Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to and then send an email to tomtmoore6(at) with your name and email address.
I hope you are enjoying these newsletters. If you do, please forward to your friends. My goal has always been to ask questions that no one else is asking. There is no other newsletter like it, I’m sure you’ll agree.
Happy Holidays everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkuh! Request lots of MBOs and ask for many BPs to navigate your way through this busy season.
GREAT SALE FROM MY PUBLISHER! Light Technology Publishing has a fantastic offer for the month of December. Order six books or more, or a complete series and they are 50% off. Order five items or less that are not a series and they are 35% off. This beats anywhere you can buy them. Phone 800-450-0985 or 928-526-1345 or online at Use the code WINTER2015. So, order all five of my books plus one or just order a bunch for Christmas gifts. This helps support my work and these f.r.e.e. newsletters!
We’re in the Christmas buying time. My books make great gifts for friends and family. And there is such a range—THE GENTLE WAY to introduce people to requesting Benevolent Outcomes in their lives, FIRST CONTACT for all those sci-fi Star Wars fans, and ATLANTIS & LEMURIA for those who like ancient history. PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW for any books you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else that you purchased the book. I would appreciate your support!!
SPECIAL OFFER: One of our readers asked if she could buy five books directly from me and autographed as gifts. I said, “Yes,” but feel I should make this offer to everyone to be fair. I have never done this before, so it has to be FIVE OR MORE BOOKS! You’ll also be charged for postage. Email me to make sure I have the books on hand and a price quote. Email is tomtmoore6 (at)
My new book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers, as an ebook or in printed version. On Amazon, here is the link: For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review. I only have 10 so far and need more!! This helps others who are undecided since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.
All my books are sold on in both print and ebook formats, if you wish to buy them that way, You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura, (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
Michael writes from Germany: Lately I've been reading a lot about North Korea threatening the West with the use of an H-bomb.
Are they bluffing or is it currently in their capability?
Gaia, does North Korea have the A-bomb or H-bomb?
Not at this time, Tom. These statements were meant to do just as was accomplished—at least for some people—to frighten them and make their leader seem all powerful to his people.
Jean-Marie writes from Canada: Eleven or 12 ghost ships appeared on Japan’s coast in the last few weeks with their crews dead on board. What are they, what happened and why? The Japanese think that they are North Korean fishermen lost at sea.
Theo, what happened to the North Korean people on board the “ghost” ships found drifting in Japanese waters?
Yes, these were desperate people who tried to escape from the tyranny of North Korea. Most were found by the North Korean Navy and were killed and then the ship would just be left to float and drift away as they had orders not to tow them back to shore. Many of these attacks were in international waters, which would have complicated matters.
Judy writes: Tom, could you give some thoughts on chakra removal. I just recently heard of this and am curious to know if chakras are implants and how it affects once removed.
Gaia, why would anyone want to remove a chakra, and is it possible?
Yes, it is possible, Tom, but not advisable. Your body works with these energy centers and when one is missing, it is almost impossible for the Kundalini energy to flow through your body. It’s almost as if your soul is not able to easily access your body. Each of your chakras performs a specific job or service to your soul and your body, so my advice would be to not mess with it. If a person thinks a chakra is damaged for some reason, they can request an MBO for it to be made whole again. Often, people think a chakra is the cause of problems in your life, but this is not so. Deal with the problem. It would be akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater to use an old saying you’ve heard many times.
Helen in Hawaii writes: Referring to your newsletter dated 5 Dec about your last life, I was wondering about the soul group that continues to incarnate as Jews. According to what is written, the Jewish religion started about 1813 BC with the birth of Abraham; give or take a few centuries. I think I read somewhere that the Jewish religion was the first religion that recognized one God (monotheistic) when ancient societies had many different deities they prayed to. My questions:
Were there other monotheistic religions or beliefs before the Jews that we don’t know about? For example, the Law of One in Atlantis – was that considered to be a one-belief system?
Did the Lemurians have a one-belief system?
If there was a one-belief system before the Jewish religion, then would the soul fragments, from the soul group that specializes in incarnating back on Earth as Jews, have existed before the birth of Abraham? Would these soul fragments incarnate on Earth before the Jewish religion?
I read somewhere that the Jews do not consider a person being Jewish if the birthmother is a non-Jew even though the father is Jewish. Therefore, does that mean the soul fragment of the child that is “half Jew,” not from the soul group that incarnates over and over in the Jewish religion?
Why do the Jews consider a person a non-Jew just because the mother is not Jewish even though the father is Jewish?
Gaia, were the Atlantean Law of One people monotheistic?
Yes, they were, Tom. And no, the Sons of Belial were not.
Were any of the five countries of Mu monotheistic?
Yes, a couple, Tom, but the majority of the people who inhabited the Mu continent were not. They had all sorts of beliefs.
Were there societies in the thousands of years seemingly before the Jews were on Earth that were monotheistic?
Were the Jews part of the original seeding of the Adam man and woman or were they seeded later?
They were seeded a little later, Tom, but don’t forget that you were told before that the Atlanteans encountered them, but thought they were just simple tribesmen and women of no consequence and left them alone. So they’ve been around much longer than records indicate.
Why would someone not be considered a Jew if their mother was a non-Jew and their father was a Jew?
It does have to do with the birthing process, Tom. The mother must be a Jew so that the baby is imprinted, if you will, with the DNA of a Jew. So on the surface they might appear to be a Jew, but not having gone through the gestation process of a Jewish mother, their soul fragments are not Jews. Their DNA just does not link to the Jewish lineage nor soul groups.
Aravind in Australia writes: I recall an ”out-of-body” experience many years ago. In that state, you can do the following: slow down, fast-forward or completely stop TIME. There's no meaning for time. I could see my housemate go from one room to the other doing his daily chores and passed through me. What's most memorable from this experience was the peace that pervades everything.
I didn't want to go back to my body. But eventually did - those cords binding the soul to body are strong. When I saw my housemate the next time, I asked him if he left a red towel near his pillow? He looked at me puzzled and asked how did I know. That confirmed my feeling.
Can you ask Theo whether the silver cords serve any purpose other than tying a soul to body? Why should there be reluctance from the cords when the time has come for the soul to leave?
I also got this message about a new travel/transportation system that may come up in the future. I think it utilizes a ”star-gate” type of technology - please confirm this with Theo.
Theo, does the silver cord as it’s described serve other functions?
No, its main purpose is to tether you as you go out at night during dream time so as to keep you from being lost in the cosmos shall we say.
Why would there be a reluctance from the cord severing at the time of transition?
This is somewhat rare, but can occur when the person is so attached to the earth that the body resists. The death angels, or angels of light as you also call them, are experienced in this procedure.
Theo, will a smaller, star gate-type system be developed in the future for individuals?
Quite so, but it will be much farther out than the discovery of how to portal hop in spaceships. So we are talking about thousands of years.
Sandy writes: I have been trying to better understand the “Star Wars” event and was looking through the newsletters listed, but not hitting on an explanation of what it was and the history of what happened and how Earth was drawn into it. Could you direct me to the best newsletter for this explanation?
Also I have been reading about subterranean cities/groups and some seem to indicate that as a result of planetary wars - or maybe star wars - that populations moved underground especially in the Americas and Asia. Some are still there but others surfaced - like some of the Native American tribes, but there are also a number of accounts of reptilian groups in various subterranean areas that escaped there when the Federation forced them off the surface. Is this what you hear? I was under the impression that the inner earth beings were generally more evolved than we on the surface, but am wondering if it’s more of a mixture of benevolent and malevolent groups.
I have a whole chapter in my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET book about the real Star Wars that occurred about one million years ago Earth time, but only 100,000 years ago universal time. The reptilians wanted to take over some planets and a war erupted. Everyone is at peace now. There were a number of newsletters on this subject.
Here is a question I asked just this past week about Star Wars—the movie:
Theo, is the reason so many people are drawn to the Star Wars movies is because they had lives on other planets during the real Star Wars, or is it because these are just good sci-fi stories?
No, it goes beyond the stories, which are quite good and exciting, Tom. You’re correct in thinking this appeals to their deep subconscious memories of being on a planet that was affected by the “real star wars ” as you term it. It awakens all sorts of subliminal memories. They will learn more about the real star wars when the Pleiadians come to visit—perhaps not on the first visit, but on one of the subsequent visits.
Gaia, did any Indian civilizations exist in Inner Earth prior to living on the surface?
There have been times when it was safer to live in caves because there were wild animals about, plus your Neanderthals who always liked a good meal of humans, so that’s where those stories originated, Tom. There was water in the caves, and they only had to venture out for food, which was, of course, dangerous. As they developed and as time passed, the Neanderthals diminished as a threat since they were phased out, and humans developed weapons that could protect and aid in hunting. But here we will add that all the Adam and Eve models were first seeded on the surface, and as their brains were the same as yours, they quickly took the lay of the land or they perished.
For my new subscribers, Antura is my soul “cluster” brother who’s had 800 lives on Earth, but is back on our home water planet in the Sirius B Solar System working as part of a “first contact” team. Read more about him in my book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET.
Mantej in the UK writes: Question for the newsletter.
"The Solway Firth Spaceman" is the name given to a mysterious man apparently looking like its wearing a space suit in the background of the extremely famous photograph taken in 1964 in Cumbria, England. Jim Templeton took the photograph of his daughter and was shocked after the photograph was developed to see a "space suited man" in the background of the photo.
The photo was examined by Kodak and confirmed to be real. Templeton also claims that he was visited by two men who said they worked for the government and only identified themselves by number and not their names. Templeton took them to the site where the photograph was taken, the men apparently then became angry and left him there when he told them he hadn't actually seen the "space suited man" at the time when the photo was taken.
(1) What is or who was the "Solway Firth Spaceman" in the background of Templeton's photo?
(2) Were the two men who supposedly worked for the government "The Men in Black"?
Antura, was the Solway Firth man real in the photo or was it really the photographer’s wife?
Regretfully, it was an image of his wife, Tom, but the two government agents were real and not pleased when he told them he had not actually seen the image.
Antura, was the story about the spaceship landing at the Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico real and if so was it a Federation ship and was the description correct?
Seven minute video:
[I didn’t see the reference to President Eisenhower until later, but have been told in the past that he did meet with one or more ETs.]
Yes, it was a Federation ship and was expected by the officers in attendance. It was not a surprise visit, except to the people on the ground who knew nothing. The descriptions of the men were fairly accurate. They’re an offshoot of the Pleiadians.
Deborah writes: It’s been a while seen I’ve seen anything posted about Nibiru. What is the probability of Nibiru passing close to Earth in the next two years?
Antura, how many years will it be before Nibiru reaches our solar system?
It will be hundreds of years, Tom. Even then, they will be closely watched to make sure they comply with not having any family arguments spill over to Earth. As you were told before, they are on probation.
Can’t they portal hop to Earth should they desire?
They could, but that would violate their probation and would be dealt with.
This MBO story and the next one originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read in its entirety at
Chrissy writes: I thought I would send you a kind of MBO in that I have been in and out of work for most of the year - quite frustrating really. So, I have been saying my MBOs for a job with great people who want to train me in their procedures, who love a laugh and who want someone like me on their team.
I have come to the conclusion that this has been a year of learning how to be patient because I don’t have much patience when it comes to wanting things to turn out. I am one of those people who don’t need the full story, just tell me what you need and let me get on with it. So this year, I had a contract job until May and then got a full time job with a coffee company - great smell when I got to work! They decided in early November that they really should have hired an accountant and not an Accounts Payable person, so just before my probation was up, they told me that I didn’t have a job! Then I just started a job last week as a temp with the option of going permanent and now in my second week I find I am stressed and cannot see myself going forward with this job, so I am finishing up at the end of next week when the agency can find someone else.
So, for those people out there who say MBOs and don’t always get the things they want straight away, I am here to say that maybe there are things we need to learn along the way before we get what we want. Whilst it is frustrating not having a permanent job, I have been blessed that I have not been out of a job for very long this year and Spirit has managed to help me secure work. In all this time, I have never given up and I tell Spirit that I trust they have something in mind for me. I *want* a permanent job for the security and sometimes envy people for being in the same job for several years, but for now I have to trust that Spirit will continue to look after me.
One thing I have learned along the way is that when I get frustrated and start to “lose” it mentally, I put my hands over my heart, and as I breathe out, I say “I TRUST” and let the feeling go out to the Universe.
So for all the unemployed Angels out there, please help me secure a permanent and fantastic job in early 2016. May my results be so much better than I could hope for or expect.
Thanks, Tom, for all your great work and guidance - you are truly an inspiration.
It works the same as asking for the perfect mate for you when the other person is in a relationship or both need more relationships to prepare you for the perfect one for you. Sometimes you need to have more experience and those jobs give you the experience you need for that perfect job. I had a number of jobs before I started my first business and all contributed to my learning.
Lee writes: Great newsletter this week! In one of your responses you said that we could request a "money miracle" and money to pay your bills. So, on my way to work this morning I requested a money miracle for my commission-based job. First, I made an unexpected product sale and then my supervisor offered me hourly pay work next week in addition to my commission work! While not an earth shattering money miracle, it was just delightful to have it happen so quickly! Thank you for that fun little MBO! I will definitely use it more often!
Last week I reported that I discovered I was acting as an “Indian Spirit Guide” for people exploring the concept of asking for assistance through spirit guides. The catch was that I was alive in that life in the 1600s in the western part of North America and all those people thought I was Spirit. I neglected to publish the email that spurred all of those questions and the ones below, so here it is.
Alan in Canada writes: In the December newsletter you talked about your guide being Still Water and my niece just got a new guide whose name is Still Waters. I feel it is the same Shaman. She had a dream about a pearl spear coming towards her and then a very loud shot-type sound and as I dowsed and received information, it was Still Waters clapping his hands once to send the being on its way. Just thought I would share. Love and Blessings.
Here are more questions I asked this past week. You may wish to go back and read the first questions. Here is the link to the newsletter:
Theo I wish to speak to the soul fragment and my main guide I know as Reveals the Mysteries again.
Reveals here, Tom. Good morning and good life.
Thanks, Reveals. I know my life is better because of all of you. I’m sure I have and will return the favor, hopefully, for all of you at some point.
Yes, certainly for our soul group, Tom. And for many others too.
In my life as Still Water, how much latitude did I have regarding giving advice to those who sought help from an Indian guide?
Yes, through the assistance of Theo and that person’s own GA, Tom, you were able to give advice up to the point where it would interfere with their soul contract. That leaves a lot of areas upon which you were able to give advice. You were allowed a little more latitude to say if a path they were considering would be the correct one for them, as long as it fell within their soul contract. If it did not, then you would advise to reconsider, but that choice was always left in their hands.
How many people did I or am I advising in that life?
Well over one hundred, Tom. Yes, that number is correct as keep in mind that most of the people seeking advice and assistance only would ask once or twice a week.
How did they contact me?
The majority of the people would access you through séances. A few would access you directly through their own form of meditation.
How was I able to advise people in more modern societies?
Again, you were tapping into their soul contracts and would advise them more on their personal life and relationships.
Did or do any of these people know that I was actually alive in the 1600s?
No, all thought you were the proverbial spirit in the sky. They had no idea you were a living person.
Reveals, you said it was one hundred I assisted as Still Water. Was it over 200?
Slightly more than that, Tom. During these séances, as an example, you may have answered a question one time for a person and they never took part in the séance again. Others you assisted for several years. They would be considered your regulars.
Did you do this work too?
Yes, but somewhat differently according to my interests. But you and I, and yes, Speaks of Many Truths, all did this along with a number of other shamen. Once we learned how to tune into people requesting assistance it was fairly easy to find people in many time periods wanting to explore the idea of assistance from an Indian Shaman guide.
Were any of the people we serviced fortune tellers?
Oh yes, there were several along the way that were honest and wanted to service their clients. Certainly, that profession has a large number of charlatans, but there were a number that took their work seriously.
Were any of them from our soul group/cluster?
Yes, we have and our soul cluster has been in this profession a number of times. That’s how it was easy to tune into them as we’re on the same wavelength you might say.
So I have communicated with myself at times?
Certainly. And so have I done so too. This is all part of our souls’ interest you see.
In what time period was I the most active?
Back in the 1800s, you were quite active, but there were earlier time periods, even before your life in the 1600s, where you were called upon to communicate and advise. I might add here, Tom, that people universally have always tried to find the best path in life.
Was our work primarily in Europe, or did it include all continents?
All continents, but yes, primarily Europe was open and began hearing about Indian Shamen.
Speaks of Many Truths, of course, was involved in Robert Shapiro’s books. It just did not resonate with me as much. Was it because I had been there and done that before?
Partially, Tom. It was also that all of us knew that your path this life was to do what you’re doing right now, and not to again be a Shaman, or practice Shamanic ways. Robert’s path was to introduce these concepts to a modern audience.
Is Speaks of Many Truths part of our soul cluster?
No, but one we work with all the time.
OK, again thanks.
I do find it amusing that a whole bunch of shamen sitting in huts and tepees in different time periods are giving advice to many people who think they're spirit guides--and in a way they are.
Stephen writes: I've been fascinated by the books by Carlos Castaneda about the shaman Don Juan. Don Juan worked with different "power plants" to commune with the spirits of the plants and to learn and gain knowledge from them. He also worked with dreams and taught that we can perceive different dimensions and planes of being by adjusting the focus of our consciousness. Don Juan said he was going off to the spirit world directly and Carlos Castaneda said Don Juan succeeded in this. Was Carlos Castaneda correct about what happened to Don Juan? Are Don Juan's practices in line with increasing one's vibration? Where is Don Juan now? Thank you for any insight you can provide on this subject.
Gaia, did Don Juan go off to the spirit world and does his practices raise vibrational levels?
Yes, some of them can raise your vibrational levels, but they take a lot of work to do so. Here we, once again, remind your readers that requesting MBOs and asking for BPs for them is the simplest way of raising your vibrational levels. Did he go off to the spirit world? Not in the way asked. He did transition at what some would call an earlier age, but his soul felt he had accomplished all he could in that life.
Where is he now—is he incarnated?
No, not at this time. He will have another life coming up soon as his interest is also religion.
Shravaka writes: Bix-u-bel? (pronounced: beach-you-bell) It is a Mayan greeting which means: “How is your Spiritual path today?”
I recently received, as a gift from a good friend, some special crystals called “ANCHI” Crystals. Here is some background information on the unique characteristics of these ancient stones and the energetic attributes they embody and effects they may have on our Etheric, electrical, and Physics environments.
Could you ask Gaia her perspective with these ancient stones/crystals that are supposed to be well over 1.6 Billion years old?
Within this sacred time of year that is about Gratitude, may you be Honored and Recognized!!!
Gaia, are Anchi Crystals 1.6 billion years old and do they assist in healing?
Yes, the timing is subjective, Tom. They could be that old, older, or younger depending upon their location. But yes they are quite old.
Do they assist in healing?
Yes they can, with the right person using them. You can’t just lay them out willy-nilly and expect them to assist anyone in healing. It takes a person that can tune them to the other person’s body energy. That takes a LOT of practice, just as it takes a lot of practice to receive these answers to your questions, Tom. So it would be rare for these crystals to work without tuning.
I have searched and cannot find who sent this to me.
Gaia, do the Creation Codes work as a belief system or in what way?
Yes, Tom, it is a belief system and for some it works and for others they try it out and then move on. They work if the desire of the person is strong enough.
Do you have any suggestions on self-healing?
Here we get into an area in which we have told you repeatedly we do not wish you to involve yourself. We have told you in the past that the person should request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding the right treatment for them personally. Let their GAs guide them to that perfect treatment for their condition. Keep in mind that there are certain illnesses that are on your soul contract, such as congestive heart failure that you experienced. But you were able to lessen the intensity of the illness by requesting MBOs as compared to your two parallel selves on Time Lines One and Two who died.
Is the Circle of Grace a Belief System?
Yes, again, it is but one of many paths that can be taken in one’s life, Tom.
What about the Life Review at step 5?
Again, part of the belief system. We always tell you to ALLOW a person to explore all these belief systems as there are many paths to the same door.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
GUARDIAN ANGEL 101—MARCH 7, 2009, MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-JUNE 6, 2009, SEPTEMBER 12, 2009, SEPTEMBER 27, 2009, JANUARY 8, 2011, JANUARY 30, 2010, JUNE 5, 2010, JULY 3, 2010, JULY 17 2010, OCTOBER 15, 2010, FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26, 2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011, MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011, AUGUST 6, 2011, AUGUST 27, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012, SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014--MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, AUGUST, 9, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER, 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 14, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 4, 2015, APRIL 11, 2015, APRIL 18, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 2, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 16, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, MAY 30, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JUNE 20, 2015, JUNE 27, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, AUGUST 15, 2015, AUGUST 22, 2015, AUGUST 29, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 3, 2015, OCTOBER 10, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, OCTOBER 31, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, NOVEMBER 28, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015, DECEMBER 19, 2015,
ATLANTIS—APRIL 25, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, DECEMBER 19, 2015,
CONVERSATIONS WITH ANTURA, THE ET -- DECEMBER 29, 2012--JUNE 7, 2014 (ALL), JUNE 14, 2014, JUINE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 14, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 11, 2015, APRIL 18, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 16, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, JUNE 20, 2015, JUNE 27, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, AUGUST 15, 2015, AUGUST 22, 2015, AUGUST 29, 2015, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 10, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, OCTOBER 31, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, NOVEMBER 28, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015, DECEMBER 19, 2015,
JESUS--SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, FEBRUARY, 14, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, OCTOBER 3, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015,
GAIA, SOUL OF THE EARTH— AUGUST 23, 2008, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, MARCH 30, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, FEBRUARY 15, 2014, FEBRUARY 22, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2013, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 15, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 4, 2015, APRIL 11, 2015, APRIL 18, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 2, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 16, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, MAY 30, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JUNE 20, 2015, JUNE 27, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, AUGUST 15, 2015, AUGUST 22, 2015, AUGUST 29, 2015, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 3, 2015, OCTOBER 10, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, OCTOBER 31, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, NOVEMBER 28, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015, DECEMBER 19, 2015,
TIME LINES—JANUARY 29, 2011, FEBRUARY 5, 2011, JULY 16, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, NOVEMBER 30, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2014, JANUARY 4, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 14, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015, DECEMBER 19, 2015,
THE LOST CONTINENT OF MU—APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 30, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, DECEMBER 19, 2015,
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is .
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . --Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at . Let’s be friends!
BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore
7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
Plano, Texas 75025
United States