The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

May 28, 2011

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5-28-11



Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

AUSTIN WORKSHOP:  JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN) $75 in advance or $85 at the door.  People are already signing up for this event and space is limited, so you may wish to sign up TODAY!  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at  or telephone 303-917-6093.

I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31. Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30.  It will be held in the Galleria.  Go to to sign up for either THE Austin or Houston workshop.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.

If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes.  Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Teresa from Austin here.  I just wanted to send an email about the value of habitually saying MBOs.  I say MBOs daily, every time I get in the car, before I start projects, and for business.  My husband had a medical emergency last month, he passed out and fell hard on the floor and was unconscious but moaning horribly.  It was early in the morning and I was asleep, but the noise woke me, and I immediately ran into the living room (half asleep);  I saw him laying on the floor, bleeding (he had a gash in his head from the fall), still moaning and still unconscious.  Probably because I am so in the habit of saying MBOs, I had the presence of mind to say a short one (I really don’t even remember exactly what I said).  About 30 seconds later I was getting ready to call 911 but my husband became conscious, sat up and was lucid and said he was not in any pain.

We went to the emergency room where  cat scans showed that he had blood clots heavily in BOTH lungs.  Several doctors have said that he is the luckiest guy in the world to have survived that event.  Also, this happened just three days before he was going on an international flight and high altitude airplane flights and prolonged sitting can actually cause or worsen blood clots.  My husband normally has excellent health, but he had a back disc issue and was unable to exercise for several months and he was sitting in front of the computer for extended periods.  We now know you should get up every 20 to 30 minutes and stretch.

Anyway, I know this is pretty long but I just wanted to let you know that I believe the MBO request really made a difference and I think my husband’s Guardian Angel was working overtime to keep him safe.  I also realize it must not have been in his soul contract to cross over.  I will see you in Roundrock on June 11, looking forward to it!


AG on the forum writes:  For my trip to Macedonia I have requested, as you suggested, to have one of the best trips I have had so far. And I had, the most impressive being the way I have changed all the planes involved.

To Skopje I had to change three planes and each time there was someone who was going to the same exact place and could tell me how to catch on time the next connection. On the last plane, I sat next to a man who instantly became my soulmate. We exchanged visit cards and we’ll see what this friendship will turn into.

On the way back, the plane from Skopje to Prague was late and there were 20 minutes left to change in an airport, which is pretty big. However, on the same plane Skopje-Prague there were two of my male colleagues. One of them ran as fast as he could to the counter to say that we were late. They had already cancelled us from the flight, but once my colleague was there, they have waited for us and we got back to France safely.

During the whole trip I had this feeling that people were happy to see me, I have exchanged cards with some people I met in the hotel and I just felt that I was protected.  In addition, I had a lovely sauna and jacuzzi there!

When I write this, I smile and I am looking forward for new opportunities to use MBO’s.

I loved AG’s travel story. I haven’t told this story before, but I think this is a good place for it.  As I have mentioned before, requesting MBO’s keeps you on your soul “contract” as my GA Theo calls it–I used to call it soul path. And that means if you try and go off track it will not allow you to, as keep in mind that your soul contract is what YOU set up before this life for the most learning, experiences, knowledge, challenges, etc.

I spent two years trying to raise money for a package of World War II movies that a friend of mine in Paris and I had optioned the book rights to film. I traveled to Budapest, Prague (both beautiful cities), Cannes, Los Angeles, etc. to try to raise the money. One city I visited was St. Petersburg, Russia trying to convince a production company to put up part of the money to film there. Like all the other places I visited I was turned down, even though I requested MBO’s each time. But St. Petersburg was special anyway and what a great MBO it was, even though I had to look back later to see what a great experience it was.

I flew directly from the states to Frankfurt and then St. Petersburg, so I was jet-lagged, but the president of the company picked me up at the airport. As we traveled out of the airport there was a billboard advertising a Paul McCartney concert the very next day in front of the Hermitage Museum (there had never been a concert there before). I asked if there were any tickets left and they said they doubted it, but we went to the ticket office and naturally I requested a MBO. I got the last seat in the first 24 rows, right of center! We went on and they showed me various locations for filming, and the next morning I did a walking tour of the city and the Hermitage Museum, guided by one of the producer’s staff.

That early evening I proceeded to the concert. We experienced a pouring rain before it started and everyone was wet, but it didn’t matter. Paul put on a great show, and can you imagine listening to “Back in the USSR” sung to Russians–what a great time! Paul had been wearing a “No More Mines” t-shirt and at the end of the performance I was approached by a Russian, who spoke almost no English. He said, “T-shirt–Mines–Russia?” I got to do my tiny part for world peace and said, “No–World,” and gestured a world with my hands.  Here’s a link to that performance:

I finally asked my GA Theo why I had never been able to put together the package of films and he said that had I taken that path I would never have reached the number of people I’ll benevolently affect with my books and speaking.

I do encourage all of you to get out and see the world. You’ll find people all over the planet are much more the same than different, and you’ll certainly feel more in tune with everyone.  And requesting MBO’s will keep you on your soul path YOU CHOSE before birth.


Iris writes:  I had a seminar to attend and left on time. I noticed I left my wallet on the coffee table and had to go back. I was trying to make it 35 miles away by 7pm ( at the tail end of rush hour)and once I retrieved the wallet it was 6:17pm. I know… it takes at least 1 hour to get to my destination so I repeated an MBO that specified that time be compressed. I did not look at the clock and miraculously arrived at 6:55! Thank you angels for altering time so that I was not late!

If you’re running late, or need more time to finish a project or assignment, you can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a compression of time until (specify the time), thank you!” Then don’t look at a clock or watch.  You are cocreating and bending time!  Try it, it works, just as it did for Iris!


Patricia writes:  Went to Havasu yesterday and had a blowout on one of my tires.  We got it safely off the road and everyone was ok. I had to buy not one, but two new tires, and all was well. Was grateful that all was ok and that we were protected. Thank you angels I appreciate all of you.


Christa-marie writes:  In your latest newsletter you asked Theo about the amount of MBO’s one can ask. I have asked many of the ones repeatedly but felt that there were blocks, and that I’m missing something important about the process. Then I remembered having read something in the Gentle Way thread on the Steve Pavlina site’s forum. You or someone explained that better results will be achieved by asking an MBO for every ‘aspect’ of the issue at hand, usually a big or complex one. I started doing this with incredible results! To identify an issue, I pay close attention to the thoughts or emotions that pop up after I’ve asked the first MBO. I ‘work’ at these till I feel peaceful or just a sense that that I’ve covered all the bases. It really works for me! I even use my dreams to guide me in the process.

Since I started using the Gentle Way method only a week ago, specifically doing the above, I have experienced an enormous shift in myself. Emotionally I am much more peaceful, spiritually no other method/ technique has helped raise my awareness of and connection to my guides, angels, well, Everything! more, and my whole life is changing for the better in a big way. Not to speak of help with the smaller, everyday things 🙂

Thank you so much for being the teacher of this wonderful Gentle Way, and also for dedicating yourself to introduce this to as many people as possible. And thank you, Theo, for assisting Tom to do this!


Sunny writes:  Just had my car for inspection today – had a quote for 385Euros . When I dropped the car of I did a MBO and asked for a cheaper price when I pick it up …Even though I had no hopes for this one to come true as usually it will be a little more for extras not considered but in this case it worked ..AGAIN

With little extras not quoted I paid 350Euros.


JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN)–WORKSHOP–$75 in advance or $85 at the door.  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093. Sign up for the workshop at .

–$50 plus $10 entrance fee to the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo.  For more information and to sign up, go to .


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here listed as TOM T. MOORE. Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

May 23, 2011

Gentle Way Offer For May 25

Filed under: Spirituality Self-Help — Tom Moore @ 8:12 AM

I quite often receive emails from subscribers who are unhappy in their current job and are seeking to change careers to where they can work more gently with people and contribute to their well being.  I will be teaching a class next month for the Hilton Johnson Organization, so I thought you might wish to see what they can offer in this area.  Or perhaps you’re happy where you are, but you have a friend, family member, or colleague who would be interested in learning more about being a Health Coach, so please forward this email to them. They will have a webcast about being a Health Coach on May 25, so don’t delay in signing up, if this is of interest to you or your friends or family.

Subject:  Can You Be a Health Coach?

We have arranged for you to attend a Health Coach webinar event (90-minutes) that will demonstrate how to earn an income as a Professional Health Coach using web based systems for coaching.  This complimentary presentation is hosted by
Hilton Johnson Productions, the people who have pioneered professional Health Coaching with web-based technology.

Companies like Google, Motorola and UnitedHealthCare are employing web-based health coaches everyday to address the problems of  healthcare directly.  Because of the demand, there is a shortage of good qualified health coaches.  Could this be the next billion dollar business?

Health coaching is changing healthcare because it helps people not to get sick in the first place.

Web-based coaching allows almost anyone to quickly build a professional coaching practice/income and deliver excellent coaching.  This teleconference call/webinar will show you exactly how.  You can be a successful health coach without any selling, prospecting, or using any persuasive techniques.

This call will take place on: Wednesday, May 25th at 2:00 PM ET (New York Time), 1:00 PM CDT, 12:00 PM MDT and 11:00 AM PDT. In the United Kingdom the time will be 7:00 PM.

To attend this 90-minute complimentary training session click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web-browser.  (You will need to be on your phone and the Internet to attend this event.)

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

May 21, 2011

Benvolent Outcomes Blog 5-21-11



Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

AUSTIN WORKSHOP:  JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN) $75 in advance or $85 at the door.  People are already signing up for this event and space is limited, so you may wish to sign up TODAY!  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at  or telephone 303-917-6093.

I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31.  Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30.  It will be held in the Galleria.  Go to to sign up for either THE Austin or Houston workshop.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.

If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes.  Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool.  Now for some inspiring stories.


This past weekend we picked up an Enterprise Rental Car in Plano, Texas to drive to North Little Rock, Arkansas for my high school reunion.  I requested a MBO to 1. Have a good car (tires, running good, etc as most of the cars I had rented from them in the past had at least 25,000 miles or more) and 2. That it would be available when I arrived (last time we had to wait 30 minutes for one to be delivered up front as they were sold out).

They had several to choose from and I chose a Chevy Impala with only 14,000 miles!

I requested MBO’s on the drive and the State Troopers were all writing tickets for someone else–both going and returning.  Had also requested a MBO for light traffic and it was easy driving both ways.

I also requested MBO’s for the reunion and it was just a great weekend, reconnecting with many I had not seen since high school.  I also donated two books for the silent auction raising money for landscaping for the school and they went for more than the retail price to a classmate who’s into angels.

My brother lives in NLR and when we left the hotel where the reunion was held I requested a MBO for the drive to his house. We arrived and noticed the left rear tire going down.  Before long it was flat from a nail in the tire, but the MBO was that my brother had an air compressor and pumped it up for the drive to Firestone.  We dropped it off and returned after lunch.  Had to pay $20 to fix it, but when I returned the car I requested a MBO and Enterprise deducted the expense off my bill.

All in all, a PERFECT weekend!


Christa writes:  For the past week or so I have done several MBO’s for employment and have just received an offer for my dream job. This is stuff that blows the mind…expect amazing results!

For those of you seeking employment, you say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the PERFECT job for me, thank you!”

Then before the job interview you say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this interview, and may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”


Judi writes:  Recently, I visited my step-sons out west.  One lived in Portland, OR and the other one lived in Dayton, NV.  Trying to get them both to get time off to visit with me was really difficult, but eventually, after months, we coordinated everything so I could visit them in one week.  Also, because of the days of the week and time line, it was really a challenge to get the flights from where I live to where they live – no direct routes.  I then did my MBO’s for the trip there making sure the airplanes were on time, no delays or mechanical problems, the car rental, and motel reservation would go smoothly.

My visit required me to be at eight different airports/cities in one week.  Talk about a challenge, but my Guardian Angel was up for the task.  Can you believe, ‘everything’ about the trip and the visit was PERFECT.

I am grateful every day for having seen your article in the Sedona magazine.  My life has changed for the better every since.  I know I am never alone or without help.  Which is a first for me having been on my own since I was 17 with no help from any family member. I would never ask a friend for any help.  Good way to lose a friend.  I didn’t know I was so strong to go it alone, but after many, many years feeling like I had no one to help me, along comes The Gentle Way.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I was asked to use the initials GF writes:  Last week I received a menu request for a big catering job. At first I was intimidated at the magnitude of it all and had decided it was out of my comfort zone to prepare food for such a big event.  I had convinced myself it was just too big.

I decided to call the company the next morning and went to bed.  As I laid in bed I said an MBO and picked up ‘Happy for No Reason’ and read awhile.  I woke up the next morning as if something was urging me to get out of bed. I immediately said ‘I can do this job, expect great things!’.  I put the menu together and within 24 hours was called to confirm my availability.  I have been saying MBO’s for quite some time and realized it also takes a shift in consciousness to accept there are benevolent beings waiting to help us.  Gosh they must get so tired of my complaining when all the while they are waiting to do good things.

When I get up every morning I say your daily MBO and also expect great things!!

GF is referring to my Daily Benevolent Prayer and the Expect Great Things “mantra” as my readers call it.  You can find both by going to the website and clicking on SIGNS in the menu bar.  You can print those out, plus several copies of a sign that reads “REQUEST BENEVOLENT OUTCOMES TODAY”, which you can put up in several places to remind you to make it a habit.


Lynn in Oregon writes:  Hola Tom… I used to write you all the time about the many wonderful MBO’s happening once I and my friends let them into our lives… Or incorporated them as part of our lives….   So many, I just stopped even thinking about sharing…never stop being amazed, but just too many to share…  But have to share this one…. One of things I have noticed also is that I do not even have to ask for them any more…..or even think of them… Feel like they happen all the time with out asking… Not that I stopped asking… Oh I still ask very specifically daily…but so many more seem to happen and here is an example of one…

My good friend and I went up to Portland to a doc apt.  When we do that we always go do some shopping as where we live on the Oregon Coast is very limited.  This time we stopped at Michaels, an arts and crafts store and other things.   Had not been there for a while and wanted to look for some specific things for garden, which I had gotten a couple of years ago.  Love them and thought I would get more.  But they had none!  I was surprised.  My friend was thinking about looking at some art supplies she needed, but she just could not get into it…  Looked around.. And we both just decided there was nothing and left…  Now this is RARE!  I even commented what a shock that we both walked out of there without a thing!

Well a couple of days later in the paper they talked about how some one scammed  Michaels and got all the visa card numbers used on the very day we were there!  Even mentioned the store we were at!  I met people who did shop and used their cards and it was a mess to clean it up.   It was only a day until they found it out, but……   We both use MBO’s daily and we are sure it was our angels watching over us!  Thank you Again Tom for bringing us this treasure!

You can stop having any fear of identity theft by saying, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my identity in all forms to be protected now and for all time, thank you!”


Patricia writes:  After such success last year using a “body shield” for working/weeding in the garden….no bites, no sunburn, no itches….it was a short step to request a MBO for another shield from the allergy triggers of the spring.

Please shield me from the mold and pollen, which are now quite high and leave me struggling with swollen sinuses, stopped up nose and affecting the intestinal system. Eureka! three days of weed pulling and cleaning up yard after the fierce winter and NO AFTER EFFECTS!. Love living this way!

Tom, Thank you for all you do with the Gentle Way. Give the books away every chance I get.

After reading the armadillo story, suggested the moles, voles and all underground creatures retire to the back wooded acre instead of our little grass around the house. Let’s see what happens this year. They nearly destroyed our lawn last year.


Rookie on the forum writes:  I don’t know if any of you remember, but a while back(say a week ago) I made a post about making an MBO to come into some money. Well guess what?

I’m currently looking to buy some new sneakers and a pair of Beats By Dre headphones, costing $140-$150 and $200 respectively. I already have about $110 saved up. So, I made an MBO a week ago asking to come into some money that would cover both of them. I thought it was a pretty big and specific thing to ask for, but I have faith in MBOs and I knew they worked since Day one.

So, about two days after making the MBO, I came upon some really juicy information. Up until two years ago, students in my school were required to pay about $45-$50 to take AP exams, but since that isn’t the case anymore, students who paid for those exams are able to get a refund on their payment. Two years ago I paid for two AP exams, meaning my refund is somewhere from $90-$100(I can’t remember the exact price, but the College Board website says that it costs $85 for each exam; I, however, do not recall paying that much). That refund coupled with the cash I have saved up plus some extra from my mom will mean I can actually afford the sneakers and the headphones!!

*Sigh* Guardian Angel, I love you.


JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN)–WORKSHOP–$75 in advance or $85 at the door.  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093. Sign up for the workshop at .

–$50 plus $10 entrance fee to the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo.  For more information and to sign up, go to .


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


You can now follow me on Twitter.
–Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

You’ll find me here listed as TOM T. MOORE. Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

May 12, 2011

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5-14-11



Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

I’ll be appearing on The Metaphysical World of Dick Sutphen this coming Wednesday at 1:00 pm CDT at

$75 in advance or $85 at the door.  People are already signing up for this event and space is limited, so you may wish to sign up TODAY!  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093.

I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31.  Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30.  It will be held in the Galleria.  Go to to sign up for either THE Austin or Houston workshop.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.

If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes.  Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Ron writes:  Tom I did make an MBO like you shared with me for paying my medical bills and so far things are looking good and  i am amazed too.  I am receiving statements from my insurance company saying that they are paid. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also if you would please could you tell me how to request  an affordable good  health insurance plan for my wife.  I have checked all over and so far all of the plans are either way over my budget  or  amount to nothing but  discount programs.  This is getting really frustrating for me. $600-$700  a month is way too much for me. So if you could please tell me how to ask my angel for help on this issue.

You can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding the best and least expensive health insurance for my wife, thank you!”


Diane writes:  MBO you can decide if you want to use it but I thought it had a good twist! Re: outcome for my higher purpose! As you may recall I am just starting (about one month ago) with the gentle way! I asked a MBO to me to find the perfect mate to share my life with  and that the results are better than I would hope for or expect thank you, and numerous men have appeared!

So last Friday I had my second date with (guy A) and that day before I went out on the date I said this MBO (ps I use this term higher self a lot) so , MBO: :  I requested that the date with (guy A) be perfect date if it is in my  highest good to continue dating him to receive a message at the end of the night and I added that the  results be better than I would hope for or expect thank you! Well guess what! The date was perfect we had dinner!  Went to a poetry presentation and to a pub! At the end of the night I got a message while saying goodnight that it was a perfect date but not in my higher good to see him again! I am not! I asked and I feel the true message came! Since my MBO I am asking for the perfect mate to share my life! This was a perfect date but not the perfect mate! So next week I have a date with another (guy B) and the foLlowing week with (guy C) so the universe is providing the men!


WV on the forum writes:   I need to add my voice to the choir of praises for The Gentle Way introduced in this thread. I’ve truly been led to it; the past two days have seen me literally flat on my back with what I suspect is a healing crises, one of the worst I’ve ever experienced. I was really suffering so when I came across this, I jumped right into MBO-ing. The results have been amazing. I am aware of presences surrounding me all the time…we are so not alone. What also struck me was the humor with which these golden beings responded to my requests. Been chuckling with them several times today, wonderful to be laughing again. I haven’t for such a long time!

I’ve ‘submitted’ many requests and though I’m aware that some will take time to come to fruition (and probably evolve), I’m amazed at the elegant, gentle way others have manifested over the past two days. The beings’ timing is so perfect.

Speaking of timing, I’ve been thinking about the fact that this type of connection with the angels raises one’s vibration. Does energy healing and emotional release-work do the same? My current healing crises is definitely the result of too much of something and I wondered if one can bring on a vibrational raise that’s too much for the body to handle? I’ve really been pushing it the past three weeks as my life desperately needs turning around! Clearly overdoing it though. However, the MBO’s bypass this excessive strain on the system. From now on I’m going to start each session of any healing/releasing with one. 🙂

Thank you, all and everybody who has brought us this gift!


Tony in the International Starseed Network asked:  I know you’re a firm believer in the Most Benevolent Outcome prayer.  I understand the purity and well intentions of it.  I think in theory it sounds truly wonderful.

Here is the only thing I’ve always wondered about.  If we have “soul contracts” and we come here to learn specific lessons, or just simply to experience certain things, then how can we incorporate a “most benevolent outcome” prayer, into it.

I mean, if you set out a whole pattern of outcomes before you were born, things you wanted to experience, or just lessons you needed to learn.  Then in theory, why are you asking for the most benevolent outcome.  I guess what I’m saying is, why are you asking for anything at all.

I mean, why not just take things as they come, and whatever it is, you deal with it, and learn from it the best you can.  I mean, the lesson here in life, is accepting the challenges that you originally signed up to experience, and doing the best you can with them.

So with this idea in mind, i sometimes feel a little silly praying for any sort of outcome, Even if its not praying for a “specific’ outcome, cause in reality, whatever outcome I’m here to experience, is the outcome I’ll experience. So what exactly are you praying for? Are you simply praying, to get the outcome you’re supposed to get? I mean, what other outcome would you be praying for?

I really am genuinely interested in your thoughts and opinions on this matter.  It’s something I’ve debated with in my mind for quite a long time, and  i believe perhaps you might have an interesting perspective on it.

My own GA Theo says that when we start requesting MBO’s a number of things start happening, some I’ve just learned about in the last year:
1.    He says by requesting a MBO, even if the experience is on your soul contract, you will lessen the severity of the experience.  He gives the analogy of being a speed bump in the road as compared to having to climb over a brick wall;

2.    It is the first BIG STEP in cocreating with spirit—something we have to learn to do.  He says that until you start implementing and not just reading articles and books, you remain on a plateau of sorts;
3.    You start raising your own vibrational level through using this simple spiritual tool—which anyone can do as compared to the more difficult ways that some spiritually advanced individuals promote;
4.    By requesting MBO’s you help raise the vibrational level of the whole world so that we “fling open the door” to the fifth focus.


Cheryl writes:  At first, trying to get a dog kennel may not seem that big of a deal, until one does not have the transportation required to get it home.

I had been searching for almost a year trying to acquire one and this week, I was down to the wire. My ability to travel for work is dependent on this item. The business I had been working with changed their minds this morning about delivery, said come on back in an hour to speak to yet another person and I left discouraged. With yet another disappointment, I drove out of their parking lot saying, “I request a MOST Benevolent Outcome in finding a dog kennel and NOT ONLY THAT – at a better price! THANK YOU!” (One tends to get dramatic with disappointment but the sincerity is still there).

Within 10 minutes, I not only found another business (tucked away on a side street) but they deliver free and it cost $100 less! At times like these, the simple words “Thank You” to the Angels feel so inadequate.

Tom, you can certainly edit all of this however you choose. But I just want you to know that it’s been about 3-4 years when I picked up one of the most blessed books of my life. It was yours. I generally use MBOs like I’m breathing during the day because they work! Why I hadn’t for the dog kennel, I’m not sure – perhaps it just wasn’t that important until this week. This was a new company and from leaving the old parking lot to purchasing the new kennel – 10 minutes flat! I would like to thank you for following the path you chose and passing this blessing on to so many. You could have said no, but you didn’t. Thank you!


Patricia on Facebook writes: Just want to say the stint for the artery on Friday went well. Asked for an MBO and thank you thank you angels, you were right with me.


Ron writes:  My wife and were driving out shopping to our local  target store.  My wife mentioned to me that she want to see one of those little Smart cars on the road.  We got talking and laughing about the car ad how small it is. I mentioned that it reminded me of a dinner bun and I called it the bun. It’s a little car that only seats two people.

Anyway she kept on talking how she wanted to see one so I did an MBO to see a Smart car and  surprise just about the time we got close to the store not one but two  Smart cars appeared on the road heading in the other direction.  One was blue and the other black. This just made our day. By the way those little cars are rare where live. Thanks  Tom for the work you are doing and we are saying it too.  MBO’s work and sometimes in funny ways too.


JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN)–WORKSHOP–$75 in advance or $85 at the door.  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            303-917-6093      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Sign up for the workshop at .

JULY 30, SATURDAY–1:00 PM-5:00 PM–HOUSTON, TEXAS  (GALLERIA)–WORKSHOP–$50 plus $10 entrance fee to the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo.  For more information and to sign up, go to .


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter.
–Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here listed as TOM T. MOORE. Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

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May 7, 2011




Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

AUSTIN WORKSHOP:  JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN) $75 in advance or $85 at the door.  People are already signing up for this event and space is limited, so you may wish to sign up TODAY!  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at  or telephone 303-917-6093.   Sign up at the link listed below.

HOUSTON WORKSHOP SCHEDULED: I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31. Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30.  It will be held in the Galleria.  Go to to sign up for either the Austin or Houston workshop.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.

If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes.  Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Lisa writes:  I asked for an MBO and took off for Mexico to get some dental work done. I thought it would cost about $800, which was about 1/3 what I had been quoted in Houston for two crowns. I had a chipped front tooth and the dentist here said it could not be fixed with a filling. I got to Mexico and the dentist there said it COULD be fixed with a filling, and charged me a whopping $50.


Krista in Finland writes:  Short Benevolent Prayer story: I said a BP and asked AA Michael to clear the energies in my home, asking that anyone who wanted to feel the high vibration, happiness and spiritual/healing energies of my home, come this weekend. And, by surprise, 60 something students started a party in my tiny apartment of 48 square meters (516 square feet). It was great! And your book is great!!! Thank You!”


Elizabeth writes:  My truck was stuck in 4 wheel drive low, I thought oh no, here we go $$$$$$…I requested an MBO and asked a friend to help me…he fixed it right away!! Relief!


Jaffra writes:  Although I use MBOs and the affirmations every day, I don’t have many really “interesting” MBOs worth publishing, since I ask most of them for personal, subjective and non-physical benevolent outcomes. Today was different!

Today I’d signed up to attend a lengthy and very popular “webinar and call-in” with Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code ( ). For the previous few hours, “something” had been prompting me to get through to him by phone for one of the amazing healings he’s known to assist others to receive. So naturally, before the call began, I asked for an MBO that I might be called upon for a healing although, at the time, I didn’t even know what exactly I wanted healed, since there were quite a few possible items.

To prepare, I thought of something that would be “nice” to have healed but, after I’d heard others being healed of really challenging problems, I began to think there MIGHT be hope that I could be healed of something completely different… what had (for 24+ years) an incurable and severely itchy skin disease I’d been hopelessly dealing with. When I was blessed to hear my name called (as the last person to receive a healing today!), THERE was my MBO answered, for as he briefly asked the important questions, we quickly and amazingly DID get to the basic hidden emotion that DID contain the root cause of the disease, and the disease was then “released” (& I’m certain it was). As you might imagine, I’m thrilled with this outcome.

Thus, this is the most exciting MBO result I can recall ever receiving, and I’m very grateful to you, Tom, for helping me learn to trust my Source, and to ASK for help in achieving MY greater good, since MY greater good benevolently benefits everyone’s greater good. Now, all “do-it-ourself-ers” can finally learn to allow our own selves to be cared for, to be respected, and to be healed.

It’s clear that your message is of vital importance to the healing of the world, as the effects of our MBOs continue to ripple, one by one, across the Earth. Thank you for being a BFF (best friend forever) to the thousands of your correspondents, and I’ll continue to Expect Great Things, and wish the same for you!

Thanks to all my BFF’s!


Peter in Quebec writes:  I drove for 5 hours to do an angelic music healing concert and I forgot my video camera. I prayed so that some people would come for the healing. Finally 10 minutes before it started someone came with a professional video camera and asked me if I would like him to film the music concert. I thanked the spirit guides for answering so fast the MBO. Oh yes it helped those that came to the little concert.


Joe on the forum writes:  Had a great result from an MBO request today.

I had a staff meeting scheduled for first thing this morning and walking in late is always embarrassing. I encountered a major traffic jam a couple miles out from the office, and I asked my GA ‘Max’ (because I always get MAXimum results from him!) for a most benevolent outcome for getting to the office before the staff meeting begins, and may the outcome be better than I could hope for or expect.

I’ve learned to attach that final tag line to all of my MBO’s, as I really do think it makes a difference!

I started to stress about the situation since the cars were moving so slowly, but then I realized it wasn’t worth it – I was going to be late for sure and I couldn’t change that. I hoped that even though I’d walk into the meeting late there would still somehow be a benevolent outcome. I popped in a CD from one of my favorite bands and jammed to the entire 16 minute first track, which put me in a great mood! (“At the End of the Day” by Spock’s Beard…amazing stuff if you’re into prog rock.)

I finally arrived at the office and walked in to see…an empty conference room! Turns out my boss was caught in the same traffic jam and called ahead to cancel the staff meeting. Thanks Max!!!


She asked me to change her name so Meredith writes:  I worked at a medical supply store and was in charge of shipping medical pieces to doctors or distributors, these pieces are used in surgery and often are urgent. I sent some pieces to Mexico and when the client received them, he said there were 16 pieces missing! Of course I was responsible for this matter, so I started tracking and investigating with no results. I then said an MBO for finding the pieces, otherwise I would have to pay for them (and they are very expensive).

We had been searching for the pieces all morning, and in matter of minutes after I said the MBO, I talked to the client and he said that he had had an error in counting! Can you believe that? He had not counted the 16 pieces missing, he did a recount and found out everything was perfect! Thank you dear angels!

Thank you Tom for doing this great work!

This has happened several times to me in our film distribution business.  We would send a box of video masters to a TV station or network and we would be told there was one or more missing, even though we are EXTREMELY careful in checking and rechecking our shipments.  We would request a MBO and they would go back and say, “Oh we found the missing master(s).”


JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN)–WORKSHOP–$75 in advance or $85 at the door.  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093. Sign up for the workshop at .

JULY 30, SATURDAY–1:00 PM-5:00 PM–HOUSTON, TEXAS  (GALLERIA)–WORKSHOP–$50 plus $10 entrance fee to the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo.  For more information and to sign up, go to .


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter.
–Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here listed as TOM T. MOORE. Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

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