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Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to http://www.gentlewaybook.com/blog/?feed=rss2 . I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to http://TheGentleWayBook.com. Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase. And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook. I give extra information during the week there. Now for inspiring stories.
Carol writes: Having been a subscriber for a few years, and using MBOs pretty regularly, I thought I would take this opportunity to share my weather MBO story with you.
I was helping my girlfriend move one Saturday along with another friend of hours. The weather was looking pretty cloudy and heavy rain and thunderstorms were predicted. But we could not change our plans – we had to move her out. As the sky got to looking more and more gruesome and the clouds got blacker and blacker, we despaired of making it thru the day without getting ourselves and her possessions drenched.
It dawned on me (finally) that we might say an MBO for the rain, so I explained that I was going to ask my Guardian Angels to keep the rain at bay. They, of course, had no clue, so I made them repeat it after me. I asked that the rain be kept light for us and that our day would be better than we could hope for or imagine. They were skeptical, needless to say.
As our day progressed the rains came only a little, mostly spritzing; not even enough to wet the grass. However, it was not until Monday morning that I realized the extent of our MBO. My co-worker told me about her golf game at the same time and on a course less than 2 miles from where we were moving. She had to play 4 holes in the driving rain! That’s when I gave my Guardian Angels a really big Thank You! Needless to say, my friends are now firm believers in MBOs and use them all the time, just like me.
In my meditations, I’m told requesting MBO’s is the first BIG STEP in becoming JUNIOR CREATORS IN TRAINING, as we’re starting to IMPLEMENT what we’ve just in the past read about.
Lyn writes: A few weeks ago one of my cats went missing. After a few days of not seeing him I had given up hope of him being alive. I had done an MBO to find out what had happened to him as I really needed closure. A couple of weeks later I started calling him again.
That night my cat appeared with half his body weight gone. I took him to the vet and then tried nursing him back to health at home but he was unable to keep food and water down. Taking him back to the vet the last time I said an MBO for finding the best treatment for him. It turned out the best treatment for him was to end his suffering as he had pancreatic cancer that was literally making his body consume itself. I said an MBO to be guided on whether to be with him or not while he was put down because I can faint from intense emotional stuff. When I saw him I knew I had to take him out into the sun one last time, so he was on my lap in the sun when the vet gave him a shot to put him to sleep before giving him the shot to put him down. I thanked my GA for giving me the answers I needed to be at peace and help my little friend too. Thank you for all you do, Tom.
For anyone who’s had to be with their beloved pet when it’s time for them to leave, you KNOW how hard this is!
Chrissy writes: I was driving to work this morning and saying my MBO for a safe drive and this is exactly what I say –
I request a most benevolent outcome for a very safe journey to work with only keenly aware drivers around me and that I am also a keenly aware driver, thank you, thank you, thank you. The extra bit is the ‘only keenly aware drivers’ which hopefully allows those that are not aware to drive elsewhere. I also forgot to say that I always add 3 thanks you’s every time.
Also, I have been using MBO’s for my husband who has been out of work for several months. By saying them for him, it helps me to let go of the angst in him not having a job and in the thought of being able to meet all the bills on time.
I use MBO’s for the weather a lot of time. When we were in England in Sept/Oct two years ago, I asked the angels everyday to give us pleasant weather. It rained on the day I forgot to ask for nice weather! I noticed a few days before we left, a very strong weather front on the weather maps coming towards England. After we left, it hit the country. I thanked the angels for their help.
I use the “three thank you’s” when I see the MBO request granted not only as thanks, but to remind myself that it did happen. It reinforces the action.
Sandra in Queensland, Australia writes: First of all a big thank you for your newsletter, which I look forward to reading each week. The MBOs have been such a help and I use them every day. I always manage to get a carpark right where I want it and the MBOs also help with every day activities. I start the day with an MBO specifically relating to what I am doing that day and always ask for white light around our cars when traveling. Thank you again for the work you are doing on behalf of humanity.
Sara writes: I have been enjoying and sharing your newsletter for a couple of years now. MBO’s are becoming a way of life for me. There are so many that I wish I had started to write them down. (I was a skeptic to begin with!)
However, I wanted to share this one because I can’t stop grinning when I think about it! I’ve had a gym membership for many years. We recently moved to a new area and I had my membership transferred, however it is not convenient for me to get to the new facility. So I saw an ad for a TotalGym and thought that would be something I could use at home and would then cancel my gym membership. Not wanting to pay full price, I checked on-line for a used model. At that point, I requested an MBO for myself to acquire a TotalGym. I contacted a couple of people on-line but each one already had a buyer. I stayed confident that my MBO would work!
That weekend we had friends come to visit and in the course of conversation, I mentioned to them that I would like to get one but didn’t want to pay for a new one. Here it comes!!!!………… My friend has one in her basement that she is looking to get rid of!! I am grinning again!!!! Thanks, Tom!!!
Laurie writes: Here are a few recent MBOs I’d like to share.
I recently went to my local courthouse to renew my passport and requested an
MBO for a great parking space close to the front door. When I arrived, it was there waiting for me — a nice end spot under the shade of a tree. I also requested an MBO for the whole process of renewing my passport to go swiftly and without complication or delay. Well, it had one complication –the local Walgreens that took the passport photo did it incorrectly so it was unacceptable. But there were no delays — I was second in line. No sooner did I thank my GA for the incredibly short line than the line immediately filled up behind me. Six more people walked in! So I thanked my GA again! I was able to have my passport photo taken on the spot by the
clerk, so I didn’t have to leave and come back and waste time and energy, or lose my place in line. So that also answered my MBO for “no delay”!
I experienced another MBO that had a definite WOW factor. I was struggling to change hotel reservations through a convention website. I had booked one type of room and wanted to change the reservation to another type, but couldn’t do it online. I contacted the convention travel agent by phone, and even he said that the change could not be made. Well, I requested an MBO to get the room type of my choice, and literally TWO MINUTES LATER the agent called me back to say that he was able to change my reservation. WOW!
Today, I had to call my phone company because of an incorrect charge. I requested an MBO to get the perfect representative to help me resolve the billing problem. The woman who helped me was one of the most cheerful people I’ve ever encountered in such a situation! She was able to correct the problem and credit my account in a jiffy, even though she kept apologizing for the delay. (I had to laugh at that because I could hear her typing at the speed of lightning.)
I also got a good laugh yesterday when I requested an MBO for a parking space close to the door of a certain store and THREE spots opened up!
I request an MBO every morning for a creative and positive day, and I’m full of new ideas and a happy attitude.
AUGUST 20, FRIDAY–7:00 AM PDT, 8:00 AM MDT, 9:00 AM CDT, 10:00 AM EDT–THE LOIS J. WEITZEL SHOW, http://blogtalkradio.com.
Log in up to 10 minutes prior to the broadcast at http:MyGlobalHub.com/cindy6 . Click on “Join a Live Event”. Enter your FULL name, Meeting ID: 271-620-369 (including dashes) and your email address. Then JOIN. I’ll talk about MBO’s and Predictions. Hosted by Cindy Belmonte, http:MyGlobalHub.com/cindy6 , 805-520-3733 for your video conferences. Ask me questions LIVE! Major Earth and Storm events are coming. Hope to see you there—and please invite your friends!
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on Amazon.com and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/Gentle-Way-II-Tom-Moore/dp/1891824805/ref=pd_sim_b_2 . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Amazon.com. Either or both books can change lives!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore
The Gentle Way Books
Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and a special welcome to everyone signing up to receive this Blog each week. These Blogs are filled with stories I receive from all over the world from people who are requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) in their lives on a daily basis. You’ll see how much easier this makes their lives. Requesting MBO’s is a request for assistance from your own Guardian Angel for SPECIFIC things for you. This is a simple, yet powerful spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It’s so simple it’s hard to believe it really works, but IT WORKS, as people tell me over and over again.
These stories are for the most part excerpts from my second book, THE GENTLE WAY II: The Story Continues. Its official release date is May 10, but you can order it from my publisher now, along with the first book. Simply telephone 800-450-0985 Monday to Friday. And check out my website http://TheGentleWayBook.com, where you can read all the Blogs, sign up for my weekly newsletter (it has more advanced topics), a Podcast of the newsletter, and read a couple of sample chapters of my first book. Here are some great stories!
Kelly writes: “Hi Tom…this one just happened. I was returning from grocery shopping and while driving noticed my cell phone was missing. It wasn’t where I usually put it in the outer pocket of my purse…nor was it in my 2nd likely spot…my coat pocket. I was already a bit stressed from a full work day followed by shopping and knowing I had hungry mouths at home to feed and dreaded the thought of having to retrace my steps.
“Well, I immediately requested an MBO that my cell phone was in the car. As soon as I pulled into the garage, I heard a phone ringing; I immediately thought the angels were letting me know I could relax as the phone was in the car….just a matter of locating it. Sure enough, it was in the trunk. How it got there, I can’t imagine. Besides, I rarely get calls on it. Weeks pass without a single call. It is just used for emergencies. I thought then that maybe my husband had called. No. The caller ID was of an unknown number and area code I wasn’t familiar with. No message, just a missed call. The timing was impeccable. The ring happened literally within 2 minutes of my request. Divine intervention? I sure think so!”
Kelly added: “It seems that I actually experienced a sort of “layering” of MBO’s last evening. Prior to my grocery shopping, I requested an MBO that I’d be able to accomplish all I had planned at the store…finding what I had intended, finding a perfect parking spot, lots of space in the store and quick and moving check out… (no crowds) so that I could get home swiftly and be able to put together dinner in a relaxed manner without time pressures. Well, The phone ringing in the car immediately let me know I didn’t have to go back to the store (more time for me). You see, it was in the trunk, but not visible. It was quite dark and under a bag. I wouldn’t have seen it… nor looked in the trunk, of all places, had it not rung.
“I can just imagine that I would have gone to the store looking and having a fruitless search, not knowing it was in the trunk if it hadn’t rung. I believe the angels were working on the MBO I previously requested that I could have a leisure dinner preparation time. In fact, it gets better. My 14 year-old son approached me at the door and was very up beat saying “I love you mom, repeatedly. More than usual and it seemed to instill a leisure/calm mood in me after such a busy day. In fact, He willingly helped me make dinner! That is an all new occurrence. So all of these situations show how this leisure time request was honored too. I am so grateful!
”Thank you sooooo much for introducing this concept to the world. It is wonderful. Many, many thanks.”
Please don’t doubt for a minute that this was her Guardian Angel assisting her. I’ve found over the past few years that these “whole soul golden light beings” have amazing powers beyond our knowledge. They’re even able to appear physically in whatever form they wish if one of their “clients” is in trouble.
And one more point, they don’t particularly care for the term “Guardian Angel,” although I use the term. You wouldn’t know what I would be referring to if I said, “Servants of the Creator,” which they prefer.
John writes: “Tom, I have been wondering how often one should repeat a request for a benevolent outcome, be it from your Guardian Angle or other beings, guides and masters? I have often read that to ask again and again is undermining your request and shows a lack of faith. In other words ask once and know it is done. Your thoughts or maybe those to Theo.”
Sandi writes: “Jim & I have both been saying 2 MBO’s from your book, every morning. “I request a most benevolent outcome that my personal established identity in all of its forms be safe & secure from harm and corruption by others. Thank You” and “I request a most benevolent outcome that my computer hard drive & all my programs remain safe & secure from harm and corruption by others. Thank You.” We got our credit card bill today and on it were long distance phone calls from Germany for almost $350. While Jim was on the phone with the credit card company another call was charged to our account. I requested an MBO for a positive outcome for us while he was on the phone trying to straighten this mess out. The charges are being dropped and we are being issued a new credit card. We are just wondering why the MBO’s we request every morning didn’t work.”
Amazing how all of these come in on a similar topic. Benevolent Outcomes are to be requested for something SPECIFIC for you. My Guardian Angel Theo tells me you only need to request the MBO once, but if it makes you feel better, you can say it multiple times. You don’t need to request that your credit cards and identity be safe each day. I only said that request once, but didn’t limit it. TRUST in the process. It works PERFECTLY! And for Sandi and Jim, they not only learned a lesson about requesting MBO’s, but it also turned out OK in the end, as someone was not able to steal their identity and cost them money.
And I’ll add a quick story of my own regarding my request for keeping my identity safe and secure. I received a call from American Express one morning that someone had charged something on Craig’s List in one of the mountain states to my card and they wanted to know if it was I. It wasn’t, so they immediately stopped the charge and sent a new card to me. Again, my identity was protected.
Jean writes: “I am the woman who experienced the MBO on the bus in Seattle several years ago, which you published in an article in the Sedona Journal of Emergence!” (And I might add in my second book as well.)
“I also had a grocery store MBO, Christmas Eve afternoon. I knew the stores would be crowded with last minute shoppers, but really needed a few items, especially since that is my usual shopping day. Knowing that the lines could be long, I still requested an MBO for a short line. With only 8 items in my cart, I was still about 15 people back from the express check out. While chatting with the woman ahead of me, I noticed a woman waving near the head of the line, and decided to see why. Come to find out, she was trying to signal to her son that they’d opened a second express line, but she couldn’t catch his eye.
“So I told her that I hoped she didn’t mind, but I was going to go through. One woman was having her groceries bagged, the next man in line had three items, and I was next! Instead of a 20 minute or more wait, I was out of the store within five minutes, laughing all the way, as I still had another errand to run and now knew I’d get there before their earlier closing time! Of course I didn’t have far to walk to my car!”
As I have mentioned many times, requesting Benevolent Outcomes makes even the normal mundane tasks easier and less stressful. Jean was the lady in the bus that almost rear-ended a truck near the Seattle Space Needle. As you’ll read in the book, it didn’t happen and she was able to joke about it with the bus driver. And it was also an example of the RADIANT EFFECT as all those people on the bus with her were safe too.
Norine in Rochester, NY writes: “I know you may be gathering some benevolent outcome stories for another book to follow-up “The Gentle Way” and I think this might be, as they say, 1 for the books!
“A couple months ago, a friend of mine in Arizona told me about you and of your book. Now I was brought up in your typical Italian-American family and we believed in angels and guardian angels, that things happen for a reason, that you should just trust things work out for the best, etc. so my initial conversation with my friend resonated as “truth” with me. (Even though I no longer follow Catholicism, I “kept” some of the things that I still believed in, which included angels. Even my cat’s name is Angelica!)
“Over the years, I have had many miraculous happenings. I have often said, my guardian angel must want to put in for a job change because of all the difficult situations she’s helped me out with. So why would I even buy/read your book? I mean you’d be preaching to the choir because I already have my experiences, right? Well here’s the deal…I never was taught I could ask my guardian angel for things! I just thought guardian angels’ roles were to be there, “on-call,” if you will and would show up when necessary.
”It’s kind of odd now that I think about, because I was taught you could pray to saints and your prayers would be answered, you could pray to The Blessed Mother, ditto on the prayers answered thing, but no one ever suggested you could do that with a guardian angel. And, after awhile you almost forget they are there for you unless some life saving thing comes up. So thank you; you showed me that I was underutilizing my guardian angel…I could ask for things and they didn’t even have to be “big important” things. So, here’s the story of the benevolent outcome…actually two…
“I know you said to start with a small request, but the day I learned about requesting MBO’s, I actually had a big thing, so I thought, why not? Back in late summer, my car’s ABS (anti lock braking system) light came on and there was an odd noise. My mechanic told me a sensor had defaulted, and the anti lock brake system wouldn’t work. Since it was an expensive proposition, I asked if I could hold off on repairs. He said I could but that when winter (I live where we get a lot of snow) came, I should get it fixed, for obvious safety reasons.
”Mid November came and so did the snow. I had an appointment to get my snow tires on and he said it really was time to fix the ABS. Quite honestly, the cost was a bit prohibitive at that particular time, but I scheduled it anyways, thinking the $$ would come.
“The night before my appointment, which is when I found out about MBO’s, I requested a benevolent outcome so that I would be safe, even if I decided not to do the ABS repair (I would just rely on pumping brakes, if needed, like we did in the old days) and asked for the outcome to be better than what I could even anticipate. Well, the next morning, I got in my car and the ABS light wasn’t on and the noise was gone! I brought it into the shop and nothing was wrong with the ABS, so I just had the snow tires put on. It’s now been about 2 months and all is still well with the car. Wow! Who knew my guardian angel knew car mechanics! Boy have I said thank you, thank you, thank you!
“I’ve had several other interesting MBO’s happen since I’ve started what you suggested. But here’s another, is this really possible?! one for you. I have an air filter/purifier in my bedroom that I use nightly. It’s old, but I keep it because it has a particular hum to it that I’ve gotten used to and it helps me sleep. The model isn’t one they even make anymore, because people like the quieter ones, but you can still get replacement filters for the old model.
“The other night, I turned on the air filter and I heard a weird noise, like a motor dying and it didn’t work. I tried turning it on & off several times to no avail. That night I found it a little difficult falling asleep because I didn’t have the soothing hum of it. So, I asked for an MBO that by tomorrow night it was working again (I mean I had just spent $100 on the replacement filters a couple months ago and hated to have them go to waste). Tom, the next night when I turned the air filter on, it was working! Unbelievable! Thank you, thank you, thank, you! Who knows, maybe it will just keep working until I use all the purchased filters up! I not only have a mechanical guardian angel, but she’s ecological, too!”
I love all your stories everyone! We are all creating a More Benevolent, Gentle World together! Please send me your MBO stories, as they inspire others to live The Gentle Way!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore
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