The Gentle Way Books
Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog for everyone that enjoys inspiring stories from around the world from people using this simple, yet powerful spiritual tool each day in their lives. It makes life so much easier when you do. You start with the simple, mundane requests such as a parking spot or seat on a subway or train to gain trust that this WORKS!
As an example, you would say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a parking space next to _________, thank you!” Now you don’t do this one minute before arrival—you make the request as long in advance as possible to give your Guardian Angel (your GA) time to set it what with another GA so that a person who was planning to leave, leaves at the exact time you arrive.
Please feel free to visit my website, where you can also read or listen to my weekly F.R.E.E. newsletters, articles I’ve written for magazines, a couple of chapters of my first book, and more! You can even print out signs to help you to remember to request Benevolent Outcomes each day.
This week I’m going to discuss how to ask for Benevolent Outcomes for other people. The earthquake in Haiti is a good example, so let’s begin.
Susie writes: “I know you are being flooded with emails concerning the earthquake in Haiti and all the suffering that is going on there. I’ve been asking my GA and other spiritual beings to help these people but I guess my question is how can I be sure that my requests are being heard? Hope this is not too trivial. I really enjoy reading your newsletters.”
When you say a Benevolent Prayer for someone else, you don’t always see immediate feedback as you do with many of your MBO requests. In my first book I described how saying a BP for a couple on a plane, who had left her purse at security, and seeing the joy they felt when she returned with the purse. So you do have to say these and have faith that they do work.
In this case have you not read nor seen on TV the massive amount of aid both from governments and the general public, it is huge. So the question is, have you said a Benevolent Prayer for these people yet? If not, say RIGHT NOW, “I ask any and all beings to assist the people in Haiti affected by the earthquake to be rescued, and to be aided in recovering from this disaster, and may the results be even better than we can hope for or expect, thank you!” You say “ask” instead of “request,” as a whole different set of angels responds to these Benevolent Prayers INSTANTLY!
If we have hundreds more people saying this prayer, think about the ENERGY that is created! Pass this along to your friends, and perhaps lead your group in everyone saying this—not just you.
Peggy writes: “Hearing you talk about requesting MBO’s has changed our lives here in Ohio. We’re having some major construction work done on our home so I requested a MBO for our carpenters’ workday. Before they left that day they remarked that they didn’t know what happened but their work just flowed effortlessly and they got so much done! I told them I asked for a MBO for them.
”I told my husband Joe about MBO’s and he was so excited about trying this. We both do it every day now and throughout the day for everything–it’s a wonderous feeling to know none of us are alone in this journey. This past Monday Joe asked for a MBO prior to leaving for an out of town 2-day workshop he was teaching. His fellow teacher came in to work that day horribly sick–so Joe said he could handle the class all by himself. His co-teacher has 16 years experience–Joe is a new teacher with 8 months experience in teaching weatherization techniques. 8 months ago he was milking cows at an organic dairy and working at Wal-Mart. Our area is so economically challenged and it took him 2-1/2 years to find his present job. Everything was on the line with this class.
”The class turned out so great–his 27 students all wrote great reviews of their experience with him. His new bosses were so impressed that he was willing to handle this class by himself and that he did so well. Joe’s confidence has soared and his future looks bright with this company and in this new field.
”I do upholstery and continually ask for MBO’s on every piece of furniture I work on. I was so behind in all my orders because of a recent move we made and all the construction work going on around here. Now I’m completely caught up and once again feel professional, on-time and excited about the magic of creating beauty with great workmanship. I was assisted in clearing the back-log by my angelic helpers. Thank you Tom, for sharing this incredible awareness in so many of us!”
And thank you Peggy for sharing some great MBO’s!
Laurie writes: “Here’s another example that our guardian angels are ALWAYS listening: Recently, my mom came home from the grocery store and realized that she didn’t have her purse. (It’s a small clutch, not a big handbag.) After some confusion and worry, she remembered what I’d told her about MBOs and asked God and the angels to help her find her purse. She didn’t use the exact language of “I request a most benevolent outcome for…” but the message went out! She returned to the grocery store parking lot two hours later (having first cancelled all her credit cards just in case), and while she and one of the managers were combing the area where she’d parked, the fellow bringing in the shopping carts came up to them. He held up my mom’s little clutch purse and said: “Are you looking for this?” Not only had he found the clutch, he’d found it only a few minutes before encountering my mom. It had been wedged in the flip-up seat of the grocery cart. (Nicely hidden. Thank you guardian angels!)
”And what a great case of synchronicity. The purse had been sitting in the cart, out in the parking lot, for TWO HOURS, before my mom, the manager, and the cart collecting employee all merged. Wow!
”I write fiction for a living, but if I wrote this incident in a story an editor would say it was contrived!”
Recently here in Dallas my son could not find his very expensive cell phone (to call it just a cell phone does not do it justice). He looked all over his bedroom and office in our house and then looked in his car and so on. Naturally he called his cell phone from all over the house but couldn’t find it. I reminded him to request a Benevolent Outcome and he did.
My wife asked me to search his car once again, so I took my cell phone to ring his along with a flashlight. When I rang it and heard no sound, I said out loud to myself, “It’s not here.” After it went to voice message, I dialed again and as it was ringing, my son came up behind me with his cell phone ringing. It had been buried in a drawer in his desk and for some reason he didn’t hear it ringing before. I got to go back to TV after 11 hours in the office. A nice, quick MBO!
Daphnee in Vienna, Austria writes: “I read your newsletter with interest and there was a request about marriage in the last one. I am trying also to formulate an MBO so that my marriage dissolves without having to go through drama and trauma. Can you help me with a formulation that is more positive?”
For Daphnee and anyone else going through a divorce right now, I would suggest, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for dissolving my marriage in the most benevolent way possible, and ask that the emotional cords that are connected to my spouse be severed in a most benevolent manner, thank you!”
Then you can also say a Benevolent Prayer for you and your husband–“I ask that any and all beings assist and comfort both my husband and me so that this divorce be as amicable as possible and may the results be even better than we can hope for or expect, thank you!”
I Hope this eases the process for both of you and for any reader in the same situation.
Previously I included in a couple of blogs about my trip to Cannes, France and the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, but was a trip to England I took last March.
I requested a large number of MBO’s during the trip. I now always request MBO’s for the safe arrival of my luggage, for getting through the Security line with no problems, and for sitting next to an interesting person on the plane. I always travel business class if I have enough mileage to upgrade, and on the Continental Flight to London from Houston, I did just that, but the plane was not full and there was no one next to me. That allowed me to “spread out” with things in the seat next to me, and there was no sound of someone eating while I went to sleep after taking a Melatonin (vitamin that helps you sleep if you are not familiar with the name). Plus it was easy getting up to go to the restroom without having to climb over someone else in the middle of the night.
I requested a MBO to easily find Val Stoner at the London Heathrow Airport, and had stood there waiting at the coffee shop for less than 5 minutes when she arrived. I stayed at a very nice Bed & Breakfast in their largest room Val had arranged.
The B&B was only a one-block walk to the railway station, where on Thursday I went to Windsor for lunch with one of my DVD company clients in the UK. I had to change trains twice and requested MBO’s for getting to the right train. At each of the two stops there were kind people who directed me to the correct track. I even sat near a gentleman from Philadelphia who’s a “head-hunter” living in Windsor and a lady going to a play that was headed for the West End in London. They directed me in the right direction to Don Beni’s restaurant. The waiters sing there. Fun place if you are ever in Windsor visiting the castle.
On the way back I requested a MBO for the trip and was OK with the first change, but arriving in Twyford, I wound up following a sign saying Henley, but it was incorrect. There was NO ONE on that platform to ask. Then suddenly out of nowhere two ladies appeared, inspecting some construction work on the platform. I asked and they said that the train was on a different platform and pointed to the train already sitting there. I thanked them and ran up the stairs, over the bridge and down to the platform, thinking they might close the doors any second. They didn’t until 3 minutes after I entered the train car. Now THAT was a Benevolent Outcome!
We had a great time in the workshop and I had requested a MBO for that, and had everyone request it too. Then on Sunday Val and her husband Jim took me to the London City Airport for the flight to Nice, France. I naturally requested a MBO for the drive, as we had to go through the middle of London. We arrived in plenty of time. I really must publicly thank Val for all the work and friendship. She’s a great lady and a catalyst for Benevolent change in the United Kingdom. Mine was the first workshop she arranged in the UK, but she has several more in the works. If there’s anyone else that would like to sponsor a workshop, let me know soon, as I must plan months in advance.
The London City Airport is such a small airport that they close the Security line down at times. Naturally I requested a MBO for my luggage to arrive on time, and for my trip through the Security checks. I also requested a MBO to sit next to someone interesting on the plane. The Air France commuter jet I flew on holds 81 people and it was stuffed with people attending the world TV market I was headed for. There was a jolly English chap that sat on my row in the plane and we exchanged business cards. He’s the managing director of an internet supply company and has already sent me an email upon my return suggesting we do some business. The runway is so short that the pilot kept the brakes on while revving the two jet engines up to full power, then letting off the brakes and off we went like a catapult.
Upon arrival in Nice, it was in a downpour. I had been given a free bus pass as part of my “platinum card” service (earned through many years of attendance at this market), so I requested a MBO to not have to wait too long after I picked up my luggage, and the wait was a short 10 minutes. Again there were lots of market people on the bus to talk to. As it was raining, I hurriedly walked the two blocks to my hotel with an umbrella stuck in my jacket while I rolled two bags. After checking in, I requested a MBO to pick up my badge with no problems and that went smoothly—with no lines. I had requested a MBO for someone interesting to sit next to for dinner, and it turned out to be my old friend Dominique, as a dinner with a French client had been cancelled when they decided not to attend at the last minute. It was nice to catch up, as I know that having these dinners will not happen as often in the future; Theo has told me that our paths will divide more in the future, especially when requesting Benevolent Outcomes becomes widely known in the next couple of years.
Each day at the market (as I do every day) I would say the EXPECT GREAT THINGS TODAY mantra (found on the website under the SIGNS tab for new readers of this blog). And then I would request a MBO for all the meetings that day to be productive, and the results to be even better than I could hope for or expect.
I won’t bore you with the rest of the details of the business portion. I requested MBO’s for not having to wait long for the bus back to the Nice Airport and it was again less than a 10 minute wait. I was hoping for an upgrade to business class for the flight to Paris, but it was all coach. The MBO was that I had gotten in the Elite or Business Class line so my wait was much shorter than the coach line, and two of my clients from Japan were in line and they got me an invitation to the Elite lounge where I had a free sandwich and cola.
In Paris, my bag showed up in reasonable time and the wait for the shuttle bus to the hotel was not too long. I flew back to Houston on Air France the next morning next to an attorney whose main client in Europe was Airbus, and he was pleasant. On the plane I mentioned just a little about The Gentle Way. As we approached the Passport Control there was a huge crowd there from two 747’s that had arrived before us. As we went through the queue, I saw there were two lanes that were roped off. I quickly requested a MBO for them to open, and they did open just three people in front of me. I told the attorney that this was an example of THE GENTLE WAY.
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Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore