The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

May 18, 2024

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5/18/24


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). My website is


Would you PLEASE write a review for any of my books that you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else you purchased the book? I would appreciate your support!! As I don’t charge for these newsletters, this is one thing you can do for me. My new book, “THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions,” is now available at the online stores in both the printed and eBook versions. The link to Amazon is Click here!

My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers, as an eBook or in printed version. On Amazon, here is the link: For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review.   This helps others who are undecided, since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.

You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at

Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in bringing peace to the world, thank you!”


Deb in Minnesota writes: Got an MBO for you.

Yesterday I decided I needed to see my chiropractor sooner rather than later, but I wasn’t sure if I could get the day and time I wanted, so I said at least a couple of MBOs for obtaining an appointment on a specific day and at least close to my desired time.

When I called this morning, I was delighted to get the appointment on that day and at my favorite time. Yay!

It is amazing how well the MBOs and BPs work!


Jules writes: I live here in Iowa and have asked 3 times now for a Most Benevolent Outcome for my home and our little town. I live in a town with only 1200 people according to the latest Census. And the tornadoes have missed us every time I have asked for an MBO. Each time we were under a tornado warning and the siren was going off. We don’t have a storm shelter. And to make matters worse I live in a manufactured home.

So, if anyone wants to know if the MBOs work, YES they do. And you can ask for anything. Cheers!


Meetali writes from India: I can’t thank you enough for the work you do through your blogs. I wanted to share a BP. Few months ago my husband quit his previous job and was looking for a better opportunity. I said BP (I said it multiple times because I knew I won’t be penalized for it and it made me feel better) for him to find the perfect job and a month later he received a job offer with a better pay but in a different city.

Then it was time to move to another city and I said multiple MBOs to help my husband find the perfect apartment we could move into. I dealt with the shifting alone and said multiple MBOs to ease the process. Eventually it all worked out but now when I look back at our experience I had never expected us to move to another city, but then I guess it was part of our soul contracts.


Cynthia writes from Missouri: I sell artisan jewelry at an ETSY store. I nearly tore my studio apart looking for a necklace ordered by a new customer. Exhausting all options I said an MBO to find the missing item and gave it 3 days to work. Each day I emptied out my 3 inventory boxes and searched my studio again. At the end of the 3rd day, I gave up, sent an apology and refunded the customer’s money. The next day I had occasion to get in to my boxes to complete another order. I was astonished to find the missing necklace in the top box, sitting atop all the other pieces. There’s just no way it could have been there before!

Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at  Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore


Send to Kindle

May 12, 2024

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5/11/24


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). My website is


Would you PLEASE write a review for any of my books that you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else you purchased the book? I would appreciate your support!! As I don’t charge for these newsletters, this is one thing you can do for me. My new book, “THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions,” is now available at the online stores in both the printed and eBook versions. The link to Amazon is Click here!

My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers, as an eBook or in printed version. On Amazon, here is the link: For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review.   This helps others who are undecided, since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.

You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at

Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in bringing peace to the world, thank you!”


Martika writes from Ecuador: #1 MBO: I’m living in an enclave in Cotacachi, Ecuador, with a variety of neighbors. A newly arrived neighbor knocked on my door, practically foaming at the mouth in absolute fury! He said my pitbull Gargoyle had ‘attacked’ his cat, and he knew for sure my pittie is a cat killer, and he’s going to kill my dog! Gargoyle is an absolute nanny dog, sweet as sugar, playing with all the small and young dogs in our property, a purely sweet and cuddly lap dog that wouldn’t hurt a flea….I’m pretty sure he’d never even seen a cat before, and was probably chasing it out of curiosity! Apologizing, I asked with great concern, ‘Did he hurt your cat?’ and he said no, but he was still incensed, so I then started to feel very frightened by this unknown person’s unreasonable rage, and knew I had to take action to protect my animals! Oh, I forgot to mention, he was doubly outraged, because little Lollipop had barked at him, while he was in his own yard! When I heard that nonsense, I knew I was dealing with an unstable character, and despite having lived in this property for several years, I knew I’d have to leave ASAP.

I did MBOs to find the perfect place for me and my furbabies to live safely and securely….a dear friend who is managing a property in a nearby town invited me to live there…it has an enormous yard for the dogs, with many other dogs, horses and animal lovers living there, a practically perfect living situation that presented itself as a result of my heartfelt MBO!

#2 MBO

Notice I said my new-found home is ‘practically’ perfect, and here’s the caveat….I’m highly allergic to mold, and the wonderful house I’m moving to, indeed has a mold issue, a common problem here in EC. I hopped onto Amazon, researching the most effective air purifiers for mold, and found an excellent HEPA filter right away. I placed my order, sending it to my usual shipping address in FL, then wrote the woman, saying please expect this delivery, and can I get it ASAP?! She responded right away saying sorry, you just missed the delivery, it won’t arrive til Late June. Instead of panicking, I did an MBO to be able to get immediate delivery, then returned to Amazon to try to catch my recent order before it shipped. After jumping thru hoops, getting my shipping address changed to Ecuador, I got a message saying nope, can’t ship your item to EC! Undeterred and fueled by MBO confidence, I asked for a chat with what I’m pretty sure was an AI customer service rep, inquiring as to what part of my order could not be sent to EC. The bot then offered to cancel the HEPA filter order, so I could re-address the shipping address, and it worked like a charm…my desperately-needed HEPA filter is arriving at the same time I’m moving into my new house, with a much cheaper shipping cost than my FL contact! Life is definitely happier and smoother using MBOs and BPs! It’s kinda weird feeling so grateful to AI, but I was absolutely gushing over the fantastic results it had presented me…welcome back to the future!


Kathy writes: I was saying an MBO from your book The Gentle Way that my son and his family would find a perfect house in the best location. They found one about a month ago. I say MBOs every day for everything. They work and help me navigate life so much easier. Thank you.

I’ve mentioned this in the past, but years ago my wife started looking for a smaller house to move to. She kept dragging me out of my office to look at houses, and we even made an offer on one, but someone paid the full price (quite unusual at that time). Finally I requested an MBO for the PERFECT house for us and Dena found it the next day!


For the first time since 2010, folks nearby decided to have a block party. One of the organizers was who’ll I call Frank #2, since I have a close friend also named Frank that I’ve written about before. Frank #2 also happens to read my weekly Newsletter. They scheduled this during Mercury retrograde, and at a time when we were really having a lot of rain storms. They had to cancel and reschedule. The local meteorologists had a 20% chance of rain that increased to 40% for that Saturday. Frank #2 and the other organizers waited until Friday, and when the forecast was for the rain to arrive late in the afternoon, they went ahead with the block party. I talked to Frank and told him I would say a Benevolent Prayer that the rain would hold off until after the block party ended at 8 pm.

At 9:30 pm the rain began. I called Frank the next day and he said they had almost finished up packing everything—tables, food, bounce house, etc. when the first drops arrived. They quickly finished and then he went into one of the other organizer’s home for a short time. When he left to return home, he said he was drenched. At least everyone had a great time. I had also requested an MBO for our family’s participation to have better results than I could hope for or expect. I was able to give up a few The Gentle Way business cards to the people that were interested in learning more.

Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at  Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore


Send to Kindle

May 5, 2024

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5/4/24


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). My website is


Would you PLEASE write a review for any of my books that you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else you purchased the book? I would appreciate your support!! As I don’t charge for these newsletters, this is one thing you can do for me. My new book, “THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions,” is now available at the online stores in both the printed and eBook versions. The link to Amazon is Click here!

My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers, as an eBook or in printed version. On Amazon, here is the link: For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review.   This helps others who are undecided, since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.

You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at

Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in bringing peace to the world, thank you!”


Teresa in Austin Texas writes: Hey Tom: Hope all is well. We had a very small twister come through our neighborhood this morning. A few neighbors who had their windows open said it sounded like a train. Our windows were closed and I did not hear anything. It was raining hard, and I did say, “I welcome the gentle wind and gentle rain” three times.

One neighbor four doors down had a tree fall into their daughter’s bedroom window and one
neighbor two doors down had a very large tree totally uprooted and thrown against their house. Huge damage. Before I go to sleep at night, I always say an MBO for our house and every inch of property to be protected.


Urvish writes from India: Hope you are doing well, lots of love and light to you. 🙏
MBO for a refreshing trip and good time with an old friend and his family, taking our 1.5 year old out for a long ride.

We were going on a trip to a friend’s place 7 hours away and our daughter has turned 1.5 years old and it’s tough to keep her entertained in such a long car ride these days. No longer the innocent baby you know. I asked for a MBO for a smooth incident road trip, have a calm mind throughout and that our 1.5 year old behaves in the car ride.

To our amazement, she slept through her first 3/4 hours and then she sat the remaining 3 hours in a car seat playing with toys or watching toddler rhymes. She followed the same routine on the way back. This was the first time in her car seat and that too for a long ride.

Even at my friend’s place she played well with his daughters and we all also had a great time playing cards, eating out and visiting the beach. It was indeed a fun, refreshing trip with no bad events.


Aimee writes: I have a question, whenever possible:
I have asked for many MBOs that do not get any positive outcome at all, I feel like either I don’t know how to ask it or they just ignore me for some reason. [MBOs were for parking space.]

Keep in mind that what we ask for must be within the boundaries of our soul contract or path. An extreme example would be to request to win the Lottery. That is a soul contract item for those who must learn how to handle sudden wealth, which might be an inheritance or making a killing in the stock market.

I tried to raise money for a series of spy films, but the funding kept falling apart, even though I requested MBOs all along the way. My GA Theo said that was not on my soul contract and that I would reach many more people through my books and talks.

In many cases, something better is on the way. But also keep in mind that it has to be benevolent for anyone that is in any way affected by your MBO request.


Lee writes from Florida: Good day Tom! This is a follow up to an MBO that I said several weeks ago but not sure if I posted here about it though. I lost an earring that is very difficult to fall/pull out of an ear lobe. Frankly I was surprised when I noticed it missing! So I said an MBO to find my earring even though I had no idea when it fell out. I checked my car, in the sheets of the bed, the floors, etc. and finally after a couple weeks of on and off looking I figured it was gone forever.

Friday morning I was getting ready to go out and I picked up a pair of slip on shoes and there was the earring right inside the shoe! That pair of shoes was sitting in that spot since November! And there are other shoes right there that I wear often but there was my small hoop earring only about 1/2” in diameter sitting right there like it was there all the time waiting for me! lol Love MBOs and bear in mind they are not always instant! Have a great day!

Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at  Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore


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