Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!
This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). My website is
Would you PLEASE write a review for any of my books that you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else you purchased the book? I would appreciate your support!! As I don’t charge for these newsletters, this is one thing you can do for me. My new book, “THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions,” is now available at the online stores in both the printed and eBook versions. The link to Amazon is Click here!
My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers, as an eBook or in printed version. On Amazon, here is the link: For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review. This helps others who are undecided, since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.
You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at
Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in bringing peace to the world, thank you!”
Ellen writes: I’ve been saying MBOs daily and having so much success! This week I was looking for some bedroom furniture for our little camp on the lake. I’m having fun shopping at thrift stores, yard sales and estate sales. I said an MBO for 2 items I needed. One was a white headboard with bed rails and a white nightstand at a fair price for both the seller and myself.
I stumbled on the headboard with rails the other day at a thrift store for half what I budgeted!! Then today at an estate sale everything was marked 50% off. I previewed the sale pictures and saw the perfect nightstand so I said an MBO that it would still be available when I arrived and it was!! I have the 2 pieces I wanted at a very fair price! My GA has been working hard at finding just what I needed. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful MBOs with us! They truly work!
Martika writes from Ecuador: As a dog rescuer in Ecuador, life is a mix of joy, fear and anxiety, dealing with so many abandoned, injured and neglected dogs living on the streets. I personally have 5 rescues, that keep me busy with MBOs and doggy matters. I’ve written before about my husky who keeps escaping the large walled property I live on, and who miraculously has always returned to me…..they’re known for running relentlessly and never looking back or returning. It’s only because of the blessings of MBOs that my Wild Child has returned time after time, to ease my troubled heart!
His latest escape act was not so wonderful, as an 8 month old puppy eagerly followed him to town, both disappearing overnight. After many MBOs for their safe return, the puppy appeared magically on my front door step, soaking wet and unable to walk, but she was home! This alone was mystical, as my house is some distance from the front gate, and she had no way to enter it on her own. I rushed her to the vet, where an x-ray showed a slight fracture in a front leg; she was bandaged up and returned home, almost good as new! For a very young puppy to have survived being hit by a car (the vet’s assessment) and only sustaining minor injuries was a huge benefit and deeply appreciated! No more scampering off for that young lady, she’s been grounded for life. The husky continues his wanderings (like the wind), but always comes home to the sound of heartfelt MBOs being delivered on his behalf!
Thank you, Tom, for sharing with us this priceless treasure! Everyone who has ever used an MBO is most definitely grateful for this gift! Blessings and good life to you and your family!
Lee writes from Florida: Had an appointment with a new cardiologist this past week. Said MBOs for a good visit and that I would like the doctor and all would be well. MBOs answered 10 fold! Not only did I have a good visit and he was happy with my test results but he listened to me without judgment and offered his thoughts on things that I had concerns about without making me feel “oh she’s just a female”. Making an appointment to return in 6 months and he shook my hand and said it was nice to meet me! MBOs are the way to go!
Severine writes from China: Thank you to everyone who joined the BP on FB to improve my overall situation at home. 48 hours later I started to feel a shift. Everyone in the home improved.
I can’t find the original version but it went like this:
I ask any and all beings across all timelines to aid comfort and assist X and their entire household in restoring love, peace, prosperity and joy. Please surround everyone involved with massive healing white light, love and miracles and may the outcome be better than expected, thank you!
Thank you to you and followers.
Very grateful also to our free WhatsApp group. We support and say BPs for each other daily. For those who want to join our active BP WhatsApp group and participate please email Severine severinechinavasion (at) gmail (dot)com.
BP for smooth meeting:
Anxious about a meeting? Say this one it helped me getting good results. The group joined too.
I ask any and all beings across all timelines to assist X, Y, and Z in having a productive and smooth meeting please surround everyone involved with healing white light love and miracles and may the outcome be better than expected, thank you!
Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other
services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at Let’s be friends!
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore