Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
SPECIAL NOTE: APPEARANCES–WORKSHOP: JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN) $75 in advance or $85 at the door. Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide. More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093.
NEW WORKSHOP SCHEDULED: I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31. Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30. It will be held in the Galleria. Go to to sign up for either workshop.
Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to . I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase. And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook. I give extra information during the week there.
If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes. Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool. Now for some inspiring stories.
Ron writes: Two weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital for five days. even though i do have insurance I know I am going to have to pay some pretty expensive medical bills. Can I ask my guardian angel for help in this issue? If so what would be the best way to word my request?
Anyone that has this challenge should say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that my medical bills will be less than I expect and that the insurance will cover much more than I expect or hope for, thank you!”
You can also say another MBO to be able to pay your medical bills easily.
Gemma writes: I always request a MBO at night to wake up no later than such a such time the next day. It works perfectly without an alarm, as long as my body is not over-tired.
Waking up this way also has an added benefit—if you are recording your dreams each morning as I do, it makes it easier to remember them as you slowly awaken. So I never use an alarm clock either.
Diane writes: Tom I just started asking and it was about my career! I am in transition–I have my own business (addiction therapy and energy healing)! Very few clients with a lot of doors that wouldn’t open after 10 Years in the field! I asked a MBO to receive messages, guidance for my mission, and to make a difference in my career, thank you! I received information to focus on healing and study shamanism! Had two clients referred to me within two days of asking and just yesterday had a practitioner ask if I can teach reiki, another message to study to teach !! Hope this will support your need to see results!
Anyone who wishes to increase their business should also be saying the Expect Great Things “mantra” on the website under ‘SIGNS.’ You will see a noticeable improvement in a couple of weeks of saying that each morning.
Dolly writes: I have been saying MBOs for sometime now (it works). Last week I had a colon resection (removed 1 1/2 feet, the doctor tried to do the surgery laparoscopically, but had to make an incision 5 inches long also) I came through with flying colors, only 3 shots of Demerol and not one other thing for pain. Nurses tried to get me to take more pain meds, I said no way.
Martial arts teaches do not think about your hand hitting the board, but think past that to the other side. I am doing this, and thinking to the health on the other side. Love my new lessons on life. Thank you. My guide is “ARA.” Thank you Tom for all you do.
David writes: This past Saturday when tornado’s were moving through my area (I’m in northeastern North Carolina) we were right in the midst of all that unstable air. All day long the winds had been gusting up to 25 miles per hour. That evening things got worse… The weather report revealed what was headed our way and my wife and I ‘ doubled up ‘ as we hunkered down and both said our individual MBO’s.
I can tell you that the closest tornado that touched down was about 12 miles away, but I can also tell you that when a storm like this one is bearing down on you, tornado’s left and right, 12 miles seems like inches. This system started days earlier in Oklahoma and didn’t stop taking its toll until it reached the Atlantic Ocean, and not before taking 40 some lives (16 in North Carolina ~ and 10 of those just 12 miles from me). Thank you Tom for teaching me about MBO’s!
Martha writes: Thank you so much for all that you do. I really appreciate it as I know many, many people do.
Recently I made a discovery that caring and having concern for the earth, animals and fellow humans is not the same as having an open heart and allowing people into one’s heart. Maybe this is well known to most people, but it was unknown to me as I was very guarded with whom I would allow in. I do say your daily benevolent prayer, but I was hoping you might have an affirmation/MBO prayer that is focused on opening one’s heart fully while protecting it from injury or harm. I want to begin welcoming everyone into my heart, but I do want to make sure I’m not welcoming something/one who might cause harm.
I think for anyone wishing to attract true friends and lovers, you could start with this MBO:
“I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for attracting people who vibrate on my level or above and who can become true friends and loved ones, thank you!”
But also keep in mind that you do need challenges in your life, which is why you have the MBO tool available to use, so that the challenges are much easier—as my GA Theo says, instead of a brick wall to climb over it becomes a bump in the road. Theo also says if you did not have challenges it would be a dull life.
This is a follow up to Jackie’s story last week.
Jackie writes: I have two related MBOs. I posted one on facebook already, and I’ll add the part 2 after that part below.
The past week is a good example of why patience, faith, and then a willingness to see the benevolent outcome are key to have success. Carrie’s migraine spiked to the worst it had been. She had tunnel vision, threw up twice, and spent plenty of time just curled into a ball trying to keep the pain bearable. We called the doctor and then went to urgent care.
The doctor at urgent care was more conservative than we’d prefer, but she did provide medicine for nausea and for pain. It wasn’t enough however and she was still in massive amounts of pain. While waiting to see how much it would kick in she had a seizure. I didn’t tell the doctor right away, assuming she wouldn’t do anything or she’d insisting on calling 911. But then I was told to get her. She did want an ambulance but I convinced her not to. Then she agreed to provide Ativan, which would calm everything down. She gave a large dose, which was the key to the benevolent outcome. The combination of medicine gave her the relief she needed to go home and get some sleep. It was the best combination we could get to break the migraine and get her finally healing.
Normally I wouldn’t consider a seizure a most benevolent outcome. But on this day it was because it provided the medicine she needed for the migraine. The doctor was not going to prescribe anything else without that seizure. This reminds me to stop viewing things from a purely human perspective, trust the beings who are doing their best to help us, and be patient enough to see the results. Outcomes to even bad situations are far more benevolent than people realize.
Since this example, my wife’s pain continued in slightly different form. We were unable to get into the doctor in spite of requesting MBO’s. We weren’t sure how to get her help after two days of increasing pain. Then she had a seizure that dislocated her arm. I actually said out loud, “how is this ***ing benevolent?!” Then my wife’s guide told me that it was exactly what she needed. Now we could go to the ER with a valid reason (ensuring it was back in place, which it wasn’t) and could get treatment for the other pain as well. I was reminded of the lesson of last week (written above). We went to the ER where the doctor was very understanding and helpful. She not only got treatment she learned a new technique to put her arm back into socket in a more gentle manner! The treatment was truly more than we could imagine! We’re still waiting for her doctor appointment to solve the pain problem. I assume there just isn’t anyone willing to cancel their appointment so she can get into the doctor sooner which may prevent the outcome we desire. We’ll keep working on it though.
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore