Welcome to this edition of my BENEVOLENT OUTCOMES BLOG. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people steeped in religious rituals (which are fine) find it hard to believe it works, but IT WORKS!
I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics (at, but I’m going to give you a little preview of what I hope to introduce to this large group of people all over the world in the next week or so. I’m calling it:
In my first book, THE GENTLE WAY: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe In Angels, in one chapter I related how my wife and I took an Alaskan Cruise, connected with a Kryon Seminar ( Lee Carroll allowed me to present Benevolent Outcomes to the 65 or so participants.
After the presentation, I discovered we had all requested Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) for clear days at each one of our ports of call. I was even amazed to see that it did not rain on those three days, even though it had been raining along the coast for probably weeks, and the forecast called for rain each day. Even our tour guides on shore wore rain gear, expecting the heavens to open any minute.
Now I meditate each week as often as possible and during my meditations I actually contact my own Guardian Angel and Gaia, Soul of the Earth. They send me what they call “thought packets” which are filtered according to my beliefs, education, knowledge, etc., so we could all ask the same question and receive different answers.
In my case, since I pass many of these messages along in my newsletters, they are perhaps a little less filtered.
One thing Gaia has told me recently is that you can request one sunny day per week, although most people don’t believe we have the power to do this. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for all of you who live in northern climates and don’t see the sun for weeks at a time. Can you imagine how great it will feel to see the sun once a week? So I thought, well, if we’re going to choose a day, why not Saturday, as many people are off work or out of school and are having fun and shopping and so on.
So, each week, I would like for you to say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a SUNNY SATURDAY this week, thank you!” And try and get your friends involved in this “experiment” if you wish to call it that. Can you imagine what just a few people could do to bring happiness and lower depression in thousands of people? Please report back to me at my email address below. Now for more stories. Most of these are excerpts from my second book.
Karin in Ontario writes: “I would like to share my recent experience with a MBO. —-Two weeks ago I wanted to trim tree branches in my garden. These were very low but of different sizes. Being alone at the time, I mustered the courage to sever a branch approx. l” in diameter by myself. Well, I just did not have the strength in my arms, so I paused and requested a MBO for help cutting this branch. I waited about 2 minutes or so, then tried again. This time my shears were like cutting through butter. I was pleased and amazed at this. Thank you for your help and I really do enjoy reading your weekly newsletters.”
Karin also asked about what benevolent outcomes to request to lose weight. I think there are various Benevolent Outcomes to request. You can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the PERFECT WEIGHT for me, thank you!” You can request MBO’s to find the best diet plan for your body; you can request a MBO to be filled without gorging. I’m sure there are others that you will think of—requesting MBO’s to eat reasonably when you go out for dinner and to choose the right foods in the grocery store.
For me, Weight Watchers was the best. I learned portion control. Recently my wife and I went to lunch at the Olive Garden restaurant with a couple of friends that were in town. We both had learned long ago to split the serving in half BEFORE starting to eat. Then you know how much you’re going to eat, and that’s all, as the rest will become dinner that night or the next night. You know you can’t shorten the next serving, so you just eat the half. Then I also discovered that peppermint candies only have about 1/3 a Weight Watcher’s point, so I could have 3 for desert and that took so long to suck on and chew that if felt like a whole regular desert. Weight starts dropping fast when you portion control, count points, and request Benevolent Outcomes!
Tracey writes: I was told about the MBO (Most Benevolent Outcomes) and started saying it. I went to my son’s boot camp graduation. I said, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for meeting a great guy on this trip” (because I love military guys). Plus I’ve been single for 16yrs. I’m looking to get married soon. So I went to his graduation and met my son’s Master Drill SGT. And now for my birthday, he’s sending for me to come and visit him and I’m requesting a MBO for this to be something very serious. Thanks for this information. I’m looking forward to the book!
As I emailed back to Tracey, certainly you can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this relationship to be serious and even better than I hope for or expect, thank you!” But at the same time, I suggest that you request a MBO for the PERFECT MATE for you! If that Drill Sgt. is not the perfect one for her, it will end fairly quickly, but the request for the PERFECT MATE allows her guardian angel to become involved, and it’s not allowed to help her unless she requests assistance. That’s very important to remember.
Keep in mind that Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of “Benevolent” is, “A kindly disposition to promote happiness and prosperity through good works, or by generosity in and pleasure of doing good works.” That’s exactly what your Guardian Angel wants to do for you, from mundane requests to serious ones like Tracey’s, but YOU HAVE TO REQUEST THEIR HELP!
Gail writes: I have received many benevolent outcomes since reading your book, but one the other day was unusual. I parked in a parking lot at my church – when I got back to my car, someone had pulled in two inches from my car on the driver’s side. I tried to back out, but got even closer and even touched the other car. I kind of freaked out a little and started to get angry. I then decided not to get angry about it, calmed myself some, and requested a benevolent outcome. What happened next was really a miracle. I tried a second time to get out and it was as if the cars had moved – they seemed now four inches from each other and I got out with no problem. If I hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have believed it!
Jeanne writes: “I had decided, after reading your articles a few times in the Sedona Journal of Enlightenment, to finally check out your Web site. It was at this time we were preparing to go on an Alaskan cruise this past July. I had ordered and received your book, but did not have a chance to start reading it before the trip, nor did I remember to even pack it! I was just beginning to get used to requesting most benevolent outcomes and did them a little sporadically.
“Anyway, while on our trip, my sister, who loves to play bingo, invited me to join her. Past experience for me in any bingo games was always losing and she would invariably win something. Our first day and game, she won $100.00. At some point, but I can’t remember the exact day, I requested a MBO (Most Benevolent Outcome) to win at bingo while on the trip. Well, I went to each game each day. The third day, my husband joined us and in the jackpot game he won $250.00.
”The final day came and the jackpot had not been won. The fact that I had not won at all was not surprising to me, but I still enjoyed the game. The jackpot game came, and of course the number of people had multiplied since the money had to be given away! As I sat there numbers were being called and none of my cards looked promising. All of a sudden though one card started to gain in the numbers called, and lo and behold I was down to one number left with about 3 other people.
“And then it happened, # 71 was called, and that was mine!! I won $2,000.00. Now here comes the most amazing synchronicity to all of this! Upon returning home, I started reading your book. Your chapter on bingo was very similar to my experience on my Alaskan cruise, and the page that this story was printed on …. # 71 !!!!!!! My winning number! I sat and laughed and thanked the angels over and over for all that they did. I now request MBO’s on a regular basis and know that everything works out for the best.
”Thank you for your book, your newsletter, and all the wonder information you give us. I have forwarded your newsletter to my friends. This wonderful circle of MBO’s must be growing very large!”
What great synchronicity! And as a reminder, as I wrote in the book I won half of an $8,400 Bingo pot on the last day, just as Jeanne did.
Both in the book and in my newsletters I’ve discussed how we can manipulate time to a certain extent. For those of you new to my blogs or newsletters, as an example you’re running late for an appointment at 2:00 pm and it’s already 1:30 pm, and it takes 40 minutes or so to get there, you can say, “I request a compression of time until 2:00 pm, thank you!” You’ll normally arrive a couple of minutes early.
So Kelly writes: “I wanted to share a compression of time request incident I experienced yesterday morning. I was headed to work and noticed that I was running a bit later than usual, as there was road construction every possible route I could have taken. I decided to request a compression of time and decided on the specific time when I would arrive at work to be by 8:07 am. That essentially meant I’d make it to my office by 8:10 with 20 minutes to prepare for the day; thus the seemingly strange time I chose, in case you were wondering. Well, I intentionally avoided looking at the clock and noticed a last minute switch of route that seemed “right” and took it. I arrived at the building I work in but for some reason, I turned into the wrong parking lot. I hadn’t parked in that one in 2-3 years. Why I turned in there, I couldn’t imagine. Then I looked at the clock and realized why. It was 8:06 am and the time it took me to pull out of that lot and go around the building to my usual lot was precisely the time it took for my clock to read 8:07am sharp! I chuckled aloud as I realized specifics are honored! I could have stated “by 8:07 or earlier” Maybe next time!”
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is in stock! Here is the link: . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
For many more suggestions on requesting MBO’s, please go to my website You can also sign up to receive this weekly F.R.E.E. blog at And I also have a weekly newsletter on more advance topics. All the newsletters are archived under Articles and News on the website, plus I do a Podcast of the newsletters for those too busy to read.
Email me your own MBO stories, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore