Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to The Gentle Way Book and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the home page. On my Articles and News page you will find over 800 archived Newsletters to explore. There is a Search Box on the page to search for interesting topics. If you are reading this for the first time and enjoy it, please share it with your friends and family.
Keep in mind that I’ve been told that no one is perfect that does this work. I estimate that I’m around 80% to 90% accurate. And PLEASE, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) as then you are contributing to making this a better world, and it does raise your own vibrational level (aka “Ascension”).
LOTS of questions in this Newsletter! Just know that I will get to yours eventually, so keep thinking and sending in your questions!
For the GUNS FOR GROCERIES Congressional Bill proposal, I’ve been finding more Congressional Representatives to contact. I discovered there is a Congressional Gun Violence Prevention Task Force with 20 Representatives listed. That will take me a little time to get through. Not much will happen during the Congressional Recess until September.
But you can SIGN my Petition yet on AVAAZ for a Congressional Bill that would set up a National program to buy back guns and would have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Over time, guns that could be used for suicides or mass shootings will be turned in. We are up to 1,496 this week! Please add your name. Forward this link to your group. Here is the link: Do you personally know a Congressperson or Senator? Let’s talk! Send me an email.
Recent Interview: A View Through the Veil, Barb Crowley. Click here.
Recent Interview: Jodi Powers, Soul Spa, June 1. Click here.
Recent Interview: Linda Grindel, Comanche Psychic, May 16. Click here.
Recent Interview: Debbie Hedberg. May 13. Click here.
Recent Interview: Air Psychic Radio, John Capello. Click here.
If you are not receiving the Newsletter, let me know.
I realize there are several Benevolent Prayers to say listed below. PLEASE TAKE THE FEW SHORT SECONDS TO SAY EACH ONE OUT LOUD. Remember, the human voice is much more powerful than people in this time period realize. I’m told there is a crescendo effect when hundreds and thousands say the BP out loud.
Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer for Israel and Palestine out loud: "I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in protecting the people of Palestine and Israel from the fighting between Hamas and Israel, for those wounded to be given medical assistance, and for the hostages to be returned home unharmed with no further violence, and may there be meaningful negotiations between the two sides so that this will never occur again, thank you!"
Let's say this Benevolent Prayer for the people of UKRAINE: "I ask for any and all beings to aid, comfort, and assist the people of Ukraine to remain safe, for all prisoners of war to be treated under the rules of the Geneva Convention, for the economic sanctions imposed on Russia to work to cut off their sale of oil, to return the thousands of Ukrainian children home, and to return the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers home, thank you!" Please say this Benevolent Prayer.
We are making a difference!
Have you checked out my latest book THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions? It has a complete review of The Gentle Way, plus great tips on our lives with our lovable animal family members. Learn how you can have another life with your lovable family member. I interview several Group Souls to learn where they came from and why. If you have already bought the book, please write a review.
On PINTEREST, I’m listed as Tom T Moore Author. Please follow me and share my pins!
For those of you on QUORA, I occasionally answer questions posed there. You can follow me, and if you do, please “upvote” my answers. I do this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. So far, I have had over 7,400,000 views of my answers.
Many of your questions are taking at least four weeks to respond to. If it takes over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!
ARE YOU SAYING THE MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER? Please say this out loud each morning, just as I do: “I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, and all the oceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, thank you!”
My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters: Click here.
Before we move on to the rest of the newsletter, a quick explanation for my new subscribers: Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.
Maria in Estonia writes: Here are 10 questions:
1. Why do humans find furry creatures cuter than others? (even spiders, although humans themselves aren’t furry)
2. My friend, who is a nature guide, told me that she uses Mozart to invite seals to show themselves. What's in this sound for the seals?
3. What is “the seed” of this Universe? What did the Creator need for creating this creation? (A vision, a will, a spark?)
4. Is it possible to make the difference between the Creator and its Creation? How does Creator know that Zoozh is another Creator studying this Creation?
5. If time is a construct is space also a construct?
6. Is it possible for negative energy beings turn into positive ones, and vice versa?
7. Did any of our known Buddhas or enlightened people have their last life in that life? If not, were their next lives somewhat different compared to their earlier lives due to their enlightenment, or was it just a temporary experience on their long path?
8. Can a UFO be seen by only one person in a group, or is it always seen by everyone in the same group? Is there a specific frequency for sightings, or do different people experience sightings at different frequencies? Why are most capture blurry with today’s technology?
9. What did happen around 500 AD or so that so many religious events started then?
10. Is ‘keeping a diet’ or purposefully starving a thing also of the future, or is it only a phenomenon of today?
Now I wish to speak to Creator.
Creator here, Tom. Good morning.
Good morning, Creator.
Creator, do most humans find furry creatures cute and why?
Certainly, there are many humans that do, and then a percentage that do not, due to some event in the past in their current life, or a past life. Furry animals have a soothing effect on humans—they were designed that way so that you can love them.
Why are seals attracted to Mozart’s music to show themselves?
That particular music has a tone, a vibration, that they pick up. More will be learned about this in the future.
What is the “seed” of the universe? Did you have a vision?
As you have been told before, all the trillions of creators are each different from each other. I knew from when I was born by Creator of Creators that I wanted to create a universe different from all the other universes. Then I spent a long period of time deciding exactly what and how I wanted my universe to appear and what it would consist of. You were told before that I visited many other universes and had discussions with many other creators.
Is it possible to make the difference between creator and creation?
I think your reader means the differences in creations. As you were told before, each of the trillions of creations are different—some as small as the head of a pin, and others larger than this universe, and so many other differences, just as your friend Antura found when they visited one of the three universes next to this one.
How did Zoosh wind up assisting you in this universe?
Just as I did. To use a human phrase, he came knocking on my door and asked to study this universe, as part of his plan to create his own universe in the future. We constantly communicate, as he asks questions far beyond your understanding at this time.
Are both time and space constructs?
You have been told in the past that time was constructed for the Earth Experiment. Space is much more complex—far beyond the simple construction of time. It is, again, to use human words, like an intricate canvas that can be shaped to create a universe.
Can negative energy beings turn into positive ones and vice versa?
No. The negative energy spirits, as you have been previously told, are remnants of the construction of this space time continuum and exist, but they cannot turn into positive ones.
Did any of our “enlightened” people in this time period have lives during what is considered the period of enlightenment?
Every period of time on Earth has had people that were able to connect with me or Gaia, or your Guardian Angels as they are called, or ETs from your home planets. There were times when they had to keep their communications secret for fear of being slain. Nowadays this is much more open, but not completely, as it will be in the future.
Can UFOs be seen by one person in a group or everyone?
Some people may block out the experience as it would be too frightening to them due to their religious beliefs.
So, it does not have anything to do with different frequencies?
A person’s eyesight can come into play. Some people can see objects farther away that other people. But that is not frequency as it is defined.
Was there something that happened around 500 AD that started religions?
It was on several soul contracts for them to birth religions, so that in the future people would learn to accept other beliefs.
Are diets and starving ourselves in the future, or just this time period?
Just as everyone has seen lately, there are drugs that can assist in losing weight. In the future, there will be even much more that will be discovered that will keep your bodies at ideal weights. Obesity will become a thing of the past in this century.
Those are all my questions today, Creator. Thank you.
And as we always do at the end of our conversations, just a reminder that I am available at a moment’s notice to connect with anyone, since I can have trillions of conversations of all types taking place at the same time. Just ask to speak to me in your meditations.
Jan writes: Would the fairies would prefer a fairy village grouping or having their houses just individually scattered about in my gardens. Could you please ask them what they like best?
King Oberon and Queen Titania here, Tom. Good morning.
Good morning to each of you and to the fairy kingdom.
King and Queen, do you prefer fairy houses in a village setting or scattered about?
We will leave it up to you humans. Our fairies are thrilled when you have even one house for us, much less a whole village, which is in the eyes of humans to create. We know humans take great joy in creating villages, so we leave it up to you, how you wish them to appear.
Teresa writes: Scientists at Johannes Kepler University in Austria are working on a project using dried Ganoderma lucidum mushroom mycelium in computer microchips. Once dried out, the substance is heat resistant up to 392 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) and can last for years and can withstand being bent and folded thousands of times without wear or tear. This offers a biodegradable option to the enormous amount of electronic waste.
Will we eventually have mushroom mycelium used in our computers?
King Oberon, will w eventually have mushroom mycelium used in our computers?
An interesting question. Yes and no. They will be used on a limited basis.
Carol writes: I am most interested in learning more about the Fairy Kingdom and would like to ask King Oberon and Queen Titania to explain more about the duties and responsibilities of the fairy Kingdom. How would a person contact the fairies and start to communicate with them or is that not permitted or recommended? What could I do to support them in their work?
King and Queen, what are the duties and responsibilities of the Fairy Kingdom?
That would take too long to answer here, Tom. Suffice to say that Creator gave us the responsibility of keeping the whole Earth green, including every single plant, the grass, the trees, and every other single living thing in the plant kingdom, which is a huge list. We are responsible for the Earth being and staying the most beautiful planet in this universe, and many others.
How do people contact you? 
Believing that we exist is the first step. Just because we are not visible to human eyes does not mean that we don’t exist. If we didn’t exist at a slightly higher vibrational level, humans would interfere with our work, plus Creator wants you to discover us—not just a small percentage of the population, but the majority. As far as communicating with us, both of us are always available to answer questions from anyone. We have the ability to handle thousands of conversations with humans, so it is up to each of you to ask to speak to us during your meditations.
How can we support you?
By doing your part to keep Earth green. You have a huge responsibility to create more parks and green “islands” in your cities, which you and your children can enjoy, while making the air cleaner. Get behind such efforts and contribute your time, if you are able. Vote for more parks if it appears on your election ballots.
Those are all my questions today, King and Queen.
May again we remind you that we are always available to answer more questions about the Fairy Kingdom.
For my new readers, Antura is my “brother from another planet.” He’s a member of my Soul Group or Cluster of eight fragments of our common soul. He was born on the water planet, Nommo, where I’m told I’ve had over 100,000 lives. His soul interest is exploration, where mine is religions and advising (in other lives) world leaders. Right now, his “first contact, grass roots” team of four, all from planets orbiting the Sirius B Solar System, are on a huge mothership hovering 50 miles above us.
The ship has a crew of 900, plus their families totaling 1,500, engaged in taking millions of readings each day as part of the “Earth Experiment.” You can read much more about Antura, his teammates, the mothership, planets, and the real star wars that lasted for 270,000 Earth years in my book, FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET. Here are more questions I asked this week, after several videos and stories sent to me by my “researcher,” Mantej, who volunteered for the job when I did not have the time to search. I post these through the week on my Facebook page, which you can follow at TomTMooreAuthor.
Huge UFO seen over Taiwan. 2:16. Click here.
Daily Mail: Two pilots of a 747 see multiple UFOs during flight. Click here.
Danny Sheehan goes into detail about the Congressional Bills that will be introduced for UFO/UAP Disclosure that will have lots of "teeth." 1:26 min. Click here.
Massive triangle shaped UFO over Turkey. 5 min. Click here.
Giant Spaceships, other sightings. 10 min. Click here.
First time seeing this UFO footage compiled by the New Paradigm Institute. Less than 2 min. Click here.
New York & Texas sightings. 9 min. Click here.
Great image of UFO over Brazil and some funny comments. 2 min. Click here.
Triangle UFO plus several others--Austria, etc. 10 min. Click here.
Antura here with my teammates and the Pleiadian monitoring.
Good morning, everyone.
Antura, when you left your mate and kids, what did you tell them—see you in a couple of years, five years or what?
They understood how important this work is regarding Earth and you, Tom. As I have mentioned before, I communicate with them almost daily where it seems I am next to them, thanks to our highly advanced communication devices. The Earth Experiment is the most important work in this universe, and this time period on Earth is the most important, since ETs are being reintroduced to humans for the first time in many centuries.
How many years will you be gone, since you said before you’ll be around in 2033 or 2034?
Yes, but keep in mind that Earth years are ten times faster than Universal years, so ten Earth years is only one year to us. We are extremely busy every day of our week.
This story, and the next three, originally appeared last week in my BENEVOLENT OUTCOMES BLOG. Please go to to read hundreds of more stories that are archived there from people living THE GENTLE WAY!
Diana writes: I had to share this story with you because it had me smiling. My neighbor across the street always double parks his car. Our street is narrow and if I have to back out of my driveway it's a little hard trying not to bang his car. He has not been doing it for a while, but on Friday, when I had to get out, there was his car. I tried but stopped and called my son. He is a better driver of course, and it would be easy for him to get the car out. No sooner had I called Him, my neighbor came out, waved at me, which he never does, and got in his car to move it. I was surprised and waved a thank you.
Then I remembered, he did this kindness because every morning, in my morning prayers, I send white light and love to my apartment complex, and all the people who live here. This really made me feel good.
Jay in Brush Prairie, Washington, writes: I have worked on straight commission for instrument sales for the past 35 years at my 2 person company. In early April, of this year, I decided to try out your MBO for unexpected wealth. “I ask for unexpected wealth to come my way as quickly, successfully and as easily as possible or even better than I could have imagined. Thank you!”
Within a few weeks I had orders coming in that I had not been working on and I was working harder to support and process these orders, train their staff and provide support for their success, which was great! While I was having to work harder, I continue to express gratitude for this unexpected wealth and the fact that these unexpected orders are still coming in!
Deb in Minnesota writes: I've recently been looking for a replacement for our 2005 car. This week I found one that I thought would work for us. So, on the way over to look at it I said an MBO for seeing yellow and orange vehicles so that I'd know it was the right vehicle for us to buy. I saw at least 14 yellow vehicles and numerous orange ones, so today we went back and purchased the car.
Cris writes: Since I became aware of you and the MBOs and BPs, I’ve been saying them every day, especially the BP to clean ones karma. Since I’ve been doing this, I’ve noticed a huge positive shift in my life. THANK YOU!
I said an MBO to work from home and have the manager be OK with it, and guess what? I get to work from home!
I recently had a baby and prior to going into labor I said an MBO to not only have a safe delivery, but also to be able to get to the hospital on time. When my water broke, I was an hour away from the hospital. I said an MBO to get to the hospital safely and for the roads to be cleared. Wow! Sure enough, I did! I was admitted quickly, and I gave birth to my son the following day. Everything went smoothly and very well.
Most recently I lost my air pod case, and I said an MBO and within minutes my husband found it!
Urvish writes from India:
This is Urvish from Bangalore, India again! I hope you are doing amazingly. I had a bunch of questions stacked up.
Questions on Ascension and integrating 5D energies in the time loop:
- It seems that we are in the process of ascending to the 5th Dimension and currently in 4th dimension.
- I was curious that as this shift happens, will it affect all timelines, correct?
- Also will it also uplift the entire space time continuum and the time loop
we are in? So will folks, let's say incarnating in past in dire situations like world wars for balancing also experience the 4th or 5th dimensional energies and will they have more easier experiences of those world war situations?
Questions on rewriting our past / future based on current choice:
- It seems that we are also rewriting our past & future each time we make current choices, Does this mean that some of the events that have already happened in the past are rewritten ?
- When we take on another life in the past for our learning & balance and if our collective past is re-written, do we no longer experience those events which have been re-written? for e.g. with our current choice, if at a personal level or collective level we have rewritten some past with a more benevolent timeline, we no longer re-live harsher events to the same degree? and experience more benevolent versions of those past events like wars?
- Is it possible that some events could be completely re-written and remove from our past based on current choices?
Question about future of India development:
- Will India become a more developed country in the near future like say in the next 20 years ? Due to its huge population and less research oriented culture in university / industries I see major challenges to
become a more developed country where all citizens have a better standard of living?
- Will India's population decline in 20 years such that more citizens are able to enjoy nature. Right now to get to nature which is more pristine we need to take flights and spend long holidays for most people in Tier I & Tier II cities. I miss nature.
- Will India come close to western countries in future? How will India balance relationships with Russia and western countries? India is trying to grow on the international stage and trying to be individualistic without taking sides.
- Will there be peace at Indian borders with China in the near term future say 10 years? Pakistan seems to lost cause with respect peace in near term future.
Gaia, will people incarnating back into time periods of war have easier lives now that we are at 5.0 of the fifth dimension?
That is totally true, Tom. Each day you do rewrite your past and future and the more people that raise your vibrational levels the easier those lives in the past will be for those that go back into a time period, even of war.
Do we no longer experience those events which were rewritten? Or are they just not as harsh?
There you go. You have challenges in each life, but the more you raise your vibrational level in this life, the easier the challenges will be in your future lives. It is all up to each of you. Remember, Creator said this is a “dynamic experiment,” meaning it is changing all the time as you collectively raise your vibrational levels. This can be accomplished by sending light and love as you do each day to the world, while at the same time saying the forgiveness prayer.
Can some of those events be removed from our past?
Not so much removed as to be easier challenges to handle. We have spoken many, many times that a challenge can be a brick wall, or just a speed bump—it is all up to each of you.
Will India become more developed in the next 20 years?
Yes. The birth rate is going down in India, just as it is in the rest of the world. There will be great developments, such as the free energy machines, which are coming, plus other breakthroughs. There will be periods of great leaps for the Indian people.
Will India come close to the economic situation of the West?
Yes, in less than 20 years is the highest probability at this time. 
What is India’s probable future with Russia and China in 10 and 20 years?
The future with Russia will improve much faster than with China. China’s “old guard” must pass from the scene and even the next generation before great progress is made there.
What about the probable future for Pakistan?
There will be improvements in Pakistan during the next 20 years. Still, the strict Islamic rule must soften. This will take a longer time period. You can say Benevolent Prayers for those who have chosen lives in Pakistan during this time period.
Mantej in the UK writes: Having Other People's Dreams
Actor Michael Ironside said in an interview that he has other people's dreams. In his own dreams he can stop, edit and run them back and forth. But when he has other people's dreams he can't. 
Why does Ironside have other people's dreams, is this mainly to help him with his acting roles, to see things from other peoples perspective, or is it his psychic abilities and he's moving into other's energy fields? Talks of dreams from 1hour 2mins mark: Click here.
Theo, why did Michael Ironside have other people’s dreams? And what about his ability to edit or change his dreams?
He does “tune in” to other’s dreams as part of his learning in this life. Everyone has the ability to change the outcome of their own dreams, whether in a lucid state, or as you are slowly coming out of dream time you have the ability to alter your dreams. More will be learned about this in the future.
Kate writes: In one of your last newsletters Gaia mentioned that dark matter is part of the negative energy, but not one of the four negative energies. Since we live in a dimension of duality/polarity it seems like the four negative energies are just the polar opposites of the four types of universal forces we know about: strong force, weak force, electromagnetic, gravity. Like the shadow side of these energies, is that correct?
Gaia, are the four negative energies polar opposites of strong force, weak force, electromagnetic, and gravity’s shadow side?
No, Tom, but a nice try by your reader. Both positive and negative energies can be strong or weak and we covered gravity before. All planets in the universe have some form of gravity.
For my new readers, I am proposing a national gun buyback program that would have bipartisan support in Congress, because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Please sign the petition at We’re up to 1,496 this week! See the beginning of the newsletter for my progress.
- This will have bipartisan support since it does not require anyone to do anything. It is ALL VOLUNTARY!
- No money is given that can be used to buy more guns.
- Payment is made with money cards that can only be used at supermarkets or grocery stores.
- People are concerned that only law-abiding citizens will give up their guns. Over weeks and months there will be people who turn in guns because someone in their family may be considering suicide or going on a shooting spree. Free gun locks would also be given out.
- This would be overseen by the ATF, instead of the Justice Department. They would collect the guns once a month (or sooner) and destroy them the same way they destroy other confiscated guns. This also ensures that some local police department will not sell them out the back door, as is being done presently.
- Another possible benefit I have not mentioned before: Presenting this bill before Congress will allow for Amendments to be voted on. Perhaps one or two might pass this time. We won’t know unless we find a Congressperson or Senator to sponsor the bill.
If you want to cut down on gun violence, please support the petition by SIGNING! With thousands of subscribers to this Newsletter, why can’t we have thousands of signatures? Share this with your friends and family! We’ve climbed to 1,496. Let’s get to 2,000! Please sign and then you can use this tiny URL to send to your friends:, or do you just wish to keep seeing mass shootings every day? 2023 ended with 656 MASS SHOOTINGS! Plus, contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators as I have. If we can stop even one or two in the future, isn’t that worth signing and supporting this gun buyback proposal? No one else is doing anything. Please join with me—don’t be passive on this—SIGN!!
During the last Gun Buyback, Houston-area residents turned in a record number of 1,446 firearms. The fourth Harris County-Houston gun buyback held June 10 was the most successful, collecting a record number of 1,446 firearms that helps in the effort to reduce violent crimes.
In total, more than 4,200 firearms have been collected in the four buybacks, which assist in the coordinated efforts to help all communities be free of gun violence. With the community’s overwhelming response at all the events, Houston-Harris County has conducted the most successful gun buyback program in the country’s history.
NOTES AND REMINDERS: --Great resources: Sign up here for the FREE newsletter. Sample Chapters of the books, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is
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FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore Author so "Like Me" at
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Tom T. Moore
7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
Plano, Texas 75025
United States