeatedly (as in smooth driving for my routine driving routes)? My experience with the traffic seems to suggest they do, but is it only a coincidence?

I call my Guardian Angel Theo, as he says that humans can’t pronounce angelic names because our vocal chords are not made to be able to do this.  I consult him in mediation, so I asked about Billy’s question.

Theo, when you constantly request MBO’s for your driving, is there a cumulative effect, or is it just that you become used to traveling at a tuned in time shall we say?

Good question Tom.  Yes, there is a cumulative effect, as you do start tuning in when you should depart—the exact instant I might add, and of course the other drivers pick up on their own Guardian Angels whispering in their ear as to when to depart on their journey.  But it is more on the individual who requests the MBO’s as to them tuning in better as their own GA’s are whispering in their ears as to the best time to depart.  So there is a give and flow that goes beyond the normal request for a MBO that is requested each time.  A simple saying would be, “The more you use it the easier it gets.”  That applies not only to remembering to request MBO’s but the continued use of them.


One of our readers, Kate, has designed the first two in a series of bumper stickers and T-Shirts.  Below are the images.  To purchase them, go to the website Store.  Here is the link:


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! Both books are also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore
Tom Portrait 3958 Smaller

Send to Kindle

November 27, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 11-27-10




Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

I trust all of you in the United States had a great Thanksgiving with plenty of pumpkin (or my favorite pecan) pie!  And I hope all your family reunions were special, after hopefully you requested MBO’s.

My publisher, Light Technology is having a super special on my books. They are 35% off, more than on  Only problem is, you have to phone them to order.  On orders of $50 or more they offer free shipping.  They are not open today, so best to phone on Monday.  The toll free number is 800-450-0985 and the regular number is 928-526-1345.  I am told over and over again that these books CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVES, so give a gift that keeps on giving for the rest of your friends’ or family’s lives.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Mary writes: I look forward to getting your newsletter and blog each week. Keep up the good works. I use MBO’s all the time and tell others about it. My two children use it; they are nine and four years of age. I don’t worry as much as I used to. I notice when I start to get fearful thoughts, and I make a conscious choice to stop, and MBO’s/BP’s help a lot. Thank You, Tom.


Chrissy from Brisbane writes:  My husband and I returned recently from spending 6 weeks in England visiting family and sight-seeing. We arrived the first week of October and on the way over there from Australia, I did MBO’s for a safe flight, getting through the security check and customs and for a safe landing.

When we arrived, there were not many people in front of us for the passport check and then we went through customs because we had bought some liquorish for a friend and they waved us through. The car rental people did not take very long to pick us up – compared to our last visit 2 years ago and before I started using MBO’s. On the previous visit, we waited for over half an hour to be picked up and this time only about 10 minutes.

I did MBO’s most days for lovely weather or for sunshine, but did forget some days, when it rained. We had brilliant weather all through October and November and although the air was crisp, we had sunshine for a lot of the time. Sometimes it was for a few hours and other days, we had beautiful blue skies and sunshine. People kept saying how unusual it was to have sunshine so late in the year. I just think it is not what you know but who you know. So thank you to the Angels for helping us through.


Deb writes:  Happy Thanksgiving a day late!!!  I have a story that I wish you would put in the Sedona Journal. It would make my son’s day. I have a 31-year old son with Asperger’s Syndrome.  He lives at home with his dad and me and is able to work. He is a great kid (Will always be a kid to me)  My therapist is also Jesse’s life coach; his name is Rick.

We all do the MBO’s. Jesse likes to do the scratch-off lottery tickets and before he scratches them off, he always says, “I am asking for a benevolent outcome of cash. Thank you.” Sometimes he wins really big and sometimes he loses, but he just loves to play them. He never forgets to do his MBO. I thought you would enjoy that.  Jesse is a sheer delight–as I always say, I wouldn’t take anything for him, but then on some days I would give him to you.  He keeps me busy!!

Just a reminder folks that requesting MBO’s to win the lottery will not work if it’s not in your soul contract for sudden wealth.  Jesse probably does OK because the amounts are not huge on scratch-offs.  In my book I mentioned a lady who worked at the drug store near where I used to live that seemed to consistently win—not the big million dollar ones, but smaller in the thousands.  She was just “tuned in” to the numbers it seems.


Sue writes:  I plan on purchasing your first book.  I don’t want to miss anything.  Just from reading your newsletter, I thought I would give it a try with MBO’s and BO’s.  I started out simple – like a smooth drive into the city.  Well, I got green lights “all the way through town”!!  Parking spaces show up!

I even went so far as to request a BO that my lower back wouldn’t hurt so I could get the walls and windows washed. I had a spasm so I moved into a MBO.  To my ultimate surprise I have to tell you my lower back DID NOT HURT one I-O-DA!!  What I didn’t consider though was “muscle ache”.  I laughed for two days over it.  Every muscle hurt, but by golly I had absolutely no back pain!!  I am thrilled!

This is fun to personally experience in a “game likeness” fun with my Angel.  I just love it.  Thank you Tom over and over again.  Barnes and Noble in the valley has your book.  Next run into the city I’ll be getting it.  Blessings, Hugs and Fun to Tom.


I found this posting on Extreme Mind by Skyhigh: I’d like to share with all readers of this thread more experiences in using Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBOs):

A female cousin of mine wanted to forcibly occupy the second floor of our two-story house and another vacant house of the estate in the same area, presenting a legal document, a deed of sale signed by her mother which she claims entitles her to also use the property along with 4 other legal heirs. The 5 heirs already had an earlier meeting on how to operate the 2 houses, but my cousin who already had a longtime squabble with her sisters over property sharing on her father’s side, wanted to complicate matters and would file a lawsuit against her sisters if needed.

I recited an MBO 5 times daily for three days: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that (name of the person) do not use the second floor of our house for her personal gain and may this outcome be even better than I can hope for or expect.” On the third day, the sisters had a meeting and my cousin had a peaceful settlement with the administrator regarding her planned use of the two houses of the estate which she did not pursue, thus, relieving all concerned of legal troubles, costs and hassles.

I also used an MBO daily for my mother’s sporadic dizziness, which gives her a lot of trouble whenever it occurs. This has worsened for a year now and I recited: “I ask that any and all beings assist my mother in curing her dizziness permanently”. After 5 days, there was a marked improvement in her condition, no longer ingesting costly tablets at least twice a day. To my relief, she only takes a tablet sometimes and there are days she no longer takes them.

The quality of my sleep has also improved since I used an MBO for sleeping easily at night.

My own Guardian Angel (GA) Theo says you only have to request a MBO once, but if it makes you feel better you can request multiple times.


And Pleiadian Healer responded to the above post:  Yes, I agree the MBO’s are amazing! Thanksgiving day I plan to give Tom’s first book “The Gentle Way” to a friend, so she can get in on all the fun, she also has a little 2 year old, so using this method will do wonders for both of them!

Lately I’ve been using MBO’s for just about anything that comes up that troubles me, in the slightest way. Just the other day I was eating a bagel and started to choke, but only just a little bit. It was more of an annoying choking sensation, not really bad, and I tried everything to stop it, finally in desperation, I stopped and started to think what else I could do… finally I remembered to ask for a MBO to stop choking and within 5 seconds it stopped…lol… I started to laugh out loud it worked so well.

Now this is a really small thing, but dang, that choking was super annoying… and to see it just stop within seconds of doing an MBO was just so great. I even used it again for choking about a week or so later, and the same thing happened, in just a few seconds my choking stopped seemingly all by itself… even though I knew my guardian angel stopped it, I could not tell HOW it stopped it since it was such a smooth transition. It almost seemed like magic!

I use MBO’s everyday, several times a day now. I never go without them and use them from the smallest things to the biggest. Even just walking into a store to buy some simple thing, if you do an MBO before you actually get in the store, all sorts of cool things happen.

You even mentioned using them before bed to get a good night’s sleep, I’ve been doing that a while now too, and when I forget to ask for any MBO before sleep I wake up feeling kind of so-so and not so great, which is normal for me, but when I remember to say an MBO like “I now request the most benevolent outcome for a good night’s sleep and to wake up in the morning refreshed and rejuvinated… thank you”, I wake up feeling so great it’s amazing.

Thanks again for all your great reports Skyhigh, I’m sure others will enjoy constantly seeing how you benefit from all this!

And I’ll second that comment.


One of our readers, Kate, has designed the first two in a series of bumper stickers and T-Shirts.  Below are the images.  To purchase them, go to the website Store.  Here is the link:


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! Both books are also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore
Tom Portrait 3958 Smaller

Send to Kindle

November 13, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 11-13-10




Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

As we start to get into the Christmas Season, please keep in mind that Angel books make a great Christmas or Hanukkah gift! So please give one or both my books as presents to your family and friends.  Book II has great inspirational stories that can really encourage someone to start requesting Benevolent Outcomes in their lives.  You can order them from, your local bookstore, or from my publisher, Light Technology (  If you don’t have book II yet, put it on your Christmas list for your family to buy for you!

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.  Now for some inspiring stories.


I lost this person’s email so let me know who you are so I can update this blog:  Hello Tom, and thank you so much for the wonderful work you are doing! I’ve been using MBO’s for about two years and have had so many great outcomes. Here is my most amazing MBO story and I hope you will consider sharing it with your readers:

On the afternoon of Sunday October 24, water burst through the pavement and began pouring down the roadway of my condo community.  An inspector from the Utilities department determined that a valve had broken, and decided to leave things alone until Monday, so that our residents would not be without water overnight.

I asked for an MBO for the problem to be found and corrected quickly, so as to avoid inconvenience to our residents and also avoid wasting the water.

Work began the next morning with several large noisy earth-moving machines and trucks, and soon they had created an enormous hole in order to reach the pipes nearly 10 feet down.

At 5 pm, one of our Board members came by to report that the problem had not been located until an hour before (4 pm), and that the best we could hope for was for the water to be turned on again by midnight. (If we were lucky.)

I went inside, thinking about my neighbors who would come home after a full day’s work and find no water available. So I blessed the crews who were working so hard so that strangers could get the water service they were used to; I blessed the trucks and earth-movers which were making it possible to heal the broken pipes; I blessed the pavement that was being torn up and damaged by the heavy machines; and I blessed the pipes themselves and thanked them for their service.

I blessed the earth, which was being assaulted and dug up; I blessed the soil that was being moved around, and the new soil that was being trucked in. I blessed the water for its service and for reminding us how important it was to human life.

All this took about ten minutes; and less than ten minutes later the same Board member returned, astonished to announce that water would be available again within half an hour!


Pat writes:  Right now I am so stressed out, our house we are renting sold and we have been looking for a suitable place to no avail.

I do my mantras each day and have asked my guardian angel for help but to no avail, we have to be out by the 30th of this month.

I replied first with my own Benevolent Prayer for her:  “I ask any and all beings to assist Patricia and her family in finding a place to live and to have sufficient income to be able to do the knee operation, thank you!” I just said that out loud.

And I wrote to her, Hope you are saying the EXPECT GREAT THINGS “mantra” each day.  Print it out on the website if you are forgetting to.  Simply click on SIGNS on the website menu.

Then say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding the PERFECT place for us to live and may it be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”

Let’s see how that works.

Then Pat responded:  Yesterday we signed an agreement to rent our new home, just what I had asked for. I feel you reenforced that when you said a benevolent prayer for me also. THANK YOU so much.  Bless you.


Diana writes:  I haven’t sent you many of my MBO stories (which are many), but this one is quite amazing about benevolent prayer for someone else. My father-in-law’s job was looking glum back in April (so I think the turn-around of 6 months is really quick, you’ll see why). He was helping to negotiate an increase in salary for his whole group, and instead the workers turned on him and signed a petition not wanting to work with him. So, he lost his job. At that time, I started making serious BP’s for his situation at work and health-wise I don’t want him to suffer a heart-break. This is too sad, where he tried to help and the people he tried to help turned on him.

Barely 2 months passed (which he filled with fixing house activities and 1 home purchase), he is back in another branch of the same company. We thought it was a blessing in disguise, because if he didn’t lose his job for that 2 months, he couldn’t have done all the house-bound activities like renovation and purchase. This is good result #1.

We just found out yesterday that he is now promoted to the very top of the company; he is now in the headquarters’ office. So not only he becomes the boss of the workers who signed the petition before for not wanting to work for him. He has become the top in the company, overseeing many branches of this company.

I just think the benevolent prayer is really, really amazing.  Thank you and I hope your work is spreading fast.


Eleanore writes:  Wow.   My Daughter, with whom I went to Disney, can sometimes be reticent to try or consider new ideas.  I took The Gentle Way with me and said maybe she’d care to read it on the plane back to NJ.  I didn’t hear anything from her for about two weeks but when I did she was really, really turned on, and is spreading the word with much happiness and joy where she works.  I suggested she might order a few of the books to give to her coworkers for Christmas and she really likes that idea.  She suffers from a very painful medical condition that often prohibits restful sleep.

I got a call yesterday from one mighty enthusiastic person who said she had the most restful night’s sleep she has experienced in years and knows it was as a result of MBO’s.  She’s loving the whole thing and has one new person with whom she shared the book.  I asked that she and her friend please buy their own and send mine back and that is in progress.

I’m just so pleased when others, family or not, discover and use MBO’s because doing so makes such a tremendous impact on everyone who does.

Expect Great Things – Oh Yah!


Thelma writes:  Thanks for teaching me to use my MBO’S.  This is most impressive.

I was assigned a project to rearrange a room at my office with no space to accommodate some equipment with a deadline date. On my first try I was able to get a white upright shelf to make some space. The shelf was installed, only to learn that two pieces of the electronic equipment was 1/4″ wider. At this point I was back to square one to find some other shelves to fit in this tight space. I did all the research and found that the same store had some shelves in Brown/black, which would not work.. While speaking to the clerk on the phone she volunteered that they might have the same shelf in white which would be ideal.When I checked the catalog the white was not mentioned. I asked for the sku # and asked if they would have it on Saturday. I started to say my MBO. for the project. I even called the store on two separate days before to check if they had it. I felt that all was well.

On Saturday my son and I rented a van and set out to pick up the shelf .When I got there I stopped by the receptionist, who decided to check out the item.  Now this is a large reputable store. She looked in the computer only to be told they had ( 0 ), NONE of the shelves in house. She checked again only to find out that they would only get them in about a week’s time. I faded out as I had no other alternative and my deadline was then. My legs went weak and I asked my son to stop in the store’s restaurant so I could sit and get  something to eat. While there I started to say my MBO, that they would find one somewhere in the store. After playing with the food I decided to take the long walk to the area with shelves. I saw a young woman loading  some shelves and decided to ask her. We both looked on the space for the shelf and sure enough the space was empty. I still kept looking with hope and she was looking along with me. Bless her heart.

Tell me that my MBO DID NOT WORK. I would laugh at you. What are the chances that two sections away and in the area above that we found a box with the shelf that I needed and the store did not even know that they had it in stock. Their error was did not affect me. I will keep saying my MBO’s.


Mary Ann had written and said she and her husband were planning on going to the Jon Stewart Rally in Washington, DC, so I asked for a report.  Here it is.

I’m writing you back, as you requested about my trip to the Jon Stewart rally. I’m sorry I didn’t write sooner but going from Miami to DC’s cold weather triggered a bad cold — or cleansing as I’m hearing internally. At any rate I’m much better and getting back to my old self.

I used MBO’s for the flight and rally, and all went extremely well. This was the nicest plane ride I ever had – coming and going.  Nobody was rude, the flight was easy. In fact, most of the passengers were going to or returning from the rally! The rally itself was very nice and easy for my family.  MBOs in action. We got a very good spot for watching and met only wonderful people. Not a single bad or negative experience. Our whole DC trip was terrific. So I shall keep experimenting with MBOs and benefiting and growing from using them.

Another thing, Tom. I just read you latest newsletter, and I want you to know how much I appreciate what you do. And I encourage you to stick with all of it. Don’t be discouraged. Why am I saying this? I see so many people doing what you do full of ego and BS. You seem humble and appreciative. Therefore, you are the one I will tend to listen to.  This makes sense? I feel like I’m talking in riddles.   At any rate, I’m a fan. Thank you for your service.


One of our readers, Kate, has designed the first two in a series of bumper stickers and T-Shirts.  Below are the images.  To purchase them, go to the website Store.  Here is the link:


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! Both books are also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore
Tom Portrait 3958 Smaller

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September 18, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 9-18-10

·    LOVE & JOB



Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.  Now for some inspiring stories.


If you’re a new reader of these blogs, what I’m about to say you can do might seem a little incredulous, but I assure you I’m getting feedback from other readers of their successes too.

In my meditations, I was told by Gaia, Soul of the earth, that we can change weather patterns.  It’s all part of our learning to be Junior Creators in Training, as we’re called.  Requesting MBO’s, I’ve been told by my own Guardian Angel, puts you on a path of higher awareness and raises you vibrational level—you feel “lighter.

As an example, Gaia says that even in Northern Climates that might not see the sun for several weeks, she will allow one day a week of sun, but we have to REQUEST IT! So I thought and decided on SUNNY SATURDAYS.   Most kids are out of school, people are out shopping or taking part in some sports activity.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a Sunny Saturday this week, thank you!” Already, my readers have been experimenting with this in the United Kingdom, and they say it works great, as long as they remember to request it! So you may have to put up a sign to that effect on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror.

I have had two times recently when I requested that it NOT RAIN—the first time was when my wife and I attended a block party.  First there were some towering white clouds to the south of us.  It was getting pretty dark, but the sun still lit up these clouds.  There was lightning in the tops of the clouds but that’s all we saw.  Then the clouds kept coming our way and I began to see lightning strikes to the ground.  I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for the rain and lightning to remain to the south during the time we were at the block party. The lady who organized the block party checked the radar online and said that the rain just stayed where it was and then moved on to the west.

The second time was yesterday evening when we attended “Grapefest” in Grapevine, Texas.  They produce wine there and they have several blocks of the old city town blocked off with carnival rides, numerous bands performing each block and load of booths.  While there, again the clouds started darkening and lightning started striking the ground.  Again I requested a MBO for the rain to stay away from Grapefest. In one of the stores we entered, a lady had been watching the radar online and said that the storm just divided into two parts and went around us.  She said she guessed, “We were just lucky.”

One of my readers last year had a tornado headed right for her house.  She grabbed her two kids, requested a MBO and ran for shelter.  The tornado lifted off the ground and went back into the wall cloud.

So do experiment with this during these winter months for the Northern Hemisphere and during the summer months for the Southern Hemisphere.


Pat writes:  I use MBO’s w/much success but am stumped re:requesting one for my 2.5 yr old grandson who doesn’t want to settle down to sleep until 10-12 at night. It’s exhausting as I ‘sit’ often when she goes out of town and I am 74. He is like this all the time.  Please help. Thank you.

For Pat and anyone that might have a similar problem, requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes is for you specifically.  Asking for a benevolent outcome for someone else is said slightly differently, as a whole other set of  “whole souls” we call angels handle these requests INSTANTLY. It’s called a Benevolent Prayer.  In this case you would say, “I ask any and all beings to send calming energy to my grandson and assist in changing his sleeping pattern to earlier in the evening, thank you!”


I’m changing her name for privacy to Nicki writes:  I have written before and I like to say thank you for always responding to my questions! I appreciate that you do that.  Tom, I wrote to you last year and started to recite the MBO’s for (1) for my boyfriend and I to hopefully get back and also a job for me.  At a later time I wrote to you again about a question regarding my boyfriend.

As of yet we have NOT reconciled and we see each other occasionally and are in contact, which is ok with me for now. You mentioned something about a soul contract?? I think that’s what it was…you also suggested to help me cut all ties if that was the case, to request a MBO, “for severing all energy cords that were not in my best interest at this time.” I started reciting this in February, 2010, so that way it would allow the perfect man for me or cut off all ties that makes it hard to let go…..As of this date, he is still in my life but no reconciliation yet.  Just going to see were it leads to on this one.

My question to you is, I have been requesting an MBO for a job since December 2009 and I have still NOT found work, and its been very, very difficult for me, but I continue to say the MBOS because I am hopefully that it will happen.  Can you suggest anything else? I always feel like I am NOT wording the MBO’s correctly, would that affect it happening??? I never know if I am wording it right.

My other question is: I recite the Benevolent Prayer; “I ask that any and all beings assist and comfort, and so on every single day. Would I be able to recite this prayer for someone else, and just adding their name instead? For example: I ask that any and all beings assist and comfort (the persons name) I have been doing this for my boyfriend, asking that he is assisted in making a decision about us? Will this work?  I was curious?

I have to say, MBO’s have become a part of my daily life, every single day I say at least 10 or use them for everything. I am so excited that I came across your article and am grateful.  I have kept a journal of the MBO’s I have requested along with the dates I received the MBO.  I have a lot of great ones!! I am grateful every single day for everything. 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for everything I have learned from reading your literature and article in the Sedona Journal of Emergence.  Best of luck to you always.

For the many new readers of the Blog, to sever the “ties that bind” you to an old boyfriend, girlfriend, ex-husband or wife, you say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for severing all energy cords that are no longer in my best interest, thank you!” You can say this several times if that makes you feel better, but only once will take care of this.

As we all know, this is one of the worst recessions we’ve ever had.  In my business I haven’t seen it this slow in 27 years.  So I would suggest you say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome in being led to ways to earn money, thank you!” Please don’t think you have to have a certain job.  Perhaps there is something out there even better waiting for you, or you’ll find a way to make money you never considered before—buying and selling on E-bay, Craigs List, etc.  We had to lay my daughter off two years ago as business slowed, and she took the opportunity to start her own photography business, and this year she’s doing sales of $1,000 to $2,000 a family.  Get creative!

That Benevolent Prayer you say for yourself, which I say every morning (you can find it on the website by going to and clicking on SIGNS) is for you for your past, present, and future.  The Benevolent Prayer you would say for your ex-boyfriend would be, “I ask any and all beings to assist ______in making a decision regarding our relationship, thank you!” If you are still having sex with him, then I must advise you that he just might be taking advantage of the situation until he finds someone else—or he might have done so already and just likes a little variety.  You must consider this possibility.  You must refuse to have any sexual relations with him on just a casual basis—as it’s not casual for you, but may very well be for him.

And finally, do say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the perfect man (or woman) for me, thank you!”


Diane writes:  I just wanted to share an MBO with you and your readers!  This proves that sometimes it’s not instant for an MBO, but that it still works!

My husband has to take his glasses off when he is taking pictures with the camera.  He was at this event and took his glasses off.  He put them down some place but could not find his glasses!!  So he had to drive home without them!  Good thing he can see without them.

This happened last week, September 9th. I quickly requested an MBO to find them or someone to find them.  I requested my MBO’s a couple of times. Today, September 17th, he went back to one of the places that he was at last week and the owner of the restaurant handed him his glasses!  I quickly thanked my angels and his angels!!!  So it has proven to me that it might take a few days but the angels are at work helping you out!!!!

Keep on doing MBO’s……yeah!!!!  Just love my MBO’s!!!!!  Have a great weekend!!THE GENTLE WAY BOOKS

Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore
Tom Portrait 3958 Smaller

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