Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
This Blog is being sent out early, as I’ll take a short vacation this coming weekend. Send in your MBO stories so I’ll have some for the next blog.
GREAT NEWS! My two books are now Ebooks. You can find them both on on Kindle. The links are:
The Gentle Way –
The Gentle Way II –
Have you visited my website lately? Here are some great resources:
1. SIGNS—A. Request Benevolent Outcomes! B. Daily Benevolent Prayer
C. Expect Great Things! D. Daily Affirmation E. Table Prayer
2. ARTICLES & NEWS—All my newsletters and Articles are archived here.
3. WEEKLY BLOGS—All the MBO stories I receive each week.
4. SAMPLE CHAPTERS—Of my first book.
5. EARTHQUAKE INFO—A. Earthquake Packing List B. Earthquake Exit Strategy Article C. Earthquake Preparation Video D. Earthquake Simulation Video E. Earthquake Time-Lapse Video of Christchurch, NZ
6. APPEARANCES—Here you can find recordings of several of my interviews.
7. VIDEOS–I have 4 or 5 you can watch.
8. STORE—MBO Decals and Expect Great Things Bumper Stickers & More!
If you like forum discussions, here are a couple that are devoted to discussing MBO’s:
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at) Now for some inspiring stories.
I’ll begin with a story of my own. As noted above we’re taking a short vacation. We booked a flight from DFW to Chicago on United Airlines on an Airbus, connecting to a regional jet to Syracuse, returning the same way. I always request MBO’s as far in advance as possible, and requested a MBO for the flights and whole trip.
United notified us that they had changed the flight at 1:00 pm to a regional jet, but there was nothing we could do about that, as we thought we had a connecting flight at 4:00 pm in Chicago and the next flight on a 737 at 2:14 pm would not arrive in time.
One week before the trip I just HAPPENED to check the flights, and United had changed the connecting flight to 6:00 pm and had not notified us. I called our friends and Candy, who used to work for Delta, quickly got us changed to the later DFW flight. One problem—there were only center seats left in the back of the plane. Another problem, there were no seats showing available on the connecting flight for my wife and me. So first I requested a MBO to get good seats, and then telephoned United and talked to a very nice United reservations agent by the name of Ms. Otas; she called the “Help desk” and was able to get two seats for my wife and I on the bulkhead just behind first class. And then two more seats together close to the front of the regional jet.
I called Candy, but she wanted to wait to see if things might loosen up closer to the flight date. On Tuesday morning I received a telephone call which I was not able to get to in time. I checked the number, thinking it might be United calling with another change, but it wasn’t; but that prompted me to again check the flights. Sure enough, they had upgraded some frequent fliers from economy to First Class, opening up two seats together. I quickly called Candy and she grabbed them.
When you request MBO’s, you do need to listen to those “whispers in your ears,” as your own Guardian Angel is trying to assist you all the time. I told everyone that it was actually my Guardian Angel Theo telephoning me to look at our reservations online!
I’m sure I’ll have more MBO stories next week from our trip.
Kathy on Facebook writes: I have a good MBO for your newsletter. I have to pass a number of difficult financial management type courses and exams to be certified for my new job. These courses are very difficult for me because my background is not in finance and I am not the best timed-test taker to begin with. In these courses, you have to achieve a specific score by the end of each day to be sure you aren’t cut from the course before its finished, and people are cut every day. So a few weeks ago I took one of these courses and by the third day, on the 4th exam that week, I had a serious panic attack. I have never experienced something like this before – I broke out in a sweat, my heart raced, and my mind froze. I couldn’t understand a word on the page.
I asked my guardian angel to help me calm down to pass the exam and make it through the end of the course, and I made it through that day but had to get a perfect score the next day to pass. And I was not sure I could get a perfect score, so I requested an MBO for a perfect score so I could pass….I got a perfect score!!! It was a miracle! And I was so relieved. And now I have 2 more courses to take and have been requesting MBOs to pass both of these on the first attempt, and to make sure I never have a panic attack again. Thank you so much Tom and Theo for teaching me about MBOs. Getting to know my Guardian Angel is transforming my life in such a positive way.
Cynthia in the Dallas Metroplex writes: Tom, I have an incredible MBO story. I was going up the North Dallas Tollway, just passing the Keller Springs entrance when out of the corner of my eye, I saw something jump at the cement wall. I knew it was a kitten! So I got off and circled around and going back on the tollway, it was indeed a kitten. Now, it was just trying to stay as close to the cement as possible. I circled about another 2 times and said prayers and MBO’s that I could get the kitten off the highway and that it was still alive. I stopped my car on the feeder that goes into the tollway, ran up on the street and grabbed the kitten. Ran back to my car and got back on the tollway, and I was able to go home with the kitten. It was unhurt, but very scared, dehydrated and starving. He’s about 8 weeks old and is very bonded to me, as I carried him around for the first day, since he had no energy. He’s doing much better now since it’s been 3 days ago. Thank god for the MBO’s that kept me and the kitten safe!!!
Lee writes: Tom, thank you for your newsletters every week and being so prompt on answering everyone’s questions. I have a story that, for me, really emphasizes that the universe gives you what you need when you need it.
I finally left a job that has been a source of problems for over a year. My husband decided to take a trip before I needed to find another job. We left on May 13th with the intention of returning on May 25th. And then I would really have to find employment. I checked job postings daily but nothing! In the meantime my phone was acting up. On our way home on the 25th I was really having problems with the phone, even my MBO’s weren’t any help. I got a call on my phone from a former co-worker. The only call to come through that day! She asked if I would be interested in working with her at a new place. I accepted. That was the last call I got and the phone no longer worked and I had to replace it. The owner at the new job hired me at the end of the day to work there part time and extra hours if they are available. I didn’t need a job before the 25th and I needed a new phone. The angels made sure both were taken care of at the appropriate time!
Tom, I am so grateful to have found you and your MBO’s! They really do make your life easier! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Lynn writes: Hi Tom, Since I “found” your web site earlier this year I have enjoyed it so much and have really benefited from the MBO’s. Here is my best MBO story.
In March I flew out to Phoenix to be with my mom her last 2 weeks of her life. I haven’t flown in years and had to do this trip by myself. I flew out of Minneapolis and my uncle (who flew out earlier to say good-bye to his sister, my mom) was to pick me up. I have never been to the Phoenix airport before and was slightly worried that I’d get lost and never see my family again, I’m not good at finding my way around by myself! I said a most benevolent outcome to be able to find my uncle quickly and easily after I arrived. We arrived and I marched out of the plane and down the hallway and called him to let him know that I was there and where I was. I hemmed and hawed about what to do then and finally went down the escalators and walked over to the exit doors. Literally, as I stepped out of the doors my uncle drove up to the curb in front of me. The timing was PERFECTION! I can’t tell you how relieved I was! Too bad my uncle didn’t know about MBO’s. He was to fly home to Wisconsin that night but missed the exit for gas and ended up being just a little too late to catch his plane. A stressful end to a very stressful and sad trip.
I am a firm believer in Most Benevolent Outcomes. Thank you Tom!
The Gentle Way –
The Gentle Way II –
1. SIGNS—A. Request Benevolent Outcomes! B. Daily Benevolent Prayer
C. Expect Great Things! D. Daily Affirmation E. Table Prayer
2. ARTICLES & NEWS—All my newsletters and Articles are archived here.
3. WEEKLY BLOGS—All the MBO stories I receive each week.
4. SAMPLE CHAPTERS—Of my first book.
5. EARTHQUAKE INFO—A. Earthquake Packing List B. Earthquake Exit Strategy Article C. Earthquake Preparation Video D. Earthquake Simulation Video E. Earthquake Time-Lapse Video of Christchurch, NZ
6. APPEARANCES—Here you can find recordings of several of my interviews.
7. VIDEOS–I have 4 or 5 you can watch.
8. STORE—MBO Decals and Expect Great Things Bumper Stickers & More!
Don’t forget that BOTH GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! You
can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! Either or both books can change lives!
Reminders: –Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Let’s be friends!
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore