• MBOs OR BPs?
Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to and then send an email to tomtmoore6(at) with your name and email address.
I hope you are enjoying these newsletters. If you do, please forward to your friends. My goal has always been to ask questions that no one else is asking. There is no other newsletter like it, I’m sure you’ll agree.
ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING! When you see these events happening, you can say a Benevolent Prayer (BP), such as, "I ask any and all beings to keep all the first responders safe, and to keep everyone safe from danger, according to their soul contracts, thank you!"
GREAT SALE FROM MY PUBLISHER! Light Technology Publishing has a fantastic offer for the month of December. Order six books or more, or a complete series and they are 50% off. Order five items or less that are not a series and they are 35% off. This beats anywhere you can buy them. Phone 800-450-0985 or 928-526-1345 or online at So order all five of my books plus one or just order a bunch for Christmas gifts.
We’re in the Christmas buying time. My books make great gifts for friends and family. And there is such a range—THE GENTLE WAY to introduce people to requesting Benevolent Outcomes in their lives, FIRST CONTACT for all those sci-fi Star Wars fans, and ATLANTIS & LEMURIA for those who like ancient history. PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW for any books you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else that you purchased the book. I would appreciate your support!!
SPECIAL OFFER: One of our readers asked if she could buy five books directly from me and autographed as gifts. I said, “Yes,” but feel I should make this offer to everyone to be fair. I have never done this before, so it has to be FIVE OR MORE BOOKS! You’ll also be charged for postage. Email me to make sure I have the books on hand and a price quote. Email is tomtmoore6 (at)
My new book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers, as an ebook or in printed version. On Amazon, here is the link: For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review. I only have 11 so far and need more!! This helps others who are undecided since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.
All my books are sold on in both print and ebook formats, if you wish to buy them that way, You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at
Speaking of books, my editor, Ralonne Morss, just finished editing a book, and is now available to start editing another book. Her prices are much less than those of “professional” editors who have to pay for advertising, so if you or a friend are writing a book, email me for her contact details.
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura, (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
Gaia, regarding the plain states, especially Texas, are the meteorologists correct in predicting that we will have a much colder and wetter January?
Yes, Tom, they are quite correct. There will be blizzard conditions at times for parts of Texas and the rest of the Plains states.
What about those areas to the north that are predicted to be warmer?
True, but warmer conditions can result in larger, more violent storms, so the storms that do arrive will still be snow, due to the northern latitudes.
Did anyone notice that the Minneapolis-St. Paul area had a record snowfall this week?
Gaia, how much snow will we get here in my region this winter? Will there be one, three, five, or more snow events?
Let’s use the upper number, Tom, as the forecasts you have seen will reflect a much colder winter than normal, at least through January and, yes, on into February as well.
Will any of the snow levels of the storms be as much as 10 inches?
Yes, two is the highest probability at this time, Tom. There will be some records set. I would advise you to have food on hand if you hear about a major storm approaching.
If we get that much snow, can you imagine what the areas to the north will receive?
Eli writes:
I know the uses of sound have been covered before, but I was wondering how soon it would be before we start using sound to move very large objects.
With the recent downing of a Russian plane by Turkey, I was wondering what the probability was of Russia and the U.S. truly working together against ISIS?
Is JJ Abrams a young, medium, or seasoned soul? What is his soul purpose in this life? His works include the TV show LOST, Star Trek and his soon to be released Star Wars film.
Gaia, will we start to use sound to move large objects?
Yes, sound will eventually be found to have many more uses than is commonly believed as to its limitations. It was used in ancient times to move objects, such as large blocks of stone, since your ET uncles and aunts taught this to the builders knowing they needed a much faster way of moving stone blocks for the necessary pyramids than using thousands of slaves or workers to drag the stones to the building sites.
That knowledge of how this was accomplished has been lost in time—and I might add your ET friends were aware that this would be lost—only to be rediscovered by your scientists in more modern times. They knew it could be used inappropriately for warfare had the knowledge been allowed to be used through the years.
Gaia, Russia recently announced it would work with France against ISIS, thereby putting them in a working relationship with the USA. Will this cooperation lead them to more cooperation with Europe and the USA?
Let’s just say there will be small areas of cooperation that will evolve, but for the time being Russia and its leaders have other goals in mind that will conflict with those of the West. Still large trees grow from tiny saplings, so give it time and changes in Russian leadership and yes there will be much more cooperation in the future. That is part of your fifth focus benefits shall we say.
Gaia, is JJ Abrams a young, medium, or very seasoned soul?
He would be considered a medium soul in terms of earth lives, Tom.
What are his soul interests?
Certainly, the theatre in all its forms as an actor, director, producer, and every other job associated with the theatre. This is considered a significant life for him, as his efforts in this life have touched millions of people. But he still has many lives in front of him, some with even more success in entertaining audiences.
Teresa in Austin, Texas writes: I want to thank you for all the free weekly Gentle Way newsletters you put out all year long and the multitude of email questions that you answer every day. I know that is a great deal of work. You must be extremely disciplined and tireless!
The Newsletter has mentioned that we incarnated on Earth to become Junior Creators in Training. This is accomplished in part by saying Benevolent Prayers and requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes for help from our guides and Guardian Angels (Golden Light Beings). I want to know if we will learn to use our energy to create by using light, heat, cooling, pressure, and motion to transform things from basic elements in the future. Are we already doing this when we are not incarnated on Earth or on our home worlds?
Thanks as always!
Gaia, in the future, will we be able to use our energy to create by using light, heat, cooling, pressure, and motion to transform things from basic elements?
In a way yes, Tom, but not in just a year or two. It will become easier over the centuries for humans to create what they can imagine, and it will be much faster as you slowly raise your vibrational levels, but as you are in the fifth focus you will still need to actually do the work to create. It would take a higher focus for you to create by simply assembling basic elements and willing them into some creation that you have in mind. These lives for you as Junior Creators in Training are for you to learn the steps involved in the process. The Explorer Race has a few more thousand years to learn about creating things from scratch shall we say. But that was a good question from your reader.
Mantej writes: My Auntie's friend called "Pete" works at a cemetery, and on most occasions it's customary for one of the staff there to scatter the ashes of the deceased with the loved ones standing and watching. The loved ones wait in the waiting room until one of the staff comes to collect them to scatter the ashes. When Pete turned up to collect them, he saw four ladies waiting there and spoke to them. He noticed that one of the ladies looked particularly glum. Not long after he spoke to them, he asked them to follow him and he noticed that there were now only three ladies, and he asked where the other fourth lady had gone.
The three ladies didn't understand what he was talking about and he explained to them that there were four ladies all together and even went as far as to describe the missing fourth woman- what she looked like and what she was wearing. The three ladies explained that there is no fourth woman and they have been there all alone just waiting for him - they were very shocked because the fourth woman Pete described sounded very much like the deceased lady for whom they were there to scatter her ashes. So, the ladies were dumbstruck.
Later on, Pete saw the missing "fourth lady," went over and spoke to her and said "Are you ok, are you here for someone's funeral?" The lady just replied and said, "I'm just here......"
Later on, they went through the CCTV footage in the building and found that there were only the 3 aforementioned ladies waiting there. So can you ask about the "fourth Ghost lady”?
Theo, Pete works at a cemetery and has twice encountered a lady who seemed quite real, but seemingly was not. How does this occur, assuming the story is true?
It is true, Tom. There are people who are so attached to the earth that they can form a human body for a short period of time after their passing. Most of the time only an outline or vapor appearance is sufficient, but in this case the lady was quite confused and would not listen to the soul commonly referred to as the death angel who assists them onto the level at which they feel comfortable.
Although this is not very common (otherwise it would be quite distressing to many people), they can be visible to some people, but as was the case here not to anyone else. Pete has the ability to see these people, but has not worked to develop this. To him, the people look normal, but they are invisible to those around them. So you see, these are not hard bodies, shall we use that term, but only appear so to those people who have the ability in this incarnation to see them. If Pete wished, he could develop this ability further and ask questions for their loved ones, but that is not his soul path this time around. It will be in a future incarnation.
For my new subscribers, Antura is an ET that Theo introduced to me in 2008. He’s also a member of my soul “cluster” of eight soul fragments of our common soul having lives on Earth. He’s had 800 lives on Earth so far. Read more about him and his family in my book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET.
Good day and good life to you, and your family of course, Antura. Even though we have been communicating since 2008 my time, your children have only aged seven tenths or less than one year, am I correct?
Correct, Tom. I realize it is a little difficult for that understanding, but for me, as an example, I might have two or three conversations with you in one day, but for you this would be over one or two weeks perhaps. As you can imagine, between you and your fellow parallel selves on the other time lines, I can be quite busy answering questions for all of you.
You almost need to have parallel selves to take care of all of us it would seem.
Sometimes I wish that were the case, but I enjoy this work, Tom, so I’m not complaining, just explaining how all this works when all of you are in a space time continuum that moves at 10 times our universal time.
You must almost not be able to move out of one spot during the day with so many to speak to.
It’s not as bad as you think, Tom. I may go two or three of our hours speaking to one after the other of your parallel selves, and then I may have two or three hours of just normal activity before speaking with the other two people.
Antura is referring to the other two people he will meet with on his trip to Earth somewhere around 2017 or so.
Am I just imagining these events, where I am learning more about video production, that are assisting me in getting ready from a visit to you?
No, it’s great that you noticed, as we’ve naturally asked our good GA Theo to provide you with opportunities to learn more and be able to handle shooting a whole documentary on your visit to the mothership as you term it. It is on the horizon, and yes, we are all waiting on the Russians to disclose. As Theo would say, the probability is rising, albeit slowly at this time.
Theo, was there an ET craft in the photo that the astronaut Scott Kelly took?
Quite so. He “sneaked” that one in shall we say. This was just a simple transport or scout craft as you term it—just not the normal saucer-shaped craft. It was unobtrusive, you might say, as we know he would not be allowed to take one up close and personal and release it to the public. He’s under strict orders that any ET craft they observe must be classified and no photos released to the public.
Mantej writes: Antura said that there has been "flybys" over the moon, but no one has landed nearby to see the downed spaceships on the moon. But Theo, in a past newsletter, said that there has been a secret mission to investigate one of the downed spaceships, since it was part of another mission to focus on the area. So, can you clarify if you received wrong either time?
Antura, did I mis-receive about the secret mission to the back side of the moon?
No, Tom. I never said that the mission landed, although certainly some people would jump to that conclusion. The mission was to take detailed photos of not just that, but of a base on the back side. The crashed ship was a secondary target you could say—not the primary mission. The orbit was carefully planned in order to take multiple passes over the base.
So is this base active now?
Not so much as in the past. In the past, it was felt that there needed to be a permanent base during your earlier years that would be out of range or that could not be seen by those with telescopes on the earth. As it is, there are photographs in existence of craft crossing over the moon.
Antura, when our ET uncles and aunts constructed those Adam and Eve model humans in those duplicating machines, did they need to say some sort of prayer, meditate, or were the bodies automatically ensouled?
It was almost automatic, Tom. The souls were anticipating these procedures and ensouled the bodies within seconds of their creation. Therefore, there was no pleading, but the crew—at least those involved in the construction of the bodies—would say a prayer for the newly ensouled bodies.
Eli writes: Lately after meditating I have been getting a muted vision of what seems to be life on a different planet with different types of vegetation and larger life forms with very large heads. Is this a memory from a different planet, past life, or something else?
Antura, one of my readers received images of a planet with beings with large heads and different vegetation. Is this a memory of a life there or one he visited in a past incarnation?
Past incarnation, Tom. He is opening to his past lives, and this planet was one he did visit.
This MBO story and the next one originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read in its entirety at
Pete writes: I am in the process of reading all of your newsletters and am back to 25 Oct 2008.
In response to Ariana, who requested an MBO for her son, you pointed out that "Normally you say a Living Prayer (BP) for someone else, but an MBO request works if you have a connection with that person (especially if they live with you)".
Is this still valid? I feel better requesting MBOs on my wife's behalf rather than BPs.
Thanks for all you do, Tom!
What I said back then still holds up, but I changed the terminology to a simple phrase anyone can remember to say—you might say I was “inspired” as the phrase “I ask any and all beings to _______, thank you!” can be said by anyone of any faith. You just simply believe it goes to wherever your belief system dictates.
An MBO request is for you specifically and is handled (I’m told) by your own Guardian Angel who knows your soul contract and knows if the request is in your best short term and long term interests. A Benevolent Prayer (BP) is handled (I’m told again) by one of a little over one million “whole souls” we call angels.
So choose whichever makes you feel the best.
David writes: This past Friday morning I discovered my iPhone was suddenly missing. Ouch! I've had one since they first came out with the 4S, and last October I upgraded to the brand new iPhone6. I love my iPhone :-)
I immediately said an MBO for finding it and had a good feeling right away that my plea had been duly noted and that I could expect a good outcome.
Friday turned into Saturday and I spent the whole day moping around like someone who'd lost his best friend. Just before dark, my phone was returned to me. Turns out I had left it in the back of the preacher's pickup truck while we were at the local community garden the morning before. I went over to his truck to get a hammer and must have mindlessly laid it down. I frankly cannot believe I did that; the good thing is it didn't rain during that period.
For anyone who might experience the same or similar thing, don't do as I did. I freaked out when I thought someone might be using my phone, so I had the service suspended until I could figure out what I wanted to do. In doing so, I must have kept the “find my iPhone” feature from working. I didn't realize then exactly how that works, but I do now. Make that the last thing you do, instead of the first thing. Did I tell you how much I love my iPhone?
Pam in Arizona writes: I was sent this and wanted to know what Gaia has to say about this. Is this good for the turtles or bad. What are they doing with the eggs?
Thank you for everything you do for us and the planet.
Gaia, why do people harvest or steal turtle eggs in Costa Rica?
There are people that enjoy the delicacy of eating turtle eggs, Tom. These people sell them to wholesalers who supply restaurants and stores.
Won’t this decimate the turtle population?
Quite so in time. The people who harvest the eggs are poor and this provides them an income. They can’t look beyond the fact that they are feeding their families. Obviously, these turtles need protection from the Costa Rican authorities. These areas need to be set aside as sanctuaries and protected. Then, as the population swells, limited harvesting can be implemented again. It will not stop all harvesting, but will bring it under control.
Here is a BP for everyone to say out loud: “I ask any and all beings to assist in convincing the Costa Rican authorities to set aside sanctuaries for the turtles and may this happen even faster than we can hope for or expect, thank you!”
The Indian Shaman I first communicated with back in 2005 was Reveals the Mysteries, who told me I, too, was a Shaman living in the 1600s in the western part of North America, that my name was Still Water, and I had planned to incarnate into the 20th and 21st centuries to “reintroduce people to The Gentle Way.” I received the name of my first book the first time I spoke with him. He told me we had hard lives back then, as this was a time before horses and canoes, so he said we had “sturdy feet.” In the winter, we were always hungry and the average age was only in the 30s with so much hunger, cold, and injuries. He and I were both in our 50s, along with the chief of his tribe. We were considered quite old.
He’s now my main guide—actually has always been, so I had a question or two for him.
Now I would like to speak to my guide I previously knew as Reveals the Mysteries,
Reveals here, Tom. Good morning.
Good morning, old friend, and thanks for taking care of me this life.
My pleasure, Tom. As you were told before, and you know this on a spiritual level, these duties as guides assist us in learning.
Reveals, when you were a Shaman back in the 1600s did your 6th Time Line self contact me, or was it from a higher time line?
Nice question, Tom. No it was from the sixth level. It is not impossible to accomplish this from a higher time line, but each time line must learn. You might say the frequencies must be quite close.
Will you be in my next life on board the spaceship, or will you be doing something else?
The latter, Tom. But I will also be your main guide in that one too, so we will continue to converse where appropriate.
When is your next life, looking at it now—in the past or future?
No, it will still be in what you term the past, Tom. Like you, I have had a number of lives—just not as many as you.
Gaia, was my WWII life my last one before this one, or was there one or more others?
No, there were no others, Tom. That’s why you have an interest in that time period and what happened after you were killed by the German soldier.
Were my parents part of the soul groups I work with or were they part of the group of souls that incarnates as Jews each life?
No, they were part of the Jewish soul group of clusters, Tom, that volunteered to incarnate each time as Jews. This was a good question. You were allowed to be born into a Jewish family as there were a number of children just like you from other soul groups that needed a balancing life where you were killed at an early age. The figures of those that were killed who were Jews are actually higher than the six million commonly quoted in history books. It was more than one million more, as in rural sections of Europe and Russia the records were not so well kept of births on farms and small towns or villages. You were allowed to have a life where you were killed around the age of five, since you were not going to reach adulthood as a Jew.
I had been previously told quite some time ago that Jews are the “fulcrum” balance between all of the religions, and for that reason, on a subconscious level, the leaders of other religions knew this and tried to wipe them out.
Mantej writes: Can Theo comment on the future for "Li-Fi" the new exciting technology that wirelessly transmits data via visible light communication and will it replace "Wi-Fi" in the future altogether?
Gaia, will Li-Fi replace Wi-Fi?
Not completely, Tom, as there is a place for Wi-Fi, but certainly Li-Fi will grow exponentially in its use. It will also lead to other breakthroughs as each builds upon the other.
Mantej writes: Hugh Glass (c.1780–1833) was a fur trapper and explorer, who will be played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the upcoming film "The Revenant." He is known for his legendary survival tale after being attacked and mauled by a bear on a fur hunting expedition; he and the team managed to kill the bear, but were very badly injured.
Glass' leg was broken and he was half-conscious; the leader of the expedition didn't believe that Glass would make it, so he had two other members of the group stay behind and wait for Glass to die and then bury him. The two members later ran off, when some native Americans turned up, and left Glass for dead in his grave. He later woke up and was able to set his broken leg, and then crawl 200 miles all the way to Fort Kiowa.
He swore revenge on the two that left him for dead, and later caught up with both of them, but killed neither of them.
(1) What can Theo tell us about the whole event and why it happened to him?
(2) Why did he not kill either of the two men when he caught up with them?
Theo, why was the soul contract of Hugh Glass to survive the bear mauling and crawl 200 miles to safety, and then not to kill those who left him for dead?
As you might have guessed, he left another person for dead in a previous life. He wanted to really make his punishment fit the crime you could say. Regarding not killing the two who left him, he was flooded with feelings of remorse and understood he might have done the same thing to someone else.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
GUARDIAN ANGEL 101—MARCH 7, 2009, MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-JUNE 6, 2009, SEPTEMBER 12, 2009, SEPTEMBER 27, 2009, JANUARY 8, 2011, JANUARY 30, 2010, JUNE 5, 2010, JULY 3, 2010, JULY 17 2010, OCTOBER 15, 2010, FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26, 2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011, MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011, AUGUST 6, 2011, AUGUST 27, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012, SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014--MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, AUGUST, 9, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER, 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 14, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 4, 2015, APRIL 11, 2015, APRIL 18, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 2, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 16, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, MAY 30, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JUNE 20, 2015, JUNE 27, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, AUGUST 15, 2015, AUGUST 22, 2015, AUGUST 29, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 3, 2015, OCTOBER 10, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, OCTOBER 31, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, NOVEMBER 28, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015,
ATLANTIS—APRIL 25, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015,
CONVERSATIONS WITH ANTURA, THE ET -- DECEMBER 29, 2012--JUNE 7, 2014 (ALL), JUNE 14, 2014, JUINE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 14, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 11, 2015, APRIL 18, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 16, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, JUNE 20, 2015, JUNE 27, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, AUGUST 15, 2015, AUGUST 22, 2015, AUGUST 29, 2015, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 10, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, OCTOBER 31, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, NOVEMBER 28, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015,
JESUS--SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, FEBRUARY, 14, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, OCTOBER 3, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015,
GAIA, SOUL OF THE EARTH— AUGUST 23, 2008, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, MARCH 30, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, FEBRUARY 15, 2014, FEBRUARY 22, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2013, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 7, 2015, MARCH 15, 2015, MARCH 21, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 4, 2015, APRIL 11, 2015, APRIL 18, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 2, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 16, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, MAY 30, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JUNE 20, 2015, JUNE 27, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, AUGUST 8, 2015, AUGUST 15, 2015, AUGUST 22, 2015, AUGUST 29, 2015, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, OCTOBER 3, 2015, OCTOBER 10, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, OCTOBER 24, 2015, OCTOBER 31, 2015, NOVEMBER 7, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, NOVEMBER 28, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015,
TIME LINES—JANUARY 29, 2011, FEBRUARY 5, 2011, JULY 16, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, NOVEMBER 30, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2014, JANUARY 4, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, MARCH 14, 2015, MARCH 28, 2015, APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 9, 2015, MAY 23, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 25, 2015, AUGUST 1, 2015, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015, OCTOBER 17, 2015, NOVEMBER 14, 2015, NOVEMBER 21, 2015, DECEMBER 5, 2015,
THE LOST CONTINENT OF MU—APRIL 25, 2015, MAY 30, 2015, JUNE 13, 2015, JULY 4, 2015, JULY 11, 2015, JULY 18, 2015, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015,
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is .
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . --Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at . Let’s be friends!
BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Tom T. Moore
7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
Plano, Texas 75025
United States