Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at) Now for some inspiring stories.
Yvette writes: Hi Tom just a couple of results I’ve had with MBO’s lately. This week I went back to work after 8 months maternity leave (I’m a nurse). I requested an MBO to work with great staff and have a great shift better then I hoped for or expected. Well I had my favorite nurse in charge and worked with great people, including one man who was spiritually minded like myself! I also said an MBO to receive more shifts in a particular department. They rang me yesterday and gave me lots of shifts. Thanks to MBO’s and to you Tom.
Lee writes: Hi Tom. Just went to our local animal rescue. They take in all kinds of animals including peacocks. I requested an MBO to find a perfect tail feather from a male peacock. We walked around all afternoon seeing people walking with tail feathers, some perfect, some not so perfect. On our way out I stopped at a display that we had looked at on the way in. I thought oh well, guess I’m not going to find one. With that my husband said to look down and right on the other side of the fence was a perfect peacock feather laying on the ground just out of reach. With some maneuvering and help from my young grandson I was able to reach the feather! Thank you for MBO’s! The really do work for everything!
Joanne writes: MBO’s never cease to amaze me! But I don’t need to tell you that. Here’s my story of how two requests related to “cars” got answered with one MBO! Little did I know that this could happen.
Our 16-year son, James, just started driving and, of course, he wanted a car. My husband and I also wanted him to have a car so we told him that if he kept his grades up, we’d invest in a car for him–a used car. James came through with his grades so we set a budget of around $5,000 (give or take a few $) and started looking for a used car for him. I kind of left the task up to my husband and son to find a car but still went along for the ride to look at cars. There are many used cars out there but they were all priced up and over $8,000. I felt very strongly about knowing who owned the car we ended purchasing, but what are the chances of that happening I thought. Right? I also felt very strongly that James would do well with a Toyota Camry (I’m on my second Camry and love my car but being a boy, he didn’t want the same make car his Mom was driving around in.) These strong feelings kept coming up and I let them, noticed them, and kept them in the back of my mind because I didn’t want to sway James’ decision one way or another.
All this while we were looking for a car, about three weeks, it never occur to me to request an MBO! Suddenly, out of the blue, I somehow remembered to request an MBO to find a car for James! It was clear as day! I know my Guardian Angel was trying to get my attention with all the strong hints prior too. I know they were behind the “wheel” nudging me to towards making an MBO for this purpose plus! As soon as I was reminded about the MBO, I remembered that you mentioned an MBO to purchase a car in your first book “The Gentle Way” so I got right to it. I said something on the lines of “I request an MBO to find the perfect car for our son, James. A car that will keep him safe, a car that is reliable, in great condition, a good working car, for the best price possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
The very next day, seriously! The next day, I mentioned to my husband that he might call the local Toyota dealership to see what they had available. He said that he had and just got a call back. One of the dealerships customers had bought a new Camry a few weeks before and was selling their 1996 Toyota Camry privately for $3,000! Not only that but the couple who owned the car we’ve known for over 25 years! The husband is the ski instructor up at our local mountain! AND, the car that was driven by primarily by the ski instructor’s wife had taken exemplary care of the car! AND, the car was made the same year James was born (1996)! Previously, the owner’s wife sold the car to her aunt who drove it for a little while, then turned around and sold it back to her niece! The couple kept the car as a third car and just recently decided to sell it! The cars mileage is around 160,000 miles but if anyone knows Toyota cars, they keep on going like the Energizer Bunny! This car will go long and far and for at least another 160,000, maybe longer! Best of all James loved the car as soon as he saw it!
I felt the car say “this is it!” I felt energy from the car. Smooth energy, love energy, reassured energy that this was the car for James! Crazy, huh? I loved it! And I knew exactly what was happening. My MBO was being answered! Remarkable, I thought!
The other thing that happened at the same time this MBO was unfolding was that I’ve been looking for a local mechanic to service my car (2004 Toyota Camry). The owner who we bought the car from mentioned that we were welcome to talk to their mechanic who has been servicing the ’96 Toyota, and who lived right around the corner. My mechanic is retiring and the one I used to use before for 30 years) is too far away. I called the couple’s mechanic and he told me all about the ’96 Toyota and that it’s reliable, a good car for the age of the car and it would be a good car for a first time driver. When I asked him if he would continue service the car after we purchased it would he also service my car, he said he’d be happy to do so! So, unbeknownst to me at the time, I got a two MBO’s answered in one request! Divine intervention! Amazing!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am so tickled right now, you have no idea! Love it!
David in St. Louis writes: I want to share a MBO with you from last year… It was an amazing turn of events. We have an African Grey (talking) parrot. I have always held him on my finger and would take him outside into the yard. I took him into my shed while looking for something; he got spooked, and flew out and up, up, up! I freaked out!!! He flew high into the trees and I thought that was the end of my relationship with him. I learned that it’s rare that lost birds are recovered.
So I asked for an MBO (many times throughout the day), and we were able to track him for awhile and after 3 lost attempts at recovering him from high in the trees, he flew off and we were not able to hear him whistle / talk back to us – for 3 hours. We sent out search parties, did everything we could to search for him in the woods by my house but couldn’t find him.
Later, just as we were about to give up (after making a report with Avian Rescue), My wife, daughter and I went for one last look… with a feeling of acceptance of the loss while still feeling extreme guilt and sadness, and we heard him in the woods – almost calling us deliberately. I went into the thicket, and saw him sitting on someone’s fence. When I eventually made it there, he didn’t fly off – he just waited for me. I scooped him up took him home, vowing never to make that mistake again, and thanking my angels for such a miracle.
Margaret writes: I am always amazed at how cooperative people are. I’m driving 8 miles away to Jensen’s in Conover, WI. (Stores in rural areas close early compared to cities.) I did a quick Most Benevolent Outcome prayer that they would be open and have the bailing wire, of which my husband has just run out. I pull up and the sign reads: “Open.” Yeah! A guy comes to the door. ‘Are you closing?’ ‘No.’ I come in and see it’s the appliance store. “Oh, the hardware section has already closed”, he says. I ask if he thinks the hardware store 20 miles away is still open. He then says, “Wait I’ll open up the hardware section.”
We then spent the next 10 minutes searching for bailing wire. He looked on the computer, after we searched all the shelves several times. All we could find was a small bundle one gauge off. I took it figuring it would do. He sent me back to the appliance section and these nice ladies took care of my order. Asked what it was for; inquired what kind of sculpture my husband was making after I explained the need of the wire. They walked me to the door. All friendly. So cooperative. Happy, happy.
Jackie writes: I recently went through a very challenging evaluation process at work to finish training. It involved 7 interviews and a presentation, which I had prepared for over months. I did a lot of MBOs, with the final ones being that I be at my best mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. In the end, everything went much better than I expected. I stood out among my peers and really enjoyed myself in the process!
Troy writes: I am working at a Therapy place as the receptionist; they had cut down my hours costing me 20 hours per pay period indefinitely. My wife MBO’ed for me to receive a new job. What I had been trying to accomplish with Wicca my wife had done with MBO’ing her requests. I start my new full time job with the same pay rate in two weeks. I have given my current employer my two-week notice. I thank you Tom for sharing the knowledge of MBO’s with humanity.
Stephanie writes: I had lost one of my favorite earrings. I said a MBO prayer, and a few minutes later I opened my jewelry box and BOTH EARRINGS WERE IN IT!
Dan writes: Was returning from a trip abroad and asked for an MBO for perfect travel arrangements. On the first flight, I was given a seat in the exit row, so had lots of legroom and an empty seat beside me. On the second leg, after about 30 minutes of travel in a middle seat in the middle row, the fellow next to me asked me if I would give up my seat so he and his wife could sit together. She was sitting in an aisle seat, so had another great seating arrangement.
August 9–7:00pm–Satori Group. Richland Hills Community Center. 3204 Diana Drive. 76118. Phone Phil for more information at 817-222-1871
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has
nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that BOTH GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! You
can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! Either or both books can change lives!
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 .
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at . Let’s be friends!
BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore
Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at) Now for some inspiring stories.
Yvette writes: Hi Tom just a couple of results I’ve had with MBO’s lately. This week I went back to work after 8 months maternity leave (I’m a nurse). I requested an MBO to work with great staff and have a great shift better then I hoped for or expected. Well I had my favorite nurse in charge and worked with great people, including one man who was spiritually minded like myself! I also said an MBO to receive more shifts in a particular department. They rang me yesterday and gave me lots of shifts. Thanks to MBO’s and to you Tom.
Lee writes: Hi Tom. Just went to our local animal rescue. They take in all kinds of animals including peacocks. I requested an MBO to find a perfect tail feather from a male peacock. We walked around all afternoon seeing people walking with tail feathers, some perfect, some not so perfect. On our way out I stopped at a display that we had looked at on the way in. I thought oh well, guess I’m not going to find one. With that my husband said to look down and right on the other side of the fence was a perfect peacock feather laying on the ground just out of reach. With some maneuvering and help from my young grandson I was able to reach the feather! Thank you for MBO’s! The really do work for everything!
Joanne writes: MBO’s never cease to amaze me! But I don’t need to tell you that. Here’s my story of how two requests related to “cars” got answered with one MBO! Little did I know that this could happen.
Our 16-year son, James, just started driving and, of course, he wanted a car. My husband and I also wanted him to have a car so we told him that if he kept his grades up, we’d invest in a car for him–a used car. James came through with his grades so we set a budget of around $5,000 (give or take a few $) and started looking for a used car for him. I kind of left the task up to my husband and son to find a car but still went along for the ride to look at cars. There are many used cars out there but they were all priced up and over $8,000. I felt very strongly about knowing who owned the car we ended purchasing, but what are the chances of that happening I thought. Right? I also felt very strongly that James would do well with a Toyota Camry (I’m on my second Camry and love my car but being a boy, he didn’t want the same make car his Mom was driving around in.) These strong feelings kept coming up and I let them, noticed them, and kept them in the back of my mind because I didn’t want to sway James’ decision one way or another.
All this while we were looking for a car, about three weeks, it never occur to me to request an MBO! Suddenly, out of the blue, I somehow remembered to request an MBO to find a car for James! It was clear as day! I know my Guardian Angel was trying to get my attention with all the strong hints prior too. I know they were behind the “wheel” nudging me to towards making an MBO for this purpose plus! As soon as I was reminded about the MBO, I remembered that you mentioned an MBO to purchase a car in your first book “The Gentle Way” so I got right to it. I said something on the lines of “I request an MBO to find the perfect car for our son, James. A car that will keep him safe, a car that is reliable, in great condition, a good working car, for the best price possible.” Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
The very next day, seriously! The next day, I mentioned to my husband that he might call the local Toyota dealership to see what they had available. He said that he had and just got a call back. One of the dealerships customers had bought a new Camry a few weeks before and was selling their 1996 Toyota Camry privately for $3,000! Not only that but the couple who owned the car we’ve known for over 25 years! The husband is the ski instructor up at our local mountain! AND, the car that was driven by primarily by the ski instructor’s wife had taken exemplary care of the car! AND, the car was made the same year James was born (1996)! Previously, the owner’s wife sold the car to her aunt who drove it for a little while, then turned around and sold it back to her niece! The couple kept the car as a third car and just recently decided to sell it! The cars mileage is around $160,000 miles but if anyone knows Toyota cars, they keep on going like the Energizer Bunny! This car will go long and far and for at least another 160,000, maybe longer! Best of all James loved the car as soon as he saw it! I felt the car say “this is it!” I felt energy from the car. Smooth energy, love energy, reassured energy that this was the car for James! Crazy, huh? I loved it! And I knew exactly what was happening. My MBO was being answered! Remarkable, I thought! The other thing that happened at the same time this MBO was unfolding was that I’ve been looking for a local mechanic to service my car (2004 Toyota Camry). The owner who we bought the car from mentioned that we were welcome to talk to their mechanic who has been servicing the ’96 Toyota, and who lived right around the corner. My mechanic is retiring and the one I used to use before for 30 years) is too far away. I called the couple’s mechanic and he told me all about the ’96 Toyota and that it’s reliable, a good car for the age of the car and it would be a good car for a first time driver. When I asked him if he would continue service the car after we purchased it would he also service my car, he said he’d be happy to do so! So, unbeknownst to me at the time, I got a two MBO’s answered in one request! Divine intervention! Amazing!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am so tickled right now, you have no idea! Love it!
David in St. Louis writes: I want to share a MBO with you from last year… It was an amazing turn of events. We have an African Grey (talking) parrot. I have always held him on my finger and would take him outside into the yard. I took him into my shed while looking for something; he got spooked, and flew out and up, up, up! I freaked out!!! He flew high into the trees and I thought that was the end of my relationship with him. I learned that it’s rare that lost birds are recovered.
So I asked for an MBO (many times throughout the day), and we were able to track him for awhile and after 3 lost attempts at recovering him from high in the trees, he flew off and we were not able to hear him whistle / talk back to us – for 3 hours. We sent out search parties, did everything we could to search for him in the woods by my house but couldn’t find him.
Later, just as we were about to give up (after making a report with Avian Rescue), My wife, daughter and I went for one last look… with a feeling of acceptance of the loss while still feeling extreme guilt and sadness, and we heard him in the woods – almost calling us deliberately. I went into the thicket, and saw him sitting on someone’s fence. When I eventually made it there, he didn’t fly off – he just waited for me. I scooped him up took him home, vowing never to make that mistake again, and thanking my angels for such a miracle.
Margaret writes: I am always amazed at how cooperative people are. I’m driving 8 miles away to Jensen’s in Conover, WI. (Stores in rural areas close early compared to cities.) I did a quick Most Benevolent Outcome prayer that they would be open and have the bailing wire, of which my husband has just run out. I pull up and the sign reads: “Open.” Yeah! A guy comes to the door. ‘Are you closing?’ ‘No.’ I come in and see it’s the appliance store. “Oh, the hardware section has already closed”, he says. I ask if he thinks the hardware store 20 miles away is still open. He then says, “Wait I’ll open up the hardware section.”
We then spent the next 10 minutes searching for bailing wire. He looked on the computer, after we searched all the shelves several times. All we could find was a small bundle one gauge off. I took it figuring it would do. He sent me back to the appliance section and these nice ladies took care of my order. Asked what it was for; inquired what kind of sculpture my husband was making after I explained the need of the wire. They walked me to the door. All friendly. So cooperative. Happy, happy.
Jackie writes: I recently went through a very challenging evaluation process at work to finish training. It involved 7 interviews and a presentation, which I had prepared for over months. I did a lot of MBOs, with the final ones being that I be at my best mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. In the end, everything went much better than I expected. I stood out among my peers and really enjoyed myself in the process!
Troy writes: I am working at a Therapy place as the receptionist; they had cut down my hours costing me 20 hours per pay period indefinitely. My wife MBO’ed for me to receive a new job. What I had been trying to accomplish with Wicca my wife had done with MBO’ing her requests. I start my new full time job with the same pay rate in two weeks. I have given my current employer my two-week notice. I thank you Tom for sharing the knowledge of MBO’s with humanity.
Stephanie writes: I had lost one of my favorite earrings. I said a MBO prayer and a few minutes. Later I opened my jewelry box and BOTH EARRINGS WERE IN IT!
Dan writes: Was returning from a trip abroad and asked for an MBO for perfect travel arrangements. On the first flight, I was given a seat in the exit row, so had lots of legroom and an empty seat beside me. On the second leg, after about 30 minutes of travel in a middle seat in the middle row, the fellow next to me asked me if I would give up my seat so he and his wife could sit together. She was sitting in an aisle seat, so had another great seating arrangement.