Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
Have you bought one of The Gentle Way books yourself yet? If not, why not? This should be on your 2012 Resolutions List. Treat yourself and make 2012 the best year ever! On the old MBO forum one lady just posted that this is better than the Secret or anything she has ever tried, because IT WORKS! You can buy them online by simply going to my website and clicking on the images on the side (which takes you to, or you can call my publisher direct at 800-450-0985.
Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to . I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase. And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook. I give extra information during the week there.
If you like forum discussions, the one I have recommended has closed, with all the threads closing too. I will try and have a couple of recommendations for you soon as to where most of the people who have been posting are headed.
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at) Now for some inspiring stories.
Janet writes: I usually ask for an MBO when I’m getting ready to go somewhere. I live in Toronto and take public transportation, usually involving at least one transfer, often more. I asked for an MBO for good bus service and connections when I left home on Wednesday night – and waited for a while, watching buses head past me in the opposite direction. As I saw this, I jokingly spoke aloud to the angels about the fact that the buses were not coming my way (“did you see that bus? where’s mine?”). I was laughing to myself as I made these comments, knowing that if anyone heard me they would be sure I had gone off my rocker.
I guess they heard my complaints (I really didn’t have to wait overly long, but it was longer than usual after making an MBO). So – yesterday when I did my food shopping – I go to an inner city market every week – I forgot to make an MBO in my rush to get ready. BUT – I was barely waiting outside my building before my bus arrived. When I got down the stairs of the subway station, the train was just pulling in, and I immediately got on it. AND when I got to the next station, the streetcar I needed to take was waiting for me. Although it was a little crowded on the vehicles, I had a seat on each! Since that is just too synchronous to be “normal”, I am sure it was the angels, making amends for the other night. I’m still smiling thinking about it.
Sending blessings to you for all that you do!
The longer in advance you can request a MBO it seems to work even better. I try and remember (but do forget like everyone) to request a MBO for my drive somewhere 10 minutes or more before I leave the house. Traffic seems lighter, the traffic lights seem to turn green in advance, etc.
Eva writes: I am reading your news letter and following you on Facebook. I don’t have the money to purchase your book, strictly living on social security, but what ever I have available I do read. Let me tell you what is happening with me now. I am 71 years young. Regardless of all the health issues I have. High blood pressure, diabetics, arthritis etc. I am going into the hospital on Jan. 31st for a total replacement of my left knee. I have a lot’s of pain!!! For 10 days before surgery I am not allowed to take any supplements. My pain is usually worst at night. The last few nights I asked my angels for MBO to be able to have a painless deep sleep through out the night. I GOT IT!!! Last nigh I also asked to remember my dreams in the morning. I DID remember for the first time!!!
I will ask the sweet angels MBO a successful surgery and the least painful fast recovery. I would appreciate you also asking, if you will, BP for the same.
Of course I will. Glad you are requesting MBO’s for your surgery. I found that in requesting MBO’s for my surgeries (even heart procedures) I was completely calm and stress free prior to the surgeries and was able to joke with the nurses and doctors.
“I ask any and all beings to assist the doctors and nurses to perform a PERFECT surgery on Eva’s knee, and may the recovery be even faster and less pain free than she can hope for or expect, thank you!”
Jackie writes: On Thursday I called to setup an appointment to get new tires for my car. They were running a sale and I just got my bonus so the timing was right. I set the appointment up for Saturday giving the plenty of time to have my tires in stock. On Saturday I did an MBO for them to do quality work, that the tires would be manufactured well so I would have safe tires for years. I added the tag ‘may the results be even greater than i can imagine or expect’ and went to the appointment. I had two things go right. First, they were running a sale so my alignment was $20 off (that day only) and after they finished they said my tires didn’t come in stock so they gave me a free upgrade to better tires. The new tires were better in all categories and will last twice as long! This saved me hundreds of dollars between the initial cost and the cost of a new set of tires I would have had to buy otherwise. There’s no reason, logically, why they didn’t have my tires in stock since I gave more than 24 hours warning so this was definitely an MBO! I’m quite grateful (and happy with my tires!).
Diane writes: I wanted to share this story because I know that I was requesting this MBO since; I started in March of 2011 almost daily (and I know that Theo said once is enough ) but I would still ask again !!! I kept requesting a MBO to know my guardian angels name!! So as stated I started using the MBOs since March 2011 faithfully , with a lot of results , and outcomes but this one really meant so much to me!!!! So thank you so much and I am so grateful for your spiritual abilities and what you share with so many others!!!
I was asking a lot to know the name of my guardian angel and was consistent in asking (March 2011) and in Dec. 2011, I was having a really difficult period, with a lot of different things going on re: medical (chronic fatigue syndrome). I wrote about that issue to you + Theo, work, romance, shall we go on lol. And I was having one of those moments feeling so overwhelmed, and what I did was I just started saying a lot of MBOs , in a very persistent , determined voice , and I said” my MBO , to know my guardian angels name and within seconds , the name whispered in my ear was Madison or Madi. I actually turned to see if anyone was with me; I actually felt an energy shift as this happened , and it made everything, all the overwhelming , feelings I was feeling disappear , and I felt, connected + so joyful.
Each day now I speak to Madison or Madi , and she is there , for me , in so many ways, and yes I am sure she was there before no doubt, but the validation her name and presence really has made a major difference for me. Also; I have shared this with my spiritual friends , as I am a healer , lightworker and so are they, and when I told them the story , and her name , all of a sudden , they started seeing Madison , standing out for them , in articles , people saying that’s the name of there child, etc. and I noticed that I keep seeing her name , recently I was driving , and trying to find , a business where I as going to go for an interview and it was not happening , I was kinda driving in circles and ended up on the highway again , and I look up and there is a strip mall , with small stores and overhead a larger sign listing the names of the businesses and one of them was MADISON. So I was so thrilled !! More validation and support so of course I thanked her again , and told her how grateful I was + oh by the way I did not the job , the one where i was headed on that interview , so I felt like she was saying go this way not the way to the interview if that makes sense , almost like there is something over here , now I haven’t found that yet and I keep asking her , so I will update you on that.
I know that this answer has really made such a big difference to me and my life , knowing and desiring to share this because others may feel they don’t have this answer or are unable to receive it or they don’t have the ability or spiritual connection , I just wanted to share for all of these reasons, because I feel we all the ability we just have to know how to ask and when and also; how much our voice , tone , desirie , clarity, and being very direct , can possibly make the difference and I know there is timing , I was ready at this time , am I am grateful for that.
Again , thank you so much for all of your great work , I feel blessed to have found your site and I do own both of your books , read your newsletter faithfully, and the blog for alot more encouragement ,thank you and blessings to you and yours and of course to Theo.
Subir in New Delhi, India writes: I came to know about you while scrolling through my best friend’s Facebook yesterday. I went to your website and checked out the free chapters that has been uploaded their, found it very interesting, I tried your method on experiment basis and it partially resulted positive for my self, I told the same to my wife and she did the MBO request and was successful.
I tried it today since morning but nothing came out yet and the day is about to go by. This has created some questions in my mind which are as below and if you could please answer me on that, I know you are very busy person but it is a humble request.
While requesting MBO’s is it that we can request only 01 request per day? And do we have to repeat our request all the time? What if the request is not fulfilled? Should we keep on requesting or change the method?
Today I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome if I could start receiving RFQs from a life insurance company. I have been requesting it loudly as specified by you and even wrote it on my note book, but nothing happened. Is the method right? If not then what should I do to get better result? Hope you will not mind answering my questions.
I’ll try and answer your questions.
1. You need to be requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) ALL the time. I normally suggest that you start with the more mundane requests such as a parking spot, seat on a bus or train, drive to work, etc. This achieves two things. A. It becomes a habit by requesting all the time; B. You get immediate feedback that this simple spiritual tool works, so you build up trust in the process, which helps you when the larger requests do not seem to manifest in one or two days or even weeks and months. In the last 14 years I’ve probably requested MBO’s 15,000 or more times.
2. In meditation I’ve been told that humans are IMPATIENT. I’ve received emails saying that someone requested a MBO for the love of their life and one month later nothing had happened. Some requests do take weeks and months. Again I’ve been told in meditation that you only need to request once, but it’s ok if you request multiple times, as it is understood that humans are fearful and impatient.
3. Again we return to being patient. The other possible reasons are: A. Something better is on the horizon, so those spiritual guardians of yours (whatever your belief system is) can see the future and know what is best for your long term interests. B. It is not on your soul path or “contract” as I’ve been told in meditation, so again it would not be in your best long term interest.
As an example, some people play the lottery in the USA hoping to win a fabulous amount of money and request MBO’s for that to happen. It was explained to me that sudden wealth–whether it be the lottery, inheritance, stock market, etc.–is a soul contract or “template,” and most people do not have that, so they could request MBO’s for the next 20 years and it will not happen.
So I cannot address your particular request, but see if something above applies to your situation.
Cindy writes: I have a MBO story for you. My car was making this horrible noise that sounded like it was coming from the muffler. I was getting on the freeway and I could feel it not getting the power it needed and thought something might be wrong with the transmission. I had it towed to the repair shop so I wouldn’t make anything worse. I said an MBO for it to be something simple and less expensive than I could hope for or expect.
The mechanic called me and said it was the catalytic converter. He said usually they cost $1200 new (without labor) but that he found a refurbished one for only $150! He also told me it usually takes 5 days to get a refurbished one, but he found one in stock and had my car repaired in just a couple of hours! So for less than half of what it might normally have cost me, I got it fixed and done without any hassle of being out of a car! Thank you, Angels!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore