The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

December 31, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 1-1-11


Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

Have you bought my second and/or my first book?  If you receive money, or a Bookstore Gift Card, please consider a great gift FOR YOU. You can order on at 28% and 32% respectively, or through your local bookstore.

I wish all of you a MOST BENEVOLENT AND PROSPEROUS 2011!!

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Below are excerpts from my latest book.  Be sure to send in your stories, as they might wind up in a future book!


Cheri writes: “I really enjoy your newsletter and pass it on to friends. I have been using MBOs sort of on and off since I saw you at Satori in North Richland Hills, Texas, a couple of months ago. I wanted to tell you that my roommate (a dear friend) and I recently had a very powerful demonstration of the effectiveness of MBOs. Her daughter and her husband, originally married in a civil ceremony three years ago, were planning to celebrate their union with a marriage blessing in their church. Our extended family was very excited about the upcoming celebration and had been preparing for some time.

“There was just one problem. Due to a very limited budget and the high cost of renting a space, there were no plans for a reception after the ceremony. The plans, though lovely, felt truncated, and we all longed for a way to bring this special occasion to a more appropriate conclusion. After exploring all conceivable options, we had finally, reluctantly, given up.

“One week to the day before the ceremony, my roommate had a thought (divinely inspired) about a room at her church that might be available for free. Four days and many prayers later, she confirmed that we had the room. That left all of us just three days to put the reception together after work. For every obstacle we met, there were answers. Resources, ideas and people appeared just when we needed them. It took a lot of work and some squeaky-close episodes, but the next Saturday night after a beautiful ceremony, we had a great reception. Almost everyone who attended the wedding was able to be there, even loved friends who were attending another function at the same church and were drawn to our event. Thus, the happy couple got to celebrate their commitment to each other in the company of family and friends.”

I would have advised Cheri to request a benevolent outcome when they had the problem, and very probably the solution to the problem would have presented itself earlier, or perhaps an even better solution. They cocreated the solution through synchronicity. You’ll find this happening more and more as we move farther into the fifth dimension.


Laurie writes:  “I ask for pretty mundane things, and this one is no different, but the result was still pretty significant, relatively speaking. I dislike going to my main post office branch because the line is usually so long and slow. But this time I was forced to go there because I wanted to rent a PO Box. I asked for an MBO for a short line about a half hour before going to the post office, and lo and behold there were only about six or seven people in line when I got there. Unheard of! That fact was reinforced to me when the next person in line behind me remarked that she’d never seen the line so short! (The Universe was telling me, “See?!”)”

The way this request probably worked was Laurie’s guardian angel contacted other guardian angels whose “clients” would have been in line at that time, so either they would come a few minutes early, or delayed their trip to the post office for a few minutes. Isn’t that neat the way it works?


Jan writes:  “After my ordeal last week at the Laundromat, when the two “ladies” (running the place) refused to turn on the air conditioner, I refused to go back.  This week I mentioned going, but not going back to that one, and my daughter said they are opening up a new one closer to you so check that one first.

“I immediately said  “I request the most benevolent outcome for the new laundromat being open and having a good experience there.  Thank you Angels.”
“I got the clothes ready and messed around a little while, and headed to the new Laundromat.  From the parking lot I saw a lady in there doing her laundry. So I got out and went in.  YES, they were open.  They had been open about 30 minutes when I got there.  The owner told me the inspectors had just left and said they could open for business. LOL.  Amazing.”


I took my dogs for their afternoon walk. Normally my wife walks them too, but she was super busy, so I had the two alone. As I rounded a bend a half-block from my house, I looked down and spied a red object on the sidewalk partially hidden by monkey grass (at least that’s the name I know it by). I reached down and picked up a red cell phone that someone had dropped. I didn’t have my reading glasses on, so I couldn’t see the numbers. I wondered how I’d get in touch with the person who had dropped it, and thought perhaps one of my children would find a way. But just to be safe, I requested a benevolent outcome out loud to find the person the cell phone belonged to, and continued on my walk.

A few minutes later the cell phone rang and I answered. It was the owner’s husband. I told him I had it and gave instructions how to find my house. About forty-five minutes later he showed up and explained that his wife dropped it walking their dog. They live only two blocks from us; if she had been searching, it would have been very difficult to see the cell phone in the shadows of the trees and grass.


Kelly writes:  “Hi Tom…this one just happened.  I was returning from grocery shopping and while driving noticed my cell phone was missing.  It wasn’t where I usually put it in the outer pocket of my purse…nor was it in my 2nd likely spot…my coat pocket.  I was already a bit stressed from a full work day followed by shopping and knowing I had hungry mouths at home to feed and dreaded the thought of having to retrace my steps.

“Well, I immediately requested an MBO that my cell phone was in the car. As soon as I pulled into the garage, I heard a phone ringing; I immediately thought the angels were letting me know I could relax as the phone was in the car….just a matter of locating it.  Sure enough, it was in the trunk.  How it got there, I can’t imagine.  Besides, I rarely get calls on it.  Weeks pass without a single call.  It is just used for emergencies.  I thought then that maybe my husband had called.  No.  The caller ID was of an unknown number and area code I wasn’t familiar with.  No message, just a missed call.  The timing was impeccable.  The ring happened literally within 2 minutes of my request.    Divine intervention?  I sure think so!”

Kelly added:  “It seems that I actually experienced a sort of “layering” of MBO’s last evening.  Prior to my grocery shopping, I requested an MBO that I’d be able to accomplish all I had planned at the store…finding what I had intended, finding a perfect parking spot, lots of space in the store and quick and moving check out… (no crowds) so that I could get home swiftly and be able to put together dinner in a relaxed manner without time pressures.

Well, The phone ringing in the car immediately let me know I didn’t have to go back to the store (more time for me).  You see, it was in the trunk, but not visible.  It was quite dark and under a bag.  I wouldn’t have seen it… nor looked in the trunk, of all places, had it not rung.  I can just imagine that I would have gone to the store looking and having a fruitless search, not knowing it was in the  trunk if it hadn’t rung.

“I believe the angels were working on the MBO I previously requested that I could have a leisure dinner prep time. In fact, it gets better.  My 14 year old son approached me at the door and was very up beat saying “I love you mom, repeatedly.  More than usual and it seemed to instill a leisure/calm mood in me after such a busy day.  In fact, He willingly helped me make dinner!  That is an all new occurrence.  So all of these situations show how this leisure time request was honored too.  I am so grateful!

”Thank you sooooo much for introducing this concept to the world.  It is wonderful.  Many, many thanks.”


Harry and his wife have the distinction of being the first people to sign up for my newsletter.  He’s a masseuse and forgot to write an appointment down so he overbooked and had to change his appointment at a credit union at the last minute.  I’ve condensed his story for space.

Harry writes:  “So I asked if I could come in the morning  — before noon – – at !0:00am.  She said that they had a staff meeting at 9:00 and if I could be there by 10:00, it would be fine.

”I went into overdrive – – had to flush my pool filter before I left, take a shower and pack all my massage chair, oils, towels, etc. in my car.  I got in the car at 9:20 and as soon as I turned the key on and my gas gauge beeped at me, I realized that I had forgotten to fill up the night before.  I quickly asked for a MBO of the events taking place, and headed to the gas station around the corner.

”At the gas station, I scanned my discount card and then scanned my debit card and waited.  The screen popped up with a “Problem – – See Attendant” message.  I went and called the attendant and he said that the computer was running slowly that morning and that I should re-enter everything.  It worked that time, and after filling my car, I hit the road.  My clock read 9:29, and I (was running late).

”Out loud I said, “OK guys, I really need an Most Benevolent Outcome with a little time warp to get me to my destination as quickly and safely as possible without breaking any laws. Please keep all traffic lights green so I can get there expeditiously without speeding or breaking any laws!”

”As I passed each of the first 13 GREEN traffic lights, I shouted “Thank You!”  Then as I approached the (next) light, it turned red!  As I slowed to a stop, I said aloud, “Thank you for letting me catch a breather and drink some water,”

”I continued on through Garland into east Dallas and made every other traffic light — I quit counting – – just kept shouting “Thank You!”  I entered the Credit Union parking lot at 9:58!  Another rousing “Thank You!!!”


January 7, 2011–Friday, 7:00 pm PST, 8:00 pm MST, 9:00 pm CST, and 10:00 pm EST. SPIRIT JOURNEYS RADIO NETWORK hosted by Tommy Diamond.


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

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