The Gentle Way Books
Welcome to this edition of the Benevolent Outcomes Blog! This blog is for everyone just discovering how to use this simple, yet powerful spiritual tool in your daily life. It’s so easy, that some people can’t believe it works, but it does! I’ve been requesting Benevolent Outcomes in my personal and business life for 14 years now, so I KNOW it works from DIRECT EXPERIENCE and knowledge. So try it out yourself. Start with the mundane things in life like, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my drive to work today, thank you!” Or, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a seat on the train today, thank you!” Then as you build trust, you can request MBO’s (as I abbreviate) for the PERFECT job, home, or mate for you!
I’ll be traveling to Las Vegas for a TV market as part of my business distributing movies and TV programs internationally, and I can assure you I’ll be requesting MBO’s for my trip and sales meetings.
If you are already requesting MBO’s, buy a book as a gift for a friend’s birthday. It will literally change their life! Check out my website, where you can read or listen to my weekly newsletter (more advanced topics), articles I’ve written for magazines and a couple of sample chapters of my first book to get you started. The link is Here are more stories from people requesting MBO’s in their lives.
Patricia in British Columbia, Canada writes: Thank you for the information on the birds. I have received your book “The Gentle Way,” also Robert Shapiro “Animals Souls Speak”. Both have been extremely helpful.
When I first heard of MBO’s from the Sedona Journal of Emergence I was skeptical and didn’t use them then after reading your news letters I thought I’ll give it a try, nothing to lose, right! Boy was I in for a shock. At first I requested parking as you suggested and it worked EVERY time.
Recently I was short immediate cash and called for an MBO, then forgot about it. I was cleaning out my desk, at the time and I came across an old yellowed piece of paper with OLD lotto winning numbers, I ripped it in two and threw it in the garbage –then reached down and retrieved it, I asked my son for another form to fill out, as I had already filled one out and He was on his way out the door to go to the store as the draw was in two hours.
I tore up the first one and replaced it with the other; my son thought I had “lost it”,— using an old ticket. Four hours later when the draw had taken place I had won $208.00, the amount I needed. I will never be shy about using MBO”s again and tell everyone who will listen. THANK YOU TOM, – BLESS YOU-, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK…
As I told Patricia, she’s the first person to write to me about winning anything on the lottery. I do think it was because this was for a SPECIFIC need for her as compared to requesting a MBO just to win the lottery.
This lady asked me to change her name, so Janet writes: In December, I had e-mailed you about a huge hospital bill and wanted a benevolent outcome. You gave me the wording: “You might try ‘I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for being able to pay my hospital expenses, and may the results be better than I hope for or expect, thank you!’ Then allow a little time for your GA to put things in motion. It might not happen overnight or in a week or so.
”That will allow your GA to get really creative in solving the problem.”
Wellllll, today I called the hospital’s patient financial services as I had gotten a notice that I was in collections about the bills. Come to find out that the letters crossed in the mail – so now, instead of owing over $52K, they knocked the bill down to a little over $2K.
Please share this on your newsletter.
Janet also asked me for a MBO to request as she’s an actress, and this can work for any actors that read this article. I suggested, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the PERFECT acting job for me, and may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!” And then stand back and watch your Guardian Angel works out the details. I also suggested that each time she goes for an audition she says, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this audition, and may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!” Perhaps she’s not right for that part, but the producer or director remembers her and casts her in another production.
Laurie writes: I recently attended a convention in New York and wanted to tell you that MBOs worked for me yet again! A few weeks before I left for the convention,
I asked that “helpful people” would be put in my path. Well, were they ever!
During my trip to New York, I was asked to submit story ideas for an
anthology, was able to put my Atlantis novel directly into the hands of
an editor, and got a face-to-face appointment with a literary agent. Are my
Guardians great or what?
Also, knowing that they were watching my back, I was not as nervous as I otherwise might have been flying for the first time since 2001. I asked for an MBO for a smooth and uncomplicated flight to NYC and they delivered. And I asked the same, particularly strenuously, on the return trip — considering that I was taking off from LaGuardia (we didn’t fly over the Hudson!). My return flight took off ten minutes early, and arrived 30 minutes ahead of schedule. My angels must have wanted me to get home fast! I did too.
I cannot thank you enough for introducing me to the practice of requesting
Benevolent Outcomes. They work every time.
Diane in Dallas writes: I wrote to you that I got your book. Well today I was told I could not have my home loan. I prayed for MBO and a couple hours later I got the second letter from the realtor that I got the loan and I am finally going to own a home!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 4:11 PM they told me the bad news and by 6:26 PM they had fixed it and I am going to closing!!!!
Diane referenced an email sent to her denying the loan and requiring her to provide all sorts of extra financial information. Then she received the following message from another person at the Texas lending institution she had applied to:
“ We have fixed it….I have a migraine now….We scrambled and we got this done. It was a miracle. I can’t believe it!!!”
Charlene writes: I’d like to second Diane’s MBO outcome on buying a house. It DOES work. I first found out about you and MBO’s from Kathleen Shannon and Dick Sutphen about last July when it seemed totally hopeless that I could ever own my own home. I started using the prayer right away and signed the paperwork for my home in September, 2008! I’d say a couple months is a great turn around time for a miracle. Thank you for the light you bring to the world!
And thank you Charlene for sharing such positive news!
Diane in the UK writes: Here is a delightful MBO story, which thrilled me because it involves my 7 year old niece, Jessica.
I bought ‘The Gentle Way’ as a Christmas Gift for my beautiful sister in law, Tracy, who has been having wonderful MBO successes. The other morning, busy Mum Tracy, on the school run asked for an MBO for a parking space near to the school. Running a little late and becoming agitated with the rush hour traffic, Tracy again asked for an MBO for a parking space. Jessica then spoke up, ‘You know what’s going to happen now? You’re gonna get two spaces!’ and as Tracy said, ‘We did! That’s exactly what happened. There were two spaces, one in front of the other where normally you are hard pressed to find one’. How funny!
One of the best parts about the story for me is that beautiful Little Jess is trusting, by example from her Mummy, how to live and ask for MBOs. Wonderful!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore