Voted Best Self-Help Author 2014, 2015, & 2016,
by readers of Health & Happiness Magazine.
The Gentle Way:
A Self-Help Guide For Those
Who Believe In Angels
The Gentle Way II:
Benevolent Outcomes
The Story Continues
The Gentle Way III:
Master Your Life
A Self-Help Guide For Those
Who Believe In Angels
Atlantis & Lemuria:
The Lost Continents Revealed!
First Contact:
Conversations with an ET
Would you like to have less fear, less stress, and more success in your life? Welcome to The Gentle Way website. Here you will find the MOST SIMPLE, yet MOST POWERFUL spiritual tool you can use for the rest of your life! Here you will learn how to reconnect with that beautiful being we call a Guardian Angel on a DAILY BASIS, and KNOW you’re connected! These Guardian Angels are here to assist us, but you have to ASK, and know HOW TO ASK. Here you’ll learn how to request Benevolent Outcomes. By requesting Benevolent Outcomes in your life, you will:
- Increase your Awareness;
- Feel a Lightening of Spirit;
- Lower the level of Fear in your life;
- Lower the level of Stress in your life;
- Handle Problems and Challenges;
- Have More Success in Life;
- Raise Your Vibrational Level; and
- Increase Your Spirituality
Available at


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FREE newsletter HERE
The Blogs are for people just beginning to request Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and wish to read stories about how people request MBO’s in their daily lives. There are excerpts from his second book, along with new stories. Check out Tom's blog HERE and sign up by sending an e-mail to tomtmoore6 [at] aol.com.
Each Newsletter is completely different than the week before, as Tom receives not only MBO stories, but questions for him to ask his own Guardian Angel Theo and Gaia, soul of the Earth, in meditation. Subjects covered are on every topic you can imagine, from the history of the Earth, to aliens and UFOs. You can see samples of the newsletters HERE, so subscribe TODAY!
How can Tom promise all these benefits? It’s because he has been using these concepts over twenty years now and he can report these successes from direct knowledge and experience by requesting Benevolent Outcomes. But as he points out, this is a Self-Help Guide, so it requires participation on your part.
On this website, you can read two Sample Chapters of the books, read Book Reviews, read Tom’s Biography and Appearance Schedule, read Articles he has written, view his Photo Gallery, purchase the books in the Store, and more! Explore the whole website and sign up for the monthly newsletter.
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