Of special note: I have a new article on my website, which I wrote for The Sedona Journal of Emergence’s January Prediction issue (and several other magazines). Here is the link to the story titled PROBABILITIES & PREDICTIONS:
Feel free to share it with your friends—it’s perfect for some discussions with your friends and groups.
Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to . I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase. And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook. I give extra information during the week there.
If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes. Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool. Now for some inspiring stories.
Pam writes: Thank you for your site. It is a very inspiring site and the work you do helps so many. Ok. Yesterday, I used the MBO practice. I was driving my car in NH and heard a clunking noise under the car. I thought it was a flat. It was nighttime and rainy and I was alone in my car. First I was in denial that there was a problem but, the noise intensified and it was clear that it wasn’t an ignorable situation. I called in my GA’s and asked for MBO’s for this problem. I was concerned that I would be stranded on dark country roads 30 miles from home, at night, in the rain.
First, I got home safely without incident. Then, in the morning, I had to figure out how I would work the problem through. Again, I asked for an MBO. I found a car repair shop that was closed but an employee said that if I dropped on my car off(Saturday and closed and nobody left at the shop), they would leave a loaner there waiting for me with a key in it. I called AAA and they towed the car free of charge and I met a very nice driver along the way who was really helpful. I now have a temporary car to drive and my vehicle is safe and waiting for a mechanic on Monday morning. THANK YOU to my Guardian Angels for this gift. And thank you, Tom, for sharing the MBO practice. Wishing you the best and many blessings!
Mallie on the forum writes: MBO’s can also work on computers too! My friend has a laptop and connected to it is a portable hard drive. My friend just called me because her hard drive started beeping constantly and even though it was connected to the computer – it said that it was disconnected! The customer service dept to the hard drive company is closed today and she did not want to go the entire weekend listening to this noise so she called me and asked if I thought an MBO might work. I thought it would and gave her an MBO to use. Within 15mins she called back and said the noise was gone. Of course another MBO will need to be done to fix the whole situation – since even though the noise has stopped – the hard drive said that it is not backing anything up and it still shows that it is disconnected even though it isn’t.
John writes: This past summer I fixed my central airconditioning unit, when it started to leak water. I had a plastic bowl on the floor to catch the water dripping down from it so my carpets would not get wet. I had asked to have it fixed and the repair man just didn’t show up for a long time. I finally did an MBO for it to stop leaking. After the first day it slowed down, the second day I did the MBO again and it slowed down even more, and the third day I repeated the MBO it stopped completely. I’m a very happy camper knowing I fixed my A/C unit with just some MBO’s!!
This was posted by “Sky” on the Extreme Mind forum: Just a few months ago, I had a problem with my cellular phone, its CD and navigation key, which I’ve used daily for almost 8 years already. I was thinking of buying a new one so I requested just a few times: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome to have an optimally-functioning cellular phone permanently and may this outcome be even better than I can Hope for or expect, thank you!” The following day or two, I met an associate and told him of my plan to buy a phone. He gave me his slightly used, fine potential spam cellular phone, which had many features. He gave me his because he had bought another one. I was really surprised and very satisfied with this result since the unit was still in good condition.
Diane writes: I own an investment property in the Lewes, Delaware area although I reside in the south jersey area. When I was following the hurricane , on the weather station on the computer I noticed that there were tornados that were circling the area that I have my condo in Delaware and the news stated that , tornados were sighted, touching land in the Lewes, Delaware area.
I said, “I request a MBO that the condo I own as an investment property be spared any serious damage, and that the tornado go right past the development where I am located at Paytners Mill in the Milton, Lewis Delaware area, that the property be safe and protected, and that the tornados will not touch down anywhere near this property and the results will be better than I would hope for or expect.”
Although the tornados did touch down in the Lewes, Delaware area, the entire development and my condo was spared any damage and was safe and protected.
Three days after the hurricane I received a call from the main office where my condo is located and I was told that a neighbor had reported that morning, there was a small amount of water in their garage arena, and although nothing had been damaged, they thought the water was coming from my condo.
I said another MBO: “I request the MBO that my condo in Delaware be safe on the inside and the outside and whatever water dripping in my neighbors garage, will be something that is a very small insignificant problem and can be easily fixed and the results will be better than I would hope for or expect, thank you.”
I called a contactor that I use to fix, or repair small problems in the condo; I am out of state, so they were going to check it out and call me. I received a call two days later from the company owner, he said he was at my condo, that the water issue was located on my baloney and had to do with flashing. By the way, the roof and the porch ceiling had no water damage or any other issue inside of the condo and that the issue was the responsibility of the builder and the developers, so there would be no cost to me and that the dripping in the garage of a neighbors property adjoining my condo property was stopped.
Lee writes: I have a weekend of MBO’s! I went to the Magic Kingdom last weekend with my family and before we even left I started asking for MBO’s! First I asked that we all had a great time and everything went smoothly. I also asked for great weather and no rain or rain only when it wouldn’t interfere with our time at the park. We were taking my three-year old grandson for the first time. The resort was full to capacity and I asked for an MBO for a close parking space as my husband can’t walk far and we got the second one closest to the front of the resort!
The weather was perfect! It did rain, and hard, but it was while we were eating lunch and stopped when we finished! I asked for a MBO to see one of the dinner shows. It was virtually impossible as the park was very crowded and they told us that people can book their reservations 180 days out and our trip was planned two weeks before we left. We finally did get a reservation at a character dinner. We arrived at the appointed time and none of us were very hungry. We were able to cancel with no penalty as people were waiting in line for cancellations and no-shows.
We went back to the resort and had a leisure meal and then went to the pool which my grandson loved. The next night we were able to get reservations for another dinner, which we really wanted to go to. It was the Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue. I asked for a MBO for the travel time to get there and we arrived in plenty of time! Our seats were up in the balcony, which gave us a great view of the show! I asked for a special surprise for my grandson and he was chosen as part of the show! People laughed and clapped! Earlier in the day my husband was chosen as part of another show. Also an MBO for something special!
Our trip home was made in good time and traffic was light even though one hour of it was through rush hour traffic! We will definitely be going back soon along with our MBO’s!
Last week I reported on our trip to Orlando and the various parks we visited. I neglected to mention that I requested a MBO a couple of months in advance to be free of any hurricanes and Irene had just passed a week or so before. It was cloudy for the first couple of days and did rain, but we were inside eating as Lee was.
Sheila writes: In the past month our business had slowed down considerably. This month I did MBOs for our business to prosper. I even asked for the dollar amount I wanted us to take in (an amount much larger than we take in on normal months). Here it is, the end of the month and we’ve reached the number I asked for and slightly exceeded it (and the day’s not over yet). Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this wonderful technique. Love, light and blessings.
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore