The Gentle Way Books
Welcome everyone to this edition of the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and a special welcome to all those who signed up last week. If you like these blogs, let your friends know about them. The blogs are for people who are just being introduced to this simple spiritual “tool” that anyone can use everyday the rest of your life to connect you with what I believe is your Guardian Angel; but you can believe whatever you wish. Just know that this WORKS!
For those of you new to this blog, MBO’s is an abbreviation for Most Benevolent Outcomes. If you’ve never tried this before, I recommend starting with those “mundane” small requests such as a parking spot in front of busy restaurant or a seat on a train or subway—things that will make life a little easier.
Just yesterday my wife could not find a package she thought she and my son had picked up at our postal service. They looked everywhere and I joined in. After five minutes of searching I said, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding this package, thank you!” Then I RELEASED IT—I didn’t continue to worry. She requested a MBO too. Later, my son went to the postal center to pick up the mail and there was the package.
Requesting MBO’s reduces the stress in your life. Give it a try and you’ll see. Visit my website where you can read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to get you started. Below are some emails I’ve received from people requesting MBO’s in their lives.
Kelly writes: “I want to share another benevolent outcome incident with you. The other day, my son came home from school with his retainer broken. He somehow broke a small wire spring off of it. Upon looking at it, it seemed as though it would have to be replaced altogether; but I wasn’t about to give up hope. I scheduled an orthodontic appointment for him and while we were en route, I requested aloud a MBO for the appointment to result in no costs to us–so that there would be no charge for whatever had to be done for my son’s retainer situation.
“Sure enough, the orthodontist stated that at first he was a bit worried due to the nature of the break in the appliance, but he somehow managed to bend the remaining spring just so that it would meet my son’s needs perfectly. And….he told me to be sure to tell the receptionist that this visit was to be of NO charge to us. Apparently retainer repairs can incur additional costs, generally. This was all new to us and we are so grateful for this outcome!”
Lynn in Oregon writes: “Hi Tom. Happy times for sure. And here is one to share. Crafts Fair MBO…. My husband and I went to our small crafts fair at the county fair grounds… You are talking about 1/13th the size of those big city ones! But still fun. Lots of local crafts… We have gone every year since we have moved here, in 2004… Coming from a big city in CO we were a bit disappointed.. As we have been with lots of things since moving here… But now we have learned to appreciate the smallness and get over missing the other stuff.
”Anyway, we were at the fair, and there is this one section that you can buy raffle tickets for that each vender has donated a prize. We bought 4 tickets, 2 each. My husband took his two and looked over things with a quick pass.. He said he didn’t see anything he wanted, so he gave me the tickets. I was not real excited about much either, but the proceeds went to a good enough cause–maintaining our humble fairgrounds. This was the 4th year and we had never won anything. But this year I just wanted to win…and found 4 things that I would not mind winning and put a ticket in each one. Before I did however, I asked for a MBO that I would win one of the things, and was not picky…just wanted to win!
“That night I got a phone call, and I am sure you know what I am about to say… We won the cutest little locally made birdhouse! My husband makes birdhouses, so he can use this one for a pattern, and then we will put it out with our others.. We live on the Oregon Coast and get a huge amount of birds…. So was good choice to win! Thank you very much.”
Thelma writes: “Greetings, I must tell you that I am so grateful that I was introduced to your book. I have not veered from using the MBO daily. I must share this great experience with you and the team.
”I was requested to do some routine medical tests and to be candid that even though I know I needed to do them. I was still nervous. Well I did do them, with the request of the MBO and most of them came back good with exception of a small cyst in the kidney, which is not a threat. Well I had to do a mammogram which I had not done since 1999 – shame on me, but I was not ready for any disturbing news. The report came back reporting calcifications in both breasts. This I had known before and that had me concerned. The lab then requested my return as they did not have any record of my last visit in 1999. My daughter, who is a very meticulous Doctor, was able to produce the written report of 1999 and demanded that they find the Xray films. At this time I am now due to do a more in depth mammogram for comparison. This had me more shaken although I had my daughter’s full support.
”I must however joyfully report that I repeated my MBO’s for them to find their records and not find any change in 9 years, while on my way to repeat the mammogram yesterday. I got to the lab, with the staff fully alerted by my daughter. I dressed down ready to go, when a technician came out and apologized for my having to return and told me to dress and go as they had found the films and the Doctors had gone over it and there was no change since 1999.
”I will be forever grateful to you for sharing the MBO’s.”
Bernadette writes: “Tom I am enjoying all the newsletters. Can you give me an affirmation that I can write on my bills when they arrive? Much appreciated.”
Well Bernadette and everyone, one thing I do each month is to request a Most Benevolent Outcome for being able to pay all our bills for that month. As an example, you could say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for paying all the bills that will come due in the month of March, thank you!” For some specific bills such as electricity, you could say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome to find ways to reduce my monthly electric bill, thank you!” You could request the same MBO for gas, water, and heating oil depending upon what part of the country you’re in.
Marcy writes: “I noticed someone wrote asking what to say for an MBO for cancer. I have a 28 yr old son who has seizures. Would You please give me and him the words to say for an MBO for seizures?”
For him, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that my seizures be mild and that over time they will occur less and less, thank you!”
Naturally he could change that up to fit his circumstances more accurately.
For you a Benevolent Prayer, “I ask that any and all beings assist my son in reducing the severity of his seizures, thank you!” That’s how you request MBO’s for other people, as a whole different set of “whole souls,” which we call angels, responds to.
And a MBO–“I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for being led to treatments for my son that will be the most benevolent for him, and may they be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”
One of my readers (I won’t use his name) emailed about asking what MBO’s to request for a wrongful termination lawsuit he was forced to bring against his company. He described his boss as a real jerk who even sexually abused a female employee. He was concerned that his boss might be fired. I told him this might very well be a soul contract lesson his boss may need to learn in this life, so he should only be concerned with his own actions, as this is probably a soul contract lesson for him too.
I cover this in my book, for those of you who haven’t read it. When you have problems at work you first request a Benevolent Outcome for the problem you’re having. You can also request MBO’s each time you meet with a supervisor, management of the company, union officials, an attorney, or even some government agency if what they are doing is against the law. Then anything that happens will be the best for you in the long run.
This person recently emailed to tell me that he won a settlement in mediation, even acting as his own attorney.
In the book I related how I was sued for one million dollars one time and the final result was that I paid nothing—except for the attorney. Have faith in requesting Benevolent Outcomes for the small all the way up to the major events in your life!
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on! Here is the link: . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
For many more suggestions on requesting MBO’s, please go to my website You can also sign up to receive this weekly F.R.E.E. blog at And I also have a weekly newsletter on more advance topics. All the newsletters are archived under Articles and News on the website, plus I do a Podcast of the newsletters for those too busy to read.
Email me your own MBO stories, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore