Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!
Let’s all say this Benevolent Prayer (BP) out loud: “I ask any and all beings to keep the citizens of Gaza and Israel safe, and to assist in bringing lasting peace to this region, thank you!”
This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). My website is
Authur writes: I must say the newsletters are getting more and more pertinent to me every week. Thank you so very much.
Like one of the readers in this week’s newsletter, I suffer from muscle cramps for which I take magnesium. Recently we had a very busy week-end with a lot of driving.
Coming home on the Sunday evening, the traffic was just awful, at age 74 sitting for so long can be a problem for me and of course my right calf just went into a most awful cramp, there was nowhere to pull off and no one was willing to let me change lanes.
As the pain got worse, I could just about brake, so I said a MBO for relief. Tom it came so fast, my wife asked if I really had a cramp. Thank you Tom, and thanks to my wonderful GA.
Lee writes: Another MBO that made life so much easier thanks to your teachings Tom! Went food shopping the other day and before I left the house I said an MBO to get a good parking spot, get everything that I needed, to stick to my list and to get in and out in a timely manner. Everything went as asked until it was time to check out. There were only a couple of registers open and each one had lines that had people with full carts like me.
I scanned the lines and chose one to stand in. As I settled in for the long wait to check out a cashier appeared at my elbow and said to come with her to an empty register. She said to me “I am fast and can get you out in a timely manner.” I thanked her and moved over to her register. She closed her line behind me, rang up my purchases and then left the area! I was out in a timely manner as requested! Thank you!!
John writes from Arizona: I was on vacation this month Tom and when to Atlantic City with relatives and we went to one of the casinos. I used your MBO from your first book and asked to be a “winner” in that casino and won money at craps, two different times that day. Now that I’m pretty good at saying MBO’s makes me wish I lived closer to Atlantic City, I think I’d do well there from now on!
Luzmarie writes from Texas: Tom, I registered for a mandatory training session for work via internet. It started at 8:00 in the morning. I drove far away to get there, only to find out that it wasn’t at that location! I asked for a MBO! Drove through Houston traffic and finally arrived at 8:45. When I walked in, everyone was in the lobby! The training had been rescheduled to begin at 9:00 that morning, so I was there on time!
That same morning, my cell phone slid off my lap in the auditorium. I didn’t notice until an hour later! I ran and asked the security guard if I could go in and check. It wasn’t there. I asked for another MBO. Went upstairs to file a report with security. Something made me turn around and I asked a woman sitting at the entrance of the auditorium if anyone had turned in an I phone. She said: ah, it’s yours! My husband found it and I put it in this bag! Her husband was the director in charge of the training! So, I got my phone back! Two in a row Tom!!! My guardian angel needs a raise!! Love, love, love!
Guatam in India writes: This month I had to learn new ways to do business, as in new learnings where I was getting stuck big time constantly; but every time I sent an MBO and had the situation resolved before I went to bed. Now that is a miracle for me. I am very grateful for the help provided.
Sara in Pittsburgh writes: I’ve been working with MBOs for about a month or so, the usual requests for making it to work safely and on time, having a good day, helping others… You get the idea. I’ve had my car for 12 years, but the last two years repairs and issues just kept building up. Finally the last straw, my car wouldn’t start one morning as I was trying to leave for work. I had to call AAA to come and tow it to my mechanic. I asked for an MBO that it be a cheap fix, as it was not the battery. My mechanic was closed that day so I found another ride to work with the help of my angel and boyfriend’s boss. I switched work and off days with a coworker so I could tend to my car the next day.
The next morning I called the mechanic early to tell them what was going on. I called back that afternoon to see if they had found anything. They said it started right up, and said they tested the fuel pump and it seemed like it was starting to fail. Another $600-700. I had put almost $1300 into it over the last few months so I knew it was time to just find something else. I talked to my dad, who is not in the same state as me, and he confirmed it was time to find a different car. I immediately said an MBO to find the perfect car for me, with an excellent track record, easily affordable payments, and great gas mileage. My current car was a 1999 Alero with a V6 engine. Not so good in the hills and snow and ice of Pennsylvania winters! I asked my mechanics’ and dad’s advice, and they all agreed Subaru’s were made great, get good gas mileage and have all wheel drive.
That first day I went looking none of the people at the big car dealerships were helpful. One even talked to my boyfriend like I wasn’t even there until I said, I’m the one looking for a car. He changed his tune quick, but I was already done with him. I had also been looking on and there was one used dealership that kept coming up with a lot of Subaru’s on the lot. Even though it was a half hour away I decided to check it out. I stopped by the bank on the way to see what they would be able to loan me. They had said they could not do a loan for me! That didn’t make much sense to me because I’ve had an excellent credit score for years! So I went ahead to the used car lot, figuring they’d be able to get me financed.
When I met the dealer Ed at the car lot I had an extremely good feeling about him, as he reminded me of my grandpa who has passed, but still leaves me coins as signs everywhere. (In fact he had left a penny and dime under Ed’s porch as a sign I was at the right place.) I told my boyfriend, this is a good sign! We took a look around, Ed took us to another lot to show us another Subaru Forester, but I wanted to go back and test drive the first one I had seen. As we took it for a drive, a penny appeared on the passenger floorboard! Grandpa was telling me it was going to be that car! We got back to the lot and talked to Ed about getting it financed. He said he’d start the paperwork and get back to me that night, or more likely in the morning.
After we left he called to ask me if I had an auto loan for $40,000 that had started in 2013? I said, heck no! He asked if I was sure I didn’t have a Ferrari sitting in my garage? I said, “I wish! But no.” He told me I better check my credit report because something was not right. I tried checking my credit report online when I got home but was not able to get the information. It seemed someone had used my information to get said car loan.
I had to be to work to open the next morning, so on my way home I stopped by the bank to talk with the lady who had helped me the first time. I requested an MBO that she would be able to help me get to the bottom of this and have a quick resolution. When I went in I asked if she might be able to help me find out about this auto loan that wasn’t mine. She was very helpful and found it pretty quickly as we were chatting. She also quietly gave me the name of the bank and a local number to call once I assured her I would not tell that she gave me the information. I called the number as soon as I got home but no one answered, so I looked up the banks’ contact information and the first number was for the fraud and identity theft line. I called and requested an MBO that the person who answered would be kind, helpful, and able to quickly assist me in getting to the bottom of the problem and quickly resolve it. The lady that answered was very helpful and found the loan I asked about under my information. She gave me four federal agencies to get help with everything, including protecting my information and said she was filing the claim to get it removed from my credit. And also gave me all three of the credit bureau phone numbers to put an alert on my information. She said it could take up to four weeks for them to get it cleared from my record. That call took less than 15 minutes!
I didn’t know how I was going to get that specific car since I had to wait for the credit to get cleared up, but I had faith my angel was working with my MBO to make it fall into place. I had kept in contact throughout the issue with my dad because we both knew I needed a car, and soon. On day four, he called me at work to tell me my grandpa was going to wire me the money, and as soon as I could get a loan, I was going to send the money back to him! I got to pick up my car that afternoon! Ed said someone had come to look at the car, and he told them they could look, and touch, but he had someone working on financing! He said, I knew it was the one for you! I was so glad he had faith in me, too, and he ended up getting four or five hugs from me!
When I took it to my mechanic for them to check it over they said the battery needed replaced before the winter, and I had developed a rapport with Ed so I asked him if he had a place he could get a new battery cheaper than what they had quoted me. (The car was used after all, and sold “As-Is”.) He checked and wasn’t able to find one, but offered to send me a check toward the new battery! And he had put on super nice new tires and brakes! I absolutely love my new vehicle, and you better believe I was thanking my angel all the rest of the day! Thank you for showing us the Gentle Way, Tom! All the best to you!
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that
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If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other
services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 .
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore