The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

November 27, 2009




The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog.  This Blog is to help introduce people to the concept of requesting Benevolent Outcomes in your life on a daily basis.  By doing so, you’ll be reconnecting with your Guardian Angel, who will assist you with the most mundane requests, like a parking space at a busy mall during the Christmas Holiday season (which might not seem so mundane if you have driven up and down rows of parked cars trying to find a place to park).  Or it can be a much more serious request such as, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my reunion with my family, thank you!” This is really good to request if there is much conflict in your family.  I use the abbreviation “MBO” for Most Benevolent Outcomes.  You can go to my website, where you can read two sample chapters of my first book, articles I’ve written for magazines, and much more!

In my last Blog I mentioned that on my 45 minute walk down the Croisette (in Cannes, France) to the New Port, I would say “Bonjour” to a homeless man living next to the sea wall I walked on and he responded. One night I over-ordered at a restaurant and so I had them put it in tin foil (they don’t have to-go boxes, at least not at that restaurant).  This morning I took the sack with me and requested a MBO for not only my walk, but that he would accept the food, as I could not tell how cognizant he was.

He was feeding the pigeons and sea birds as he seems to do each morning.  Are they a bunch of beggars!  They never left the sea wall or surrounding rocks, but kept eyeing him for the next handout.  Luckily I had scooped up all the bread in the basked at the restaurant so he’ll have more to feed them.

I gave him the food, and I was to find out in speaking with him that he was from Berlin and spoke pretty good English.  He had met Laura Bush one time he said before George became President.   He liked her—said she had a good heart, but the Russian president (or? I wasn’t sure) had a hard heart from what I could tell.  He also gave me advice about staying warm in Germany.  Mentioned how St. Moritz was great to ski, and how he had been in Northern Italy, but I couldn’t tell how long he was there.  Said he gets his food from cleaning up after the markets held in Cannes.  Not sure if he is on a clean up crew or just scavenges, but I did see tins of cookies that I had seen in the Palais building (where the TV market and Cannes Film Festival are held).  All in all a conversation that I never imagined having.  It was a nice Benevolent Outcome.

When I booked my hotel to attend the Frankfurt Book Fair, I found the only two star hotel available in the main part of Frankfurt was called the Angel Hotel.  I did chuckle when I booked the hotel and requested a MBO.  It was in a great location only one block from the main train station and a two minute walk to the escalator down under the street and another one minute to the subway or train to the Frankfurt Book Fair.  There are two other hotels on the street and they share the street with a whole line of sex shows, peep shows, etc.  These are rip-off joints according to the hotel owner Mehra that are out to rob the “rubes” who walk in for 1,000 or more Euros (heard as high as 5,000 E).  Will those men and women have some “balancing” (as my Guardian Angel Theo calls it) to do in a future existence!

I had requested a MBO for the room to be ready upon arrival and it was within 10 minutes even though it was still morning.  Another lady that arrived shortly after me was still waiting for her room to be cleaned when I walked out the door headed to the Frankfurt Book Fair.  I had printed a number of press releases about the books in Cannes.  I planned to drop them off at the press office, but wasn’t sure they would let me in as my ticket was not good until the next day.  Naturally I requested a MBO to be allowed entry, and at first the lady refused me entrance and then let me go in.  At the press office the young lady said the charge would be 156 Euros (about $230!) to drop them off.  I pleaded with them to let a poor author put them out and she said come back the next morning at 9:00 am and she would ask her supervisor.  I was having a hard time finding some place to eat, as the restaurants I passed in the Fair were not yet open.  I requested a MBO to find some place open for lunch.  I came upon the Switzerland Café and there were a number of people eating inside.  I got in line and got my food, and then looked around for a place to pay and saw none.   I sat down and started to eat, still searching.  Finally I asked an Italian lady at the next table where to pay, and she said that was a free lunch for participants in an all day seminar.  I wondered why there were so many men dressed in business attire and not casual clothes for setting up the booths (or stands as they are called in Europe)!  A really nice MBO!

I had walked to the book fair, but there was some construction to pass through and cobblestone walks, so since I was dragging a roller bag filled with books, plus my briefcase, I took the “S Bahn” train to the fair grounds.  At 5 minutes to 9:00 am they started letting the large crowd of people inside.  They later reported that the first day attendance was 39,000 + people!  This is the largest market I’ve ever attended, with 15 halls each holding enough stands for a normal convention, with over 7,300 companies exhibiting!  This is 10 times as many as exhibit at the world TV market in Cannes.  At the press office they said not only could I not pay the 156 Euros, but I could not even put press releases out as I’m an author and not an exhibitor.  Keep in mind I requested a MBO, so I accepted what happened wondering where my MBO was.  I almost trashed them, but took them with me.  The MBO was that my publisher had not put in a sell sheet with the books, so I was able to use the press release as a sales sheet!  I wouldn’t have had anything to give to the people that just wanted a card and some literature to refer to about the book.

Naturally I requested MBO’s each morning that the results of my meetings would be even better than I could hope for or expect.  I also requested MBO’s each morning as each afternoon to be led to call on the right companies, as there was no way I was going to make it through all the halls I had listed to visit.

I have already come to a verbal agreement with a publisher in Greece that also publishes the Kryon books—nice synergy.  Plus I have many more that I hope will close in the coming weeks.  I met with my German publisher on Friday, and they said they thought the book will be released in May or June.  And I had chance meetings or was compelled to stop at certain places that should prove fruitful.

As one example, on Friday I was in Hall 8.0 where all the Americans and British have stands, and I stopped to have an orange juice to rest my weary legs.  I sat down at one of those high tables with bar chairs and a young lady sat down there too as it was quite crowded.  We started discussing my book and it seems she works for the largest publisher in Croatia.  She took a book with her and I’ll follow up.

Today I was concerned about getting my three roller bags to the train track and requested a MBO for someone to assist me.  Before I could ask, Mehra volunteered a young man by the name of Handi to assist me with the bags.   He took two of the bags all the way to the spot on track 7 where my car was supposed to stop.

When I arrived at the Munich train station, as I mentioned above, I had only 14 minutes to get from track 1 to track 22, which sounded like a long way.  It took me a couple of minutes to attach two of the bags together and I requested a MBO for assistance in finding the track AND assistance with my bags, as the signs said nothing about a track 22.  I asked a lady passing by and she pointed me towards the “S Bahn” sign, which I was quite familiar with from Frankfurt.  As I started down the escalator with my 3 bags, I noticed a couple with medium size roller bags headed in the same direction and asked if they were going to the airport and they said yes.  I followed them, and the German couple was quite nice and told me which train to take, as there were two that stopped before the airport train.  He even helped me on board with my bags (a nice MBO).  They were headed to Kenya for two weeks for some sort of government work that they had a hard time explaining in English.

During the 40-minute ride I tried to phone the hotel to see about the shuttle van, but the phone would ring and no one picked up.  I requested a MBO for finding the shuttle.  At the airport station the German couple again assisted me in getting the bags out (nice MBO).  I proceeded to the Information counter, where they called the hotel, and told me to sit down, as it could be 10 minutes before pickup.  Less than 2 minutes later a German lady from the hotel called to me and off I went to the shuttle van, which was filled with people whom she had picked up from the train.  I was the last on board and sat up front.  This gave me the opportunity to go in and check in to the hotel instead of standing in line (another MBO).  They gave me my own portable alarm set to 4:30 am, and I requested a MBO to awaken just prior, which I did.

I requested a MBO to sit next to someone interesting to talk to on the flight from Amsterdam back to Dallas-Ft. Worth, and my MBO was that the Dutch man who sat next to me never spoke to me for 10 hours—only in Dutch to a friend across the aisle.  This saved my throat, as I had picked up a chest cold.  I requested a MBO for customs and went through the passport check OK, but the customs guys wanted to check my bags because I listed books on the form.  The MBO was that I got to hear an angel story from one of the customs officers and gave out two business cards for them to go online and read about the book at

This is really simple to do, folks, so give it a try.  Start by requesting a Most Benevolent Outcome for your drive to work, or for a seat on a busy train or subway.  Easy steps that will give you immediate feedback that your requests are being answered.

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

copyright 2009

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November 25, 2009






Hi everyone and welcome to this third edition of my continuing blogs about a simple, yet powerful spiritual tool you can use every single day to make your life less stressful, less fearful, and much more enjoyable!  You accomplish this by simply requesting Benevolent Outcomes each day for the mundane things like driving to work each day, for more important things like a business meeting or for having a good day earning tips or making retail sales, to the really important things in your life like requesting the PERFECT JOB for you, the PERFECT HOME for you, and the PERFECT MATE for you.   You can read two sample chapters of my book on my website

This blog covers my trip to Cannes, France from London in October on a business trip I take two times a year for a world TV and DVD market, as I do international film and TV program distribution.   It will show you how often you can request Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) for all sorts of circumstances.

I’ll start at the first, with my flight from London’s Heathrow Airport on KLM with a change of planes in Amsterdam.  I made the mistake of forgetting to ask for a Benevolent Outcome for going through security and was stopped by a security guy and asked to put my roller bag in the metal form to see if it fit.  The wheels made it too long by about one inch or less, and he made me run back to check the bag in at KLM;  I knew I had a problem because of the combined weight of the two checked bags was at the maximum allowed, even though I was traveling business class.

They said I was at my limit and were going to charge me 130 GBP (about $200) overage.  My only option was to run downstairs (along with my roller bag and briefcase) to a store at the far end of the terminal and buy a cloth bag to throw everything into.  Naturally by now I said, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for buying the bag and resolving this problem, thank you!”.  I bought the cheapest bag they had which was 15 GBP (about $24) and ran back upstairs and started transferring virtually everything in the bag over to the cloth bag.  I then attempted to check the small roller bag and it weighed a total of 4 kilos (8.8 pounds).  The supervisor said that they would have given me 2 kilos, but since it was 4 they were going to charge me 50 GBP ($80) for the overage.  I started taking literally everything out of the bag including tissues and putting it on the floor next to the bag.  The two supervisors were called away and the lady at the counter told me to quickly give her the bag before they returned and she checked it.  That was the Benevolent Outcome to that problem!

Next back to the security line and of course I requested a MBO.  The guy who had made me return to the airline counter let me up to the front of the line, even though he said KLM had not paid for “fast track.”  I made the flight with time to spare and had a pleasant chat with a lady to Amsterdam (naturally I requested a MBO for someone interesting to talk to).  I had a long layover in Amsterdam before taking the flight to Nice, which I spent in a KLM lounge with free drinks and food.

I had requested a MBO for my bags to come out quickly in Nice and they did come out in plenty of time to make the bus to Cannes, which was filled with people going to the TV market.  I had requested a MBO to sit next to someone interesting, and I wound up sitting next to the British chap I had sat next to on the plane from London to Nice last March!  We still may do some business.  He even dragged one of my bags to my hotel, as he was traveling very light (what a great MBO!).  I showed him where to pick up his badge on our way, as he did not have his yet, and I was able to pick up my Guide book with everyone listed who was attending the market; this meant I did not have to return to pick it up, a very nice MBO!

One problem I had before commencing my trip was that when the head of the New York Reed Midem office had left in May or June, the new people denied giving me a “Platinum” card which allowed me to have meetings in the VIP Club.  After experiencing congestive heart failure (and a MBO of a full recovery) in 2006, my doctor said he didn’t want me to have the stress of having a booth or “stand” as they’re called in Europe.  I decided I could use the Buyers Club if needed, but requested a MBO when I twice emailed the head of the TV department at Reed Midem requesting the Platinum card.  I never received a response from her, so as I TRUST MBO’s to work PERFECTLY, I knew the Buyers Club would be best, and it was.  I met several buyers there that were not on my list of 60 appointments I had for the 4 days of the market and we had meetings either when there were no-shows for appointments, or in the few remaining times I had left.  Needless to say I was exhausted each night, as I didn’t leave until about 7:00 pm.  I did reconnect with the two young ladies from Canada I mentioned in my weekly newsletter last year at the Buyers Club and they’re still requesting MBO’s.

Monday night I was invited to a buffet dinner at the Majestic Hotel Beach and requested an MBO for someone to talk to.  I met an interesting gentleman by the name of Julius who does the PR for the World Music Awards each year in Monaco.   He says I should be drinking a glass of water each day with cayenne pepper, so I’ll have to investigate that.

I shipped a box weighing 17 kilos to Frankfurt, so I would not have to pay 10 Euros ($14.70) per kilo overage on Lufthansa.  This proved to be a MBO, as I had to roll three bags to my hotel in Frankfurt from the train station.  More on that in the next blog.

I did a 45 minute walk each morning after the Cannes Market finished all the way from my hotel to the end of the sea wall at the “new port” as they call it and back.  I walked along the Croisette before sunrise, but still daylight.  It was interesting to see all the big hotels that line the Cannes beach, but also the cruise ships that lie off shore and all the people preparing the restaurants that sit directly on the beach for the day.  I requested a MBO each morning for my walk to be interesting and it varied each day.

Much work and deliveries happens, with the sidewalk washed each morning by the “city jet” crew with a small water truck that went down the sidewalk with them, the garbage men picking up the trash in the bins that line the sidewalk, the crew building a large temporary structure on the beach, probably for a large party for the upcoming Duty Free Market the following week, walkers, joggers, and even a homeless man that sleeps against the seawall I walk on top of heading for the huge yachts at the end of the wall.  He’s a real character that feeds the birds and somehow fixes what appears to be tea, in a glass cup and saucer.  I said “bonjour” to him each day and he cackled a “bonjour” back to me.  He had clothes and lots of other things spread out on the huge boulders that lie against the walkway below the sea wall. More about him in the next blog.

Until then, have a Most Benevolent Week, and a Most Benevolent Thanksgiving!

Tom T. Moore

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