The Gentle Way Books
Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and a special welcome to all of you reading this for the first time. You can subscribe to the blog by clicking here:
I was going to relate a number of stories I’ve received from people requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) in their daily lives, but before I do, I want to show you how you can make a difference RIGHT NOW for the victims of the earthquake in Chile and for the potential victims of the tsunami predicted for the Pacific caused by this earthquake.
When you wish to request a Benevolent Outcome for someone else, you say it a little different than a MBO request, as a MBO request is directly to your own Guardian Angel, and a Benevolent Prayer (BP) is handled by a little over one million “whole souls” that we call “angels.” These BP’s are answered IMMEDIATELY, so let’s not waste time. Here’s what you can say out loud (we are in a physical world, so this is best said out loud and has more “energy” than just thinking it):
“I ask any and all beings to aid and assist those trapped in the rubble of the Chilean earthquake and keep them safe until help arrives, thank you!” Say this with emotion to create the best energy. Then say:
“I ask any and all beings to lower the energy of the tsunami created by the Chilean earthquake, and aid and assist all those in its path to reach safety, thank you!”
We have much more power than we understand, especially when we all say these Benevolent Prayers out loud. Please give it a try—it will only take one minute of your time.
Now here are more stories I receive each week from people all over the world who are requesting MBO’s in their daily lives. If you have a story, please email me at the address below my name. Also, you can now purchase both my books (The Gentle Way and The Gentle Way II) on My first book is in its third printing. The second is just now available. They both show how to use this simple, yet very powerful spiritual tool. Please check out my website
Diane writes: “I wanted to share one MBO that I think everyone else can use–because this is a good one. “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a good, happy, productive, pleasant day at work, Thank you!”
“I do this every day and so far have been having some great days at work. I don’t get upset, and things fall into place a lot better.”
That’s an excellent MBO to request Diane. I hope our readers will try it out!
Arlena writes: “I requested a MBO for my niece. Where my mother lives the parking is very bad. I requested the MBO in front of my sister and I left her looking out the window. I went to the family room, and when she called me I asked her what she wanted. She asked me what did I say about the parking and I told her I requested the Most Benevolent Outcome that Melinda finds a parking place in front of my mother’s building; and she did park in front of the building. The Angels are always there. Thank you.”
I have previously written that sometimes Benevolent Outcomes don’t always turn out the way we think they will. Keep in mind that the MBO request has to be benevolent for everyone affected by the request, even if you request something that is not benevolent either in error or on purpose. And you will still experience challenges in your life, but you will experience them in a more Gentle Way. With that in mind:
Renee from Lake Tahoe writes: “I want to share with you about what happened to me a couple of months ago. We had our first snow day about the second week of October and I had a doctor appointment in Reno that day. In order to travel from Lake Tahoe to Reno you must go over a very winding, mountain pass (elevation approx. 8900 ft). Before I left I asked an MBO for a safe round trip.
”On the way back over the mountain pass from Reno, it started snowing a little bit harder and about right when I thought I should put it in 4 wheel going around this turn, I lost control of my vehicle and spun around into the oncoming lane into the embankment on the other side of the road facing down the mountain. (Fortunately, there was no oncoming traffic so I did not hit anyone else). Needless to say, I was quite shaken but not hurt, and I quickly headed down the mountain until I could pull over to investigate the damage. As I got out of my car, this man and his son pull over and asked me if I was ok because he was driving by just when it happened. My car was banged up on the bumper and missing the grill. He said to wait for him here that he was going back up to see if he could recover the missing part(s).
”As I waited for him, which was only a few minutes after the accident, a big semi truck pulled over beside me and let at least a dozen or more cars go by. Shortly after that he came back with my grill and said to me how “lucky” I was not to be involved in that mess of cars and semi truck. I knew then that my MBO for a safe trip could of been much worse off than it was. I felt very blessed.
“So it goes to show you, that if I didn’t ask for an MBO, things could of been much worse than they were.”
Lorice in Ft. Worth, Texas writes: “I have an MBO to share. I took the Amtrak train from Fort Worth to Joliet, Il. (the stop right before the end of the line, Chicago) and I asked for an MBO for a timely arrival of the train in the Ft.Worth station and at my destination. Those trains can really be late, like 3 or 4 hours sometimes, which is why I requested the MBO. Well, on the trip up there the train was only about 1 hr. late in arriving in Joliet, and on the trip back down here we arrived early! This is the best time we’ve ever made on any of my train trips to Joliet.”
Stefanye from Texas writes: “I’ve been using MBO’s for a few weeks now and have seen all sorts of positive things happen. In addition to great parking spaces, zipping through traffic and getting great service at restaurants, I had a MBO that was pretty amazing.
”A few years ago, I became disabled and was unable to pay my bills. It was months before I was approved for disability and started getting a small monthly check plus food stamps, but by the time money started coming in again, the penalties and interest were so high on the credit cards that I’d never be able to catch up, much less get them paid off.
“After months and months of harassment, the credit card companies finally “forgave” my debts and wrote them off … all but one. In Texas, the statute of limitations is 4 years. The remaining creditor waited 3 years and 11 months and filed suit against me.
“Long story short … we went to court last month, but I didn’t realize I was supposed to bring in paperwork. The judge gave me 30 days. I kept asking for MBO’s regarding this lawsuit. I also communicate with angels, and the dialog I’d had when I asked what the outcome would be was, “It will all work out according to your highest good. Do not fret.”
“I continued to pray for MBO’s regarding this case, and the day before I was to go to court a very nice clerk from the law firm that was suing me called and said that they had decided, “not to pursue this case any further.” And she gave me the local number so that I could confirm with the courthouse. I called and talked to a clerk at the courthouse and she said, “For some strange reason, they’ve decided to drop the lawsuit. I just don’t understand it. This doesn’t usually happen.”
“They could have easily gotten a judgment against me and it was pretty much a slam- dunk according to a friend of mine who is an attorney. So when they dropped the case … well, I believe it was due to a MBO.”
Stefanye also wrote: “And here’s another one that happened to my mother. She doesn’t really know about MBO’s, but I’ve been saying them for her.
“On 9/11 of this year, she was hit by a drunk driver, and her 1995 Avalon was totaled. Miraculously, she was only bruised and whip lashed. She ended up receiving $5,800 for her car. She’s almost 80 and on a fixed income and didn’t really want to have to make big notes. I continually asked for a MBO for her and for the perfect car for her. In the meantime, I’ve been using my car to drive her to physical therapy, grocery shopping, etc.
“I don’t know if this was prophetic on my part, but I kept encouraging her and told her that I had asked angels to assist in finding her a car. People were giving advice right and left about how she should get a little puddle jumper and that she wouldn’t get much with $5,800, etc. I told her I felt like there was a fantastic car – like a Lincoln or Cadillac – sitting in some little old lady’s garage that was something she would be thrilled with and that practically had her name on it. That the little lady would not be able to drive any more and that her family would practically give it away. My mother was skeptical for sure, but I kept encouraging her and kept asking for MBO’s.
“My sister is visiting from Seattle and she was browsing through the local paper. She saw an ad for a 2004 Silver Signature Lincoln Town Car. The lady’s husband died last year and she’d had a stroke and couldn’t drive anymore. They wanted $11,000, which was actually below Blue Book value. Her brother-in-law had just put new tires on it. The original price of the car was $35,000. It was like brand new. That week we had just gotten our insurance check from the damages of Hurricane Ike, so she had the extra cash in the bank and in a couple of months will be able to get her check for “pain and suffering,” due to the accident, and will be able to finish with any repairs that might still need to be made. We called and left a message and when her brother-in-law called back he said he’d had several calls, but since ours was first, he would wait and let us decide. Of course, we bought the car. The synchronicity was also what I believe to be part of the MBO I had asked for.
“To say that she’s excited is an understatement (and so am I). It is so thrilling to have what I call a spiritual “tool” in the form of MBO’s. I can’t thank you enough for making the information available. I’ve communicated directly with angels for years, but asking for MBOs is so much more powerful. And remember the Ron Popeil commercial about the rotisserie cooker? You can just “… set it and forget it.” Well, I feel that same way with MBOs. I can just ask for what I want or need and then let the angels do the driving (or cooking) … so to speak.
“I was raised in a Southern Baptist church and was incredibly religious for many, many years with all the guilt and misery that goes with all the do’s and don’ts of “being obedient to God.” I went through divorce and began counseling with a man who was familiar with metaphysics and taught me a whole new way to look at spiritual things. I now consider myself VERY spiritual, but not religious and I’m having the time of my life. I think part of my mission is to teach others that having a spiritual relationship with God, angels, and guides is the most fantastic “ride” one can even begin to imagine. Along with communicating with angels, I type out my conversations with God and in the beginning he was very formal, and now sometimes it seems like I’m talking to George Burns. I asked him about it one time and he said that because of my religious upbringing, a very formal and almost stern “God” was what I was initially comfortable with, but as our relationship grew, so did my comfort and ease with him. He said he can relate to an infinite number of people in an infinite number of ways and that he comes to each person in whatever capacity they need at the time.”
The first article I ever wrote about requesting Benevolent Outcomes was for the Sedona Journal of Enlightenment,; I titled the article “Another Tool For Your Toolbox”, or something like that. Notice that Stefanye has also started communicating, and has found as I did that there is a lot of humor on the “other side of the veil.” But requesting Benevolent Outcomes is the best tool I ever found, and the easiest to use and implement, so pass it along or try it out yourself if you are just being introduced to these concepts.
Try out this simple tool everyone. When you request a Benevolent Outcome, you’re asking for assistance from your own best friend—your own Guardian Angel. I’ve learned that these wonderful “whole souls” are tremendously powerful—much more than we can ever imagine, but they love you and will assist you in your life. But you HAVE TO ASK! They’re not allowed to assist unless you request assistance. It will make your life much easier and more gentle—THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week everyone!
Tom T. Moore