The Gentle Way Books
Welcome to this week’s Benevolent Outcomes Blog! If you like these blogs, please let your friends know. They can go to my website and sign up for these weekly blogs. You can also sign up for my weekly F.R.E.E. newsletter that has more advanced topics, or listen to the Podcast. I also have sample chapters of my first book and articles I’ve written for magazines available to read. Now for interesting stories sent to me from all over the planet from people requesting Benevolent Outcomes in their lives.
This person as requested that I not use their name, so Yevette writes: “Thankfully, I first read your articles in the Sedona Journal of Emergence a few months ago. I immediately started to do MBO’s (Most Benevolent Outcomes), and can see that they are helping in many ways! Now I share your technique and website with nearly all of my clients (I’m a clairvoyant reader), and many of them report to having great results!
”What kind of MBO would you for when there are tremendous challenges and shifts on all levels, and it seems tricky and overwhelming to manage/juggle them all – yet in order to survive there’s no choice but to do all of them? I know it seems broad…but the challenges are really on every single level. Work, health, finance, home, relationships, family – all in such intense degrees, all needing so much attention, change, and evolution.
”The MBOs are so wonderful & exciting, and so easy for anyone to use. Again I thank you for the work that you are doing on this and other planes of existence!”
As Gaia, soul of the earth once told me, “I don’t wave a magic wand and ‘Poof’ things happen.” I think it’s the same way with requesting Benevolent Outcomes.
Remember that one of the rules for requesting MBO’s (Most Benevolent Outcomes) is IT HAS TO BE FOR SOMETHING SPECIFIC FOR YOU. So after requesting thousands of MBO’s over the past 14 years, if there were any “short-cuts” or “waving magic wands,” I think I would have found it. But when I go out driving, work on specific business sales, when I’ve had medical issues, and in my personal life I must request a MBO each time for each specific thing.
But I think that’s designed that way for a specific purpose I just finally learned recently. When you start requesting MBO’s:
- Your awareness starts to lift;
- You start raising your vibrational level; and
- The veil starts to thin.
It may not be noticeable at first, but keep at it and you’ll see a difference.
People are always asking, “How can I raise my vibrational level?” Requesting Benevolent Outcomes is the easiest and most fun and gratifying way I’ve found so far. Everyone can do it with no special training, rituals, etc. It’s for ALL OF US!
Kathy in Washington State writes: “I was driving from Seattle to Vancouver, B.C., to take a workshop and to do a group 12 Strand DNA Activation. There were several places I was going to – motels, houses, and businesses. For my birthday I’d
received a Garmin GPS and was looking forward to the first real chance I’d have to use it.
”I’d carefully inserted all the addresses of these places in my Garmin and it had directed me without error to the Costco gas station in Bellingham. Next was my motel in a town near Vancouver. As I was driving along, it suddenly began flashing
“Low Battery”. No problem, I thought. I’ll just plug it into the car charger. However, when I tried, the end that went into the Garmin kept falling out. I was beginning to panic. All my information for every one of my destinations was in my Garmin – I hadn’t written them down anywhere. I turned it off to save what little battery was left, thinking I’d just turn it back on when I got into Canada.
”Before I hit the border, I stopped at a rest stop. I sat in my car for a few minutes thinking about my quandary and then remembered to ask for an MBO. I requested that I find the solution to the low battery problem quickly and easily. I used the facilities and came back to my car, thinking to try one more time to insert the car charger. When I picked up my Garmin it happened to be upside down, and THERE WAS THE CONNECTION FOR THE CAR CHARGER! I’d been trying to plug it into the wrong place! Thank you angels! I continued on and it worked perfectly the entire week I was traveling.”
Anne from Illinois writes: “I’ve been asking for months for MBO’s for financial winnings at bingo…. and finally revised the way I ask…. I asked for my winnings to be beyond my expectation. Yes, I did win a game on the hotball number. It was the 3rd hotball jar number and it had a value of 10 dollars. Imagine my surprise when I got 300 dollars. It seems no matter what number was called you would automatically win the first jar… (value 300 dollars) in addition to the game (35 dollars…. that too surprised me because the games are usually 30 dollars) So all the way around my winnings exceeded my expectations.
“My cousin was a recipient of your book when she graduated from Nurses school. I’ve asked her to send you an email with her story (ies).. Thanks Tom for all your kindness and assist with the best book I’ve ever read and applied!!”
Christine in Arizona writes: “My cousin, Anne from Illinois, is a friend or acquaintance of yours I believe? She sends me your newsletter, and also sent me your book on Angels. I had spoken to her this morning, as I have been looking for a job as a nurse here in Arizona. I was given a referral by a woman I have never met, and it seems to have worked out for the best. The reason I am writing you is because I was reminded by my cousin to request an MBO on my ride there for a safe drive, and then again once I arrived for a positive outcome to the interview.
”My cousin also “felt” that I was there and told me she stopped to pray and request an MBO for me too. It seems as though, after 2 months of looking for a job, I may have finally found one! I wanted to thank you for writing your book, and giving me the chance to read your wonderful newsletters!
”I know you will be in Sedona in June, but I (hopefully) will be working, and so I will not be able to attend. I will be sorry to miss your workshop, but am so happy you will be there to help others.”
And I’m glad Christine will be doing what she does to help others too!
Lyn in Chicago writes: “I wrote to you back in December about doing some classes based on your book, and (no surprise here) the most benevolent outcome has occurred. I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get approval to teach at the local community center…but knowing that the most benevolent outcome was around the corner… a lovely woman who just opened an art studio and asked me to do a Feng Shui blessing and then invited me to teach there! We haven’t worked out details yet, but it will be in April.
”I have a strong wish and desire to take one of your workshops, so, of course, that is my current request that resources become available to do just that! So many wonderful, happy outcomes have been occurring daily…I love the Gentle Way! Many thanks and I love the idea of participating in the awakening that comes with learning it and sharing with others. MBOS galore!”
Notice everyone how trusting in MBO’s works? Lyn KNEW that someplace better was going to be made available. You just have to TRUST that the results will be THE MOST BENEVOLENT FOR YOU!
Diana writes: “I have used the MBO requests every day for the past 2 months. And on the time that I forgot to use it is the day it’s not flowing smoothly in my life spiritually.
”1. I have used it to find missing items, get taxis, compression of time to get to appointments on time and finish scheduled tasks.
2. I have used it to ask for help with our new internet server. We noticed that the day we switched to a new server that orders have dropped in our online business. My partner was a bit worried and stressed out about it, and immediately I requested an MBO for business to pick up with our new server, and that they would fix whatever problem there was (if any). The result was almost immediate. It was a relief to know that MBO requests can help with technical (technology) issue.
”I have recommended your book and website to anyone who would listen, and most importantly, telling them about this awesome prayer. I hope I can help more people by spreading the news. Thank you for the blessing.”
In my film distribution office we’ve had to request MBO’s several times in the past few months for technical problems with our computers. We’ve been able to overcome them each time, naturally requesting MBO’s.
Although she did not ask me to, I am changing her name to Connie writes: “I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to phrase a MBO. I am married with two young children. My husband is very aloof, unromantic, critical, and many times even verbally abusive person to me and my son. I feel that I would divorce him, except I know the children would be devastated by such an act. I am confused about what would be best for them under the circumstances. I have been working on my side of the issues for ten years and I am tired and depressed and even hopeless at times. Can you please suggest some MBOs for me?”
For Connie and anyone else in this same situation, Here’s an excerpt from my Living Prayers chapter of my book:
We all see and read stories about physical and sexual abuse in our communities. But there are those reading this book that are actually experiencing abuse on a daily basis. If you live in a household where there is physical or sexual abuse, you definitely should say, “I ask for my safety and for the safety of my children be guaranteed now and in the future in a way that is benevolent for us all.” If the reason for the abuse is because of an addiction to alcohol or drugs you can say, “I request that any and all beings come to the aid of (name) and assist (him or her) in the most benevolent way possible for our family.” Remember, you can ask for what seems impossible!
And I should have added “verbal abuse” to that.
I suggest anyone in this situation see a marriage counselor on your own–and when you are choosing one say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for choosing the right marriage counselor for me, thank you!” Then when you go to see this counselor say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this session, and may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”
Erika from Australia writes: “I have been reading your articles and some first chapters of your book, The Gentle Way. I found your website and my hubee Michael and I have enjoyed what you have put on it very much and signed up for your newsletter. You may have addressed this question as I haven’t read everything yet, I have ordered the book from a website in the U.K., as there is no charge for shipping.
”When requesting MBO’s as a couple in a situation together how do you go about this, have you got any thoughts about this? I know you say them for yourself and I understand they work this way but when you are in a restaurant and you say it together for your meal etc how is it best to do this in your experience. ????
”I have been doing them since I read the article last Friday you wrote in an Australian magazine. I read the article on the train going to the city and after I read it I didn’t want to read anything else in the magazine. And I started saying them for my evening of doing Angel readings at a city function, I whispered them behind my hand as I sat next to the window. I actually enjoyed the readings more than normal and we all had a good time. When I had to work out the money with the hostess I said an MBO for the amount, as I wasn’t too sure what to charge as things had gone over time. So I said a figure to her and then went to the toilet saying another MBO for the pay and she gave me even way more than I asked for which I had thought was high enough. I went home and said to my hubee, guess what I got paid for the evening for 3 hrs work, and he was amazed. It was a good feeling and a good first MBO.
”My next one was for A Sunday event I was hosting at my home and I said a general MBO for it, well Saturday night the guy running the event rings and can’t make it and suggests we cancel and I ended up agreeing even though It didn’t feel too good doing it and disappointing the people who were attending. I sent a message to 2 friends and told one about an event on the next day a Universal Insights Expo, which I had seen a flyer for a few times that week and someone I knew who was starting a healing centre was going to have a stand there. So I said another MBO for going to this myself and the best time the next day and wow what a time I had I ran into 2 of my friends who had been coming to my event and all of us instead were at this expo!! I had a great time talking and seeing all the stands and there on my friend’s stand who had the healing centre sat the woman who was so disappointed about my event cancellation so it had worked out well for her and all. My hubee and I had a good outing and enjoyed ourselves.
”So I learned that what I thought by saying the Most Benevolent Outcome can mean anything can happen even that appears bad, but there is a higher plan up there. It took a while for me to let go and forgive myself and Adam for canceling the event even though there was a most benevolent outcome. I have said a whole lot more MBO’s, too many to write here and have had various outcomes. I am enjoying saying them, even though I do have a lot of other things I do and say that I have learnt as tools over the years.
”By the way are you on Facebook as I don’t go to Myspace? By the way I don’t usually write this much only a paragraph at a time. I have a pretty good angel who is my spiritual master, and I talked to your Theo while reading your newsletter and he said yes he knew of him they had met and I was well taken care of with my spiritual teacher, guide, master, dream teacher, Guardian Angel all rolled into one. It was interesting to hear him answer he knew my guide who is the spiritual leader of Eckankar Sri Harold Klemp.
”IF you want to use what I have written feel free. Thank you and I hope you have time to reply and had time to read all this!”
For Erika and anyone else out there who have not read all the book, I have a chapter on Benevolent Living Prayers as I call them now. These benevolent requests are for when you ask for someone else or include someone else in the request. A whole different set of angels responds to these. You say, “I ask any and all beings for….” instead of “I request…” I am on both FACEBOOK and MYSPACE. Let’s be friends.
I wish you all a MOST BENEVOLENT WEEK!
Tom T. Moore